Wash 2: Designed by Simon Neesam for the British Cavy Council 2020. On no account should cavies be left in vehicles. When fanciers import stock from abroad they should keep it in quarantine conditions for a month, this means not taking it to shows or selling on to other fanciers or in fact being handled by other fanciers during this quarantine period. The NCC set a minimum sale age of 8 weeks. a/ The appointed chief steward/show secretary should ensure enough competent stewards are available for the whole day, with at least one allocated per table. The aim of this website is to provide a source of reference material related to the objectives of the BCC, that is freely and instantly available to any interested cavy fancier in the UK or abroad. Montreal Canadiens and canadiens.com are trademarks of the Montreal Canadiens. The Regulations are presented at each National Cavy Club AGM, where they are ratified in their contemporary form or up-dated as decided by the members for a further twelve months. (Ears should to be checked visually without poking cotton buds, fingernails, etc. 3 Entering a show 3.1 Conditions of entry. 6.5.5 Pet classes at NCC shows are foremost for new exhibitors bringing in genuine pet cavies and therefore judges should make allowances for grass stains, etc. b/ When penning, the exhibitor must provide sufficient bedding to keep the pig clean, dry and comfortable all day, show adverts should clearly state whether shavings and hay are permitted at the show venue. This show listing is an automated service which updates Monday - Friday during regular business hours. There is an expectation that junior exhibitors will be present at the show; if this is not the case, then the secretary should be informed. Please see the show poster below and the 'Virtual Show' tab for more information. For example, it may be possible for them to compete in the Junior section or the Guide Standard section. If no results appear, use Enter to do a full site search. Click here to return to schedule of Breed Clubs, Wash 2: Designed by Simon Neesam for the British Cavy Council 2020. Cavy exhibitors may exhibit their stock under a stud name and be recognized for any results using that name provided the name and the appropriate registration fee have been received and accepted by the British Cavy Council. We hope you will find everything you need to know on these pages, but if you have any questions please feel free to contact us. Such exchanges should only be made by host club members or fanciers exhibiting on the day. Currently there are seven cavy clubs affiliated with the QCC. Click here to view the National Agouti Cavy Club web site. Examples: NFL,
k/ Time must be allotted by the judges at the end of each day to answer exhibitors questions, to give a verbal appraisal of judging if so required, and to participate in any award ceremony; they should consider such actions to be part of their duties for the day. Simoneau will be available to answer questions from the media after the Rocket's morning skate beginning at 10:00 a.m. today at Place Bell. Note 6: It is recommended that after judging has finished, the judge should make him / herself available for answering questions. 4) Banq Montreal. The NCC will always consult with recognised experts and specialists before adopting any new or any changes in the present Regulations. Modifications have been made to eye colour in the Self, Agouti and Solid Agouti Breed Standards, and to the recognised colours of Dutch cavies. h/ Appoint a judge(s) and be responsible for payment requested by them. A fit larger cavy should not be given preference over a fit smaller one, purely on account of its greater size. 9.1.4 THERE ARE FURTHER GUIDELINES REGARDING THE EXHIBITION OF CAVIES WITH GENETIC OR ACQUIRED ABNORMALITIES. should be cleared from the judging table as soon as is practicable. 4.6.3 The NCC condones and encourages judges if they so wish to verbally describe their findings and decisions during judging (this can only be a one-way exercise), and encourages open discussion after judging. The club now caters for the Tri and Bicolours, Satin, Argente, Harlequin, Magpie, Ridgeback, Belted, Swiss, Chinchilla, Lunkarya, Self Caramel and Californian . 3.8.1 Members of a partnership or those who exhibit using a prefix or stud name are ineligible to exhibit in any class where the age of the exhibitor is limited if one or more of the members concerned are outside the limits specified for the class. All NHL logos and marks and NHL team logos and marks as well as all other proprietary materials depicted herein are the property of the NHL and the respective NHL teams and may not be reproduced without the prior written consent of NHL Enterprises, L.P. All long-haired exhibits can be brushed out and dried if necessary but no other form of preparation can be used. Regulations ratified at National Cavy Club AGM 05.03.2017 These Regulations are available on the NCC website; hard copies are also available on request from the NCC secretaries. They are not permitted to steward for open classes. g/ The NCC asks that Skinnies, Baldwins, Werewolf and Giants (Cuy) are not brought into the show hall and must not be offered for sale at any NCC shows. b/ Stewards are empowered to handle exhibits during the period of the show, but only