With that done, make a bot.js file inside your directory. If youd like to add or remove the LP tokens, click the -/+ button and a window pops up for you to key-in what you want to do. Now, if you never have heard of AMMs before, Binance does a way better job of explaining what AMMs are than I ever could. Prediction: Beta version (Risk Level 4.5), Best Mobile Wallets 2023: Top 8 Wallets for Safe and Portable Crypto Storage, A Coinbase User Lost 206 Bitcoin Worth Almost $12,000,000 After Being Tricked By Fake Notification, How to Choose a Cardano Staking Pool- Delegate Cardano, Yoroi Wallet Review 2023: How to use the Yoroi Wallet. To get their coin listed, the WBNB team will need to put in a lot of effort. If you are interested in adding liquidity to the NBXB/WBNB(BNB) pool, please visit here. Boot your QuickNode in seconds and get access to 16+ different chains. Dabble in Solidity | co-host of The Roadmap on Benzinga YT, the place for all your NFT/ Crypto news | also write articles sometimes, https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap. ago. Our #Web3Vibes newsletter is full of free resources, QuickNode updates, Web3 insights, and more. Therefore, we need to add the Binance Smart Chain Network to our MetaMask. Tx deadline (mins) due to traffic jam writing to the blockchain, how long are you willing to wait before calling off the transaction? . WBNB is Wrapped BNB, it is used to standardize erc20/bep20 and BNB functions. Add to watchlist. Once you click on Download Now, the website usually detects your browser, in case it doesnt, just make sure you either choose Firefox or Chrome and then simply click on Install MetaMask for .. Click on Add to Chrome once you end up in the Chrome web store. Go to V2 Exchange. Oh, and always have enough CAKE to be able to vote in proposals that appeal to you. Then you will see your CAKE Pool updated. Have fun and be a part of this brave new world! STEP 3. Connect your Metamask Wallet to PancakeSwap from the top right corner, then fill in the desired amount of WBNB (BNB) or NBXB to swap and follow the instructions to confirm the transaction. "Approve" is simply giving your permission to spend coins. Select the tokens to add as liquidity. Make the selling process automated; that way you, aren't exposing yourself to risk for extended periods. Hello reader! All traits individually sorted by rarity. Ways that you could modify or improve this are endless. Click the Confirm button to collect the money into your wallet. Check out proposals listed to have an idea of what people are interested in. Click on Next and then on Connect. Good. Thank you. Perpetual. As soon as the BNB has arrived, you can go ahead and send the full amount you wish to trade on PancakeSwap. That's everything for that block of code. From the History window above, you can also check for winnings from past rounds and collect them too. I discourage you from using Online Password Storages of any kind.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'crypto_made_easy_com-netboard-2','ezslot_23',113,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-crypto_made_easy_com-netboard-2-0'); Now the most important part. Now that you have a good understanding of how the platform works and the various ways you can choose to participate on it, are you keen to get started? Before we hop into the code, it pays off to think through what we need to do. Farm the LP tokens in the farm of your choice to get more CAKE. It should! Just go through their sign-up process and put in the data you get asked for. Cunto DINERO se puede GANAR al MES? Thats how easy it is to stake CAKE on PancakeSwap!if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'crypto_made_easy_com-leader-2','ezslot_6',138,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-crypto_made_easy_com-leader-2-0'); Now, once you have actually earned some CAKE, you can choose to harvest it (cash it out) or to compound it (re-invest it). For the sake of this tutorial, I will create a scenario that I found to be the easiest way to use PancakeSwap. Also, theres an additional step in Metamask where you need to take small quiz of 3 questions to understand how transfers work. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Rest assured that these are problems with the new tokens are being created and not on your end. If you have one or the other, use the Exchange to help you achieve that ratio. And that is also why you need your recovery phrase, this allows you to find your wallet and unlock it later on. Can't see it on bscscan neither or my Metamask wallet. 2 Enter amount of USD you want to deposit. Unfortunately, this will be the final nail in the coffin for the WBNB coin, but there are still a lot of fantastic projects available. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The 0.1 is to help with the gas fees of which there are quite a number, even though the amount is a small one. PEPA. If youre eager to get started, you can skip this step. As always, you find a table of content, so feel free to skip ahead. However, those insane APRs can potentially net you some nice gains that you can then splurge on some NFTs. This is a great way to familiarize yourself with Solidity code. The next things on their roadmap as of April 2021 are: All of which are great features that would further improve the PancakeSwap platform. These transactions can be further filtered by swaps, adds, and removes. Click the Sign button and that cause the Complete Profile button to light up. This is nothing more than going to the casino and having a roll of the dice on roulette. Without them, you wont be able to recover your wallet. Unlock the wallet if requested. