- ruffles your hair while giving you a tight side hug and saying, - "damn, you know those words?" This might be the one time when you hate my body, whenever You tease. Yeosang watched your eyes slowly open. Oh youre awake already? skeptical at first. left you for a while, never expecting you passed out to be what hed find. He peppers kisses on your hair as you walk towards the apartment kitchen. He was both excited and nervous. Tonight, mingi couldnt get a wink of sleep. intimate with you knowing youre not comfortable? at you. And when popularity came to your path, he would be so proud! His phone slipped out to ache now., Theres no need to thank me, we just need to get you He groaned as he heard the sound of him failing the game. He leaped on the bed as you opened another album. If it doesnt end up well, hell comfort you every time. So thats why when you win an award, hell be the first one to stand up and applaud. June 7, 2022; id10t podcast cancelled . when you came home crying, hed be at loss. phone went down as your eyes opened, giving you a little bit of space. Ouch, you groaned, a lump running down your throat as you You pushed the excess hair away from his features. "you need to as well. I can to forget the look on his face though. During the past week youve been nonstop following all the ulzzangs and models. You say. drop as he took a hold of your hand. resting it against the top of your head that was pounding. Heh, sorry about that. You say. Im alright, you tried to tell him, but his head shook . Over time, poor food choices can lead to weight gain and even obesity. has a dark side, Yunho joked, trying to brighten your mood. He helped you up and cloaks your shoulders with his arms. I know, he sympathised, brushing his hand over the top of and then walk away from me like that Y/N, I cant win., Maybe Ive can you please let it go? Y/N, Seonghwa chuckled as he watched you walk around the You did as so and he carries you like a baby. he will brag about you non stop. hurt Seonghwa, that stings, you snapped, stepping aside to leave the room, Silence fills the vehicle, right before seonghwa grabs your face and pulls you in for a long and deep kiss. Just hopping from store to store and trying on clothes. He would immediately hug you back. . like that, her name slipped out before I even thought about what I was saying., Answer me For the hundredth time seonghwa, Im not kidding! Not to mention twin. The moment you get uncomfortable, He said, words tinted with poison. could go, you spoke as Yunho sat beside you, and when your manager had gone agreement with you, why dont you unpack your work and Ill sort the food out. He picked up your signal and set the book down. When you saw him walking into the bedroom, you stood up and hug him. In fact, starstruck. A gasp came from San as soon as he walked through the front Surely, was in Wooyoungs voice, Yunho knew that he was needed. dont need you sniffing around here whilst I get my makeup on, shed already seen She was scared! He grins as he walks towards you. he would be taken back at first. opposite actually, Id love for you to hold onto my hand more, it just took me You lie beside him, often glancing at him with a desperate look. Me? He quietly sang to it trying not to wake you up. You shake your head, not in the mood at the moment. A glass of water and pain relief waited for you, a cold compress It seems my side is the darkest His aura alone gave off a cozy and warm vibe that made you want to snuggle even closer. Originally posted by henderysbff. Or do you want an You then heard the keyboard keys that were being pressed, stopped. "I didn't cheat" he told you again. - stares at you with eyes wider than usual, - takes a while to process you actually swore, - ends up thinking about it the rest of the day, - "you're growing up so fast." He soon stopped and fully embraced you. Hed smile once in a while, but hed still be sad about it. . It was san chocking on water. You talk as you help him get up. There was always this weird feeling of uncertainty from the boys whenever youd be there. for me., No way, let me give you some situation you and the boys were watching a movie in the dorm. ateez reaction to you overworking yourself. Do you want me to play with your hair? just taking my body a little bit of time to wake up., You turned around and pushed against Yunhos arm, havent Its alright, just as long as youre healthy, thats the Why dont you stay and do your kim hongjoong +. April 23, 2022 . Be raised his brow. The others noticed the change in his behavior. Hed be more gloomy in interviews or promotions. You had a concerned look on your face while looking down. and waited for you to wake up after collapsing in the kitchen. You suck in a breath before actually telling hongjoong. You lie beside him, often glancing at him with a desperate look. You continued talking about your day and brought up that your brother namjoon just left you on read awhile ago. up too quickly, moving anything that had blood on out of the way so that you His body jumped as Yunho was called by Wooyoung, leaving the Do I need to fight someone? You drive to the studio while music was playing. He asked. You sigh. Oh yunho, hes just my brother. I can help you reached out, taking a hold of his hand to keep onto him. You know the kpop industry for girls arent what I keep talking about right? Not until you showed him a picture of you and seokjin together. Lets see how things go, Ill stay your eyes across to look at him straight away with a puzzled look. I find it quite comforting holding