for the purpose of taking the cavy to and from the judging table at the request of the judge. e/ Carry the exhibit to the table, one hand firmly under the body by placing the palm of the hand between the front and back legs. If you are new to guinea pigs or would like to find out more about the cavy fancy, you will find useful information here You can download the latest National Cavy Club Show Regulations here. You can subscribe to the magazine by cheque, PayPal or bank transfer, and in the future via our on line shop. This label should be on the ear of all breeds of cavy with the exception of longhaired varieties, in which case the label should be put on the show board. The BCC recognises 14 Specialist Breed Clubs. Jens Lindgren and Darren Fieldhouse from Sweden Jan Schop and Bertus van Dijk from the Netherlands Follow us on Facebook Copyright and Disclaimer Site Map k/ Ensure that no person gives the judge any indication as to the ownership of an exhibit not already placed and that no attempt is to be made in any way to influence his/her awards. The British Cavy Council met on 26th September 2018. Click here to view a gallery of cavies catered for by the National Agouti Cavy Club. By clicking on the appropriate link in the list below you will be able to find out more about each of the clubs, including contact details for the Secretary and BCC Representatives, Breed Standards, and links to club web sites. PSP, HIPAA, This definition appears somewhat frequently, The Acronym Attic is
It is the responsibility of all NCC panel judges to ensure that they are familiar with the Show Regulations and particularly the Code of Practice for Judges. The Information tab provides a library of useful articles on breeds of cavy and related matters, as well as links to other cavy-related web sites. For verified definitions visit AcronymFinder.com, https://www.acronymattic.com/National-Cavy-Club-(NCC).html. This is a disease control and prevention overview; it is supported by a detailed formal code of practice produced to prevent the spread of infectious diseases (a copy of the detailed code of practice is available on the NCC and BCC web sites). Please check back regularly for new show listings. 4.4.1 It is prohibited to prepare cavies for exhibition in the show hall after the commencement of judging other than at the discretion of the show organisers. With 13 distinct breeds and a vast array of varieties in every bree . In the event of an exhibitor twice being reported to the club secretary for excessive or improper preparation by two separate judges, then the NCC Secretary shall inform the exhibitor in writing of such reports. Pets have traditionally been judged on condition, behaviour and cleanliness, and these still form the main qualities on which a pet cavy should be judged. m/ Junior exhibitors aged 12 to 17 years can steward unsupervised if competent, either for open classes or junior purebreds. 1967 all varieties of cavy accepted by the National Cavy Club had their ownspecialist club, except the Tortoiseshell and the Brindle. The Regulations may be temporarily updated by the Executive Committee if circumstances are so required, but any changes must then be ratified by the members at the next AGM. d/ Potentially dangerous items should not be placed in show pens. Whichever method is used to submit an entry, it is the responsibility of the exhibitor to satisfy themselves that an entry has been received. a/ Cavies must remain in their pens until exhibitors are officially informed by the club secretary that they may be boxed. The Regulations may be temporarily updated by the Executive Committee if circumstances are so required, but any changes must then be ratified by the members at the next AGM. Use arrows to navigate between autocomplete results. To contact CAVIES magazine or to find out about ways to subscribe, please email: subscriptions@caviesmagazine.com . Excrement, etc. 3.6.2 Any person judging at a venue and also exhibiting in accordance with the provisions of show regulation 3.6 shall immediately on arrival at the venue hand his or her exhibits to the show secretary or the show secretarys authorized representative, who shall be responsible for the penning of such exhibits. The Canterbury & Coast Cavy Club was previously known as the Kent Coast Cavy Club and runs 3 shows a year which are held under National Cavy Club & Southern Cavy Club Rules. On the following pages, you can learn about the BCC, view its Objectives and its Constitution and Rules, and read minutes of its previous meetings. b/ BEHAVIOUR/TRACTABILITY/FRIENDLINESS: the cavy should be tame, easily handled, friendly and calm on the table. The Rodeo will host Family Wednesdays on March 1 and 15 with discounts and free admission for seniors 60+ and children under 12 until noon. e/ Each exhibitor is responsible for emptying their show pens at the end of the show and removing all the rubbish, and taking it off site, to be disposed of in a responsible manner. 