onto you, youve got nice hands., Do you want to hold on for a little bit longer than?. ", - choking (i don't know why but it seems like he has a thing for necks), - unlike hongjoong, he'd want to hear you yell, - won't even wait until both of you are alone; that's how confident and impatient he is, - "if you stay quiet just because the members are in the other room, i'll make sure even our neighbors hear you scream my name. We can break apples if youre sad He offers. Once everything was clean, he turned his attention to you, moving you into a comfy position. His eyes flickered around as soon as he felt San moving Shes just like taehyung-oppa! Are you alright? work here with me? Hongjoong offered as you picked your bag up, ready to head you didnt expect to wake up with an extremely strong pair of arms wrap around you as if its the last thing it does. You deserve better than hating yourself. You were too into your thoughts to see that the light changed to red. Its not that. Is that alright with you? You Your friend complained about how annoying her pet could be. Thats alright princess, why dont we settle on the couch? Your priorities are always anything but me, and its not fair Seonghwa.. He sits down and feeds you one. especially with the lights off., Sorry, you whispered, feeling his arms connect around your You could hear in his voice how desperate he was to get the His smile is so warm you could feel it through the screen. A lump ran down your throat as you felt Hongjoong still Check. finally stirring to see that you were already up and about on your feet, even . Tch, how stupid. smile. Youre whats most important to me right now.. He coos. ", - wants to make you beg so might tie you up to the bed, - definitely has a thing for name calling (ehem, we all know it's oppa), - orgasm denial because 'he hates getting dirty', - already memorized your sensitive spots so he'll use that to his advantage, - "beg for me. and knelt down beside your frame. Whats wrong, dumpling? to bite Y/N., The smile on your face slowly grew, Feeling distracted with every task. He enters the room once again but with a container of strawberries in hand. He chuckled and sat beside you on the other bean bag. said her name, Im sorry, he frowned, I wasnt thinking properly., Hongjoong tried He swept away the hair in your face as he slightly lifted your shirt. Always right on time when you started to wake up. When you told him its nothing, he carried you to the couch and made you lie on him. Loads of websites said that cold compresses help those who your body, pinning you against the wall. just a bunch of ateez reactions. He said before closing his eyes once more. two always shared a dream to be an idol since you were children so he wouldnt be surprised when youd say you also wanted to join the industry. And despite all his efforts, you always shaked your head no. He says, his coughs calming down. your name, but you didnt stop walking. After he dropped you off at your place, he drove to the dorms. broken your heart; I cant just drop something like this Y/N., Please, you muttered, looking down to the floor, I dont want revenge Naps becoming frequent the moment you found out you were carrying a child. Do you remember what happened Y/N?, Your head shook as you looked to San in confusion, I remember until he caught the first of your wriggles, watching your hand twitch. go and run off anywhere., As you looked back to Hongjoong, you noticed to where his One of his arms was wrapped across your figure. Your brother often scared people so you understood why mingi couldnt speak without gripping your hand tighter. He made picking you up like a baby look easy. Does anything you want or encourages you to be confident. initially, he was very opposed to it. What am I supposed to have done? You skate faster seeing that yeosang was meters away. Do you want to come back to bed? Hongjoong asked you, He gets low enough to the point where he faced your belly. , I dont like my body I guess? Ill give you the space you Click follow to become a blujoonie! What time are you due at the studio, it better be back soon, and we can carry on with the rehearsal and move on., Give it time, He murmurs in the midst of pecking your cheek. You giggle. little awkward., His eyes widened in horror as you start something in me and finally get me thinking on what to write.. Im going to - Treat yourself the way you treat your friends. He comforts you in the sweetest way possible. All his built up stress went away when he came home to see you sleeping with a hand on your belly. So I see you guys dont like y/n. By the time he got home, you were already asleep. Of course Ill support you! ", - he would be so into spanking until it leaves a mark, - also wants you to ride him but switches positions when he wants to go faster, - also very rough during sex since punishments are rare, - "count. You stopped when your sleepy eyes caught a glimpse of seonghwa. He places his hand on your swollen belly like usual. Slowly, he lowered you down once he noticed that you had noticed that San was home, letting go of a sigh as you realised where you were. I can think of plenty, Hongjoong retorted, but San refused He dropped everything as Seonghwa noticed you stumbling, he was playing games on his console. after comparing her to your ex Yunho. You groaned feeling sleepy. this one was also a hard choice, his duality too is a problem, devil san can be fire and angel san can beair. You slowly crept in the room and see him playing. fire. Wooyoung walked in and saw you. in one of the gaps, you informed him. Making an excuse to leave so you and the other seven can work things out. your side after taking a moment to take your surroundings in and realise you ", - large hands so probably wants you to cum from his fingers, - will mockingly ask you if you know why you're getting punished, - "pretending to be all innocent, are we? . You'd both end up entangled in each other's embrace by the end of the day. just making it a bit more obvious., Hongjoong poked his tongue against the inside of his cheek, no grab onto it. the energy to be able to say something up at him. Or his family? When he saw you curled in a ball on the bed with puffy eyes and a runny nose, he climbed on the bed. You let out a small laugh. You had your bed and sleep with you. Your eyes narrowed back to Mingi, I fainted? You quizzed, with He pinned his hands either side of stay here and work with you., Yunho stood up to take a couple of Yeah Im *cough* Im fine. You fainted, Yeosang simply told you, watching your holding his hands up in defence, I promise that well be much quieter next YeahIm fine, Hongjoong stuttered, running his hand along his left arm as he tried to distract from his anxiousness. Yah jagi, whats wrong? Wait wait wait. It doesnt just That was when another car honked at you. His brain would hint him a few ways of comforting you. #fanfiction #kpop You were talking about- scratch that, insulting the antagonists of a show you two were watching. explained. to budge, taking great delight in watching Hongjoong suffer as a result of the move on and forget about him; I just hate that guy., Stop, you whispered, I know youre protective, but I dont want to Unlike hongjoong, hell work his way up, building tension. At least youre enjoying yourself, you hummed underneath Wont hurt to take a few photos right? He reached across to take a hold finally realising how badly hed hurt you as he spoke. widen, shaking his head in disgust as the sounds from last night were finally Sorry babe, I cant help it He smiles. Hed be giggling the entire time. Something was definitely wrong, you didnt greet him like to usually do, you didnt even look at him. if it makes you even just the slightest bit more comfortable, its worth it., Thank you, even if you cant see how grateful I am., A soft kiss being pressed against your cheek broke you out Aish yunho were in public You toss and turn, continuing your sleep. took another step forwards in your relationship, you might have to hold on in manager when I yelled at him in front of so many others., He understands, hes misheard If we do end up breaking up, I dont want it to be because of you guys. When you saw him walking into the bedroom, you stood up and hug him. "stop telling them i taught you bad words! But why? to behave like this, he then spoke, leaving you stunned. He took out his phone that was resting on the bedside table and ordered some take out. do me one favour, please try not to be so hard on yourself when you look so closely into his side. beg until i think you've earned it. through the locks of his hair. He suggested. . Ateez! Before you knew it, your hand . You stood up and went to him. Its alright, Im here to take care of you now so you dont Blames himself a LOT. guess Ill let you stay, you smiled, lifting your hand up to begin to run you were both on your skateboards, drifting through the empty park. Sorry, he murmured, come I love resting on your boobs, Yunho innocently spoke up, Ill carry that, love. Were you cheating on him? You inform the tall male. when he did, managing to catch the moment as you fainted out of the corner of head shook, somehow managing to make his way back to the bed with only a few room. You thought it would be the perfect opportunity. You'd laugh at the stories he'd tell about the members. You chuckled and hug him even tighter. ", - "y/n said shit! How everyones faces shifted. And who are you to decide that? You set down the snacks and went back to him. You scratched the back of your neck Yeah. He pouts, upset that he almost murdered you. You quickly said goodbye to your friend and hung up. jongho when you came home crying, he'd be at loss. know how sorry I am., Yunho, San He yelled out Dont worry, well help get everything done, theres no Hes When they both learned a lot about one another, they often hang out. Is something bothering you? Hey, he whispered as he watched you stir, placing his Y/n-nie, whats the matter? Its what everyone else wants me His eye bags are caused by staying up too much. Hongjoong staring at you cluelessly in your silence. What do you mean, huh? you. without people hearing that too.. he would be cleaning when you suddenly had the urge to hug him. Not that it was that bad. Hongjoong, he said that you would I dont think you should shout at the baby hwa You said with eyes closed. Chloe. Your quiet sobs could be heard throughout the entire apartment. need to worry.. been busy these past few days, I guess taking care of myself hasnt been a For once quiet and speechless. Yunho meeting jungkook will always be a memory he would never forget. H/E/N never used i also added possible replies! The first row makes their way to stand in a line to greet the members. #yeosang British. You look at the sleeping Bear before you. need, but just know how sorry I am for saying what I did.. work, Seonghwa informed you, not to actually break up., Well, this has turned out to be a a fool., As the door closed your eyes or just dirty talk, - "bad sluts don't get rewarded, now do they? 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