6.1.1 These guidance notes are to be available at NCC affiliated shows and NCC Stock Shows. The show secretary/card writer will ensure the reverse of the first prize card of every breed class shows the number of absentees in that class (the front of the card must show the number entered in the breed class, including absentees). In the event of there being less than three exhibits receiving cards then any prize money due to those not awarded shall be forfeited. Acronym Finder, All Rights Reserved. The aim is to achieve consistency in pet judging, while allowing the judge freedom to express their own preferences. Exhibitors showing pet cavies, may enter junior sections between the date of their 5th birthday and the date of their 17th birthday. g/ Prepare judging books showing all pen numbers and class and special prize definitions, but containing no information as to the identity of ownership of individual exhibits. Topmeadow Cavies. Exhibitors will be expected to explain the background and objectives of the breed and the judge will be able to comment constructively on its potential. The majority of the photographs on this site have been kindly provided by Lyndon Nowell and Evelyne van Vliet. 4.5.1 An exhibitor shall be deemed to consent (unless they notify the show secretary to the contrary) to their exhibit being photographed by photographer(s) appointed by the show committee. All cavy keepers should at all times be vigilant for any signs of disease in their animals. No alteration may be made to the awards as shown on the slip for any class after it has been signed by the judge, unless the judge and show secretary both agree that a genuine mistake has been made in the awards. In this event half of the sample taken shall be given to the said exhibitor for his/her safe keeping and half shall be sealed in an envelope which shall be signed by the officiating judge and the show secretary and shall be sent by the judge with the report on the disqualification to the NCC Secretary. Season Tickets Waiting List. The pet section can be judged by a junior aged 14 17 years, provided they have the same qualifications as above. c/ Cavies brought to shows must have hay and water or juicy vegetables provided at all times. 3.2.1 Every cavy exhibited must at the time of the show be the bona fide property of the exhibitor in whose name it is entered. Shropshire SY10 8AE. No cavy should be placed in a judging stall or returned to its pen without an ear label. Those members of the RVCC Standards Committee that are in attendance will also be expected to review exhibits shown in Assessment classes. NHL, the NHL Shield, the word mark and image of the Stanley Cup and NHL Conference logos are registered trademarks of the National Hockey League. m/ It is the duty of judges to submit a written report for publication in the cavy press, and to ensure that this report concurs with the conditions in terms of format and time restrictions laid down by the cavy press. It is not usual to acknowledge entries made by post. With almost 20,000 members throughout the United States, Canada, and abroad, our members range from the pet owner with one animal to the breeder or commercial raiser with several hundred. b/ Vendors must supply each sale cavy with suitable food for the day, including hay and juicy vegetables. The monthly CAVIES magazine is the official publication of the British Cavy Council and the National Cavy Club. It is not a club or an association with members, rather it comprises representatives from each of the thirteen Specialist Breed Clubs in the UK, plus a Chairman and a Secretary/Treasurer. There is also an expectation that junior exhibitors will have prepared their own cavies for the show. It must always be remembered the removal of guard hairs by hand is permissible. Please contact Kathy who is more then happy to help resolve your. It is advised that stewards should wear a badge provided by the club identifying them as official stewards. It is recommended, whenever practicable, to hold a formal award ceremony at conclusion of the show 8 Sale pens at cavy shows. Aims: To promote the cavy fancy within Australia; to act as the co-ordinating body for Members and their affiliated clubs; to set standards and rules in all matters pertaining to the showing of cavies at National Shows; to set standards for the judging of cavies throughout Australia by members and their affiliated clubs; and to provide Allowance should be made for u/5 cavies to be more skittish than those in older age groups. To find a Club/s in your home State or City/Region just, follow the ANCC Affiliated Clubs & State Councils link, Jens Lindgren and Darren Fieldhouse from Sweden, Jan Schop and Bertus van Dijk from the Netherlands. It is in no way an endorsement of the quality of stock. The owner of these cavies should not take the animals to shows or to other fanciers premises, nor put themselves in a position where they may be a danger to others. 1 Overdale d/ When retrieving exhibits from a pen, carefully open the door, lift the cavy with both hands, one under the body, and the other lightly over the top, bringing the exhibit out head first, taking care not to injure the cavy on the door frame, paying special attention to the legs and feet. All Rights Reserved. The NCC has always accepted that the conditions and details of these breed specific Regulations will be determined in the first instance by the members of the Specialist Clubs that cater for those breeds and only when these specific Regulations have been ratified by the relevant specialist clubs will they be included in the NCC Show Regulations. If the prize money is paid out at the show and an exhibitor does not collect that due to him/her, then the show secretary/treasurer may deduct from the prize money due the cost of forwarding the same to the exhibitor and shall do so within 30 days of the show. The purpose of the BCC registration certificate is simply to confirm that a fee has been paid by someone to give him or her the sole use of the stud name when exhibiting stock at UK cavy shows. Likewise, no cavies should be brought on spec for onward sale (either in the hall or in the vicinity of the show) save through the official sale pens. Shows are three star shows open to both members and non members and we aim to promote the welfare and care of cavies in East Kent with an emphasis on encouraging breeding . Note 2: While some exhibitors may like to groom their pets to purebred standards, and newcomers may practice grooming on their pets, the presence or absence of guard hairs on smooth coated exhibits must not be used as a point of judging. d/ The NCC strongly recommend the use of a book steward to help keep to the days schedule. The Queensland Cavy Council is the coordinating body for all Australian National Cavy Council affiliated clubs in Queensland. Click here to view the Agouti Breed Standard. Sections of this page. Accessibility help. Note 4: Purebreds are acceptable as pets. The 21-year-old Saint-Andr-Avellin, QC native was selected in the sixth round (191st overall) by the Canadiens in the 2021 NHL Draft. The best three exhibits in a class, if awarded cards, shall be paid the prize money as advertised. a/ When accepting engagements, judges should make the relevant show secretaries aware if they have previously accepted an engagement in the same area of the country within one month of the proposed judging date. 9.1.3 The NCC is able to set guidelines, but believes disease control and prevention is essentially each individual members responsibility. Where shows are fun and atmosphere is friendly, National Cavy Club Show Regulations Permission is given for authorised stewards to remove exhibits from their pens for the purpose of being photographed by the appointed photographer. Impacted boar a failure of preparation, Cysts / fatty lumps penalise according to the size of the lump, Old scars penalise according to size/number of scars, Loss of coat depending on amount of coat missing, Static mite depending on amount of mite present. i/ Advise the judge(s) of the pen numbers of absent exhibits.
In 1967 all varieties of cavy accepted by the National Cavy Club had their own specialist club, except the Tortoiseshell and the Brindle. Our local chapter is part of the national organization with 700+ chapters and over 1.4 million members. f/ Sales pens should only contain cavies of the same sex. The judge shall then notify the Secretary of the NCC in writing of the nature of the disqualification, the name and address of the owner(s) and any other relevant details. Please do not copy any of these images without the permission of the BCC. Special thanks to Amy and Steve who have worked solidly for the last two weeks to accommodate 545. 4.5.3 The appointed photographer must gain permission from a parent or guardian before photographing a Junior. The Regulations reflect the National Cavy Clubs objectives of promoting good and fair competition and enabling all fanciers to derive maximum enjoyment from sharing their common interest or hobby. The agreement will see Simoneau earn $775,000 in salary at the NHL level, in addition to a signing bonus of $80,000 each season. a/ All exhibitors are responsible for not placing boxes and other equipment where they might cause a health and safety risk to other exhibitors. CAVIES magazine is the only regular journal in the UK dedicated to the exhibition of cavies (guinea pigs). If the problem persists, seek help from the show secretary/manager. TICKETS. Interest . 6.6.1 These are faults which are of such seriousness that they warrant the disqualification of the cavy: Break in skin whether an open wound or scabbed over, Head tilt/torticollis may be congenital, but could be due to an infection. e/ Provide judging tables and, when required, a table for exhibitors of longhaired cavies to brush out their exhibits. Before turning pro, Simoneau registered 314 points (97 goals, 217 assists) in 252 games with the Drummondville Voltigeurs and the Charlottetown Islanders in the QMJHL. Closing date for our southwest Championships is 8/6/19. Enter Search Term. Click here to view a gallery of cavies catered for by the National Agouti Cavy Club. Judges and stewards should have facilities to wash or be provided with and should use hand disinfectants as appropriate. a/ No changes to entries shall be permitted after the advertised closing date except where a bona fide and obvious error has been made on the part of the show secretary. Section can be judged by a junior simoneau will be available to answer questions the... Have prepared their own cavies for the show 8 sale pens at Cavy shows the use of book. Appointed photographer must gain permission from a parent or guardian before photographing junior! Exhibitors are officially informed by the Club identifying them as official stewards be responsible for payment requested by.... 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