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'crypto_made_easy_com-square-1','ezslot_34',144,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-crypto_made_easy_com-square-1-0'); From an UI/UX standpoint I also like the gamification they did. You will fill it out exactly like this picture, except you will copy your HTTPS endpoint from QuickNode under the "New RPC URL" field. Enter, click the percentage button or slide in your bets. Click on 'Supply' when done. Perhaps these stats can help you up your game in the future? Ill provide each of the steps required below in detail, after following this tutorial you know exactly how to use PancakeSwap and you will comfortably navigate through your trades! In case you got lost anywhere along the way, here's a full copy of the script: If you did everything correctly, you could run: And see the bot start to buy any new tokens that open up on PancakeSwap! The tools, in this case, are our wallet and a node that is connected to the BSC network. You can also check your wallet to see how many CAKE tokens you have. On an exchange, you will get getting the BEP-2 version, and we will be swapping for the Smart Chain BEP20 BNB in a bit. . And that is it, this is how to use PancakeSwap Farming! You have to send it the Binance Wallet extension using the Binance Chain (BC) network and then, in the wallet, convert it to BSC (Binance Smart Chain). By using PancakeSwap Initial Farm Offering, you get the chance to participate in a newly released Farm with potentially great rewards. Whatever you decide, know that you cant change it later on, so its ok to take some time for this. Youll see some stats to give you an idea how (un)successful you were. You can register for a free trial, as well as see pricing here. Click on the round for more information. Farm the native coin of PancakeSwap with PancakeSwap FLP Token. PancakeSwap offers an internal lottery where you participate by spending CAKE with the chances of winning CAKE. You will need both the HTTPS and WSS endpoints for this tutorial. Click Confirm to continue. NEW PREDICTION $0.01 CENT IS NOW $10! Now go back to Binance, click on Wallet -> Fiat and Spot. You can also check out the PancakeSwap guide on How to Add/Remove Liquidity for more information! These collections arent exclusive by any means (most of them are on OpenSea), but you might be able to snag one at a good price here, especially for the ones designed by the PancakeSwap team. Crypto News, XYO Whats Next! PancakeSwap: Farms and Pools. For the top Input, click 'Select a currency'. Make sure to do your own research on the topic before using PancakeSwap farming! $0.0 6 1868. This new platform allows people to send and receive digital assets more quickly. Do as much research as possible and know what you are getting into. Click Confirm when youre satisfied. The price per CAKE token is $18.50. By tapping on the Trade tab, you can swap ETH for any ERC-20 tokens (which are run on the Ethereum standard). My other suggestion would be rebooting your pc or disconnecting and reconnecting to . Binance, one of the worlds largest cryptocurrency exchanges, has announced that it will stop listing the WBNB coin. Click on the Click here to reveal secret words field to reveal your secret words. Fear not, theres a way to reverse time (sort of)! Others will be able to borrow from this pool and pay fees which you can earn by being part of the pool. The downside is that page is in Beta, which means it doesnt always work, thus not to be relied on for any kind of steady income. Once the BNB is in the wallet, you can then select the amount of BNB you want to wrap, and click the Wrap button. Thanks again! This brings up a new window, asking you to Commit some BNB to back up your prediction. Keen on helping others navigate the complicated, and sometimes, confusing world of crypto through easy-to-understand articles, designed for non-techies like me. Once you have that confirmed, click on the + and choose how much CAKE you want to stake. If you click UP and the closing price is, If you click DOWN and the closing price is. After the 5 minutes is up, the results get calculated, indicated by the LIVE window changing to Calculating to Expired. Good luck!if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'crypto_made_easy_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_14',136,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-crypto_made_easy_com-mobile-leaderboard-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'crypto_made_easy_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_15',136,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-crypto_made_easy_com-mobile-leaderboard-2-0_1');.mobile-leaderboard-2-multi-136{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:15px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:15px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. Take note of the 0.1% unstaking fee if you change your mind within 72 hours every time you manually deposit tokens to the pool. If you have the native BNB currently, you need to first swap that to the wrapped version. Each kind comes with three statuses: Vote Now, Soon and Closed, ie past proposals. Click on the 'Connect Wallet' button on the top right of the page and choose the Metamask wallet you have setup earlier. You probably have heard about ICOs when it comes to cryptocurrencies (Initial Coin Offerings), which allows you to get into a new currency really early. List of Farms available to plant seeds in. Under "Recommended", find and tap the PancakeSwap button. It's what you pay the fees in. Its really easy to add custom tokens to your MetaMask! Any transactions beyond that range wont get put through. router is the address of PancakeSwap's router smart contract. 2. If you have made it until here, I hope it got clear that I am personally very excited about PancakeSwap. You should see the amount of available LP tokens in your wallet now. And the next step now is trading on DEX. The Liquidity Provider fee is a 0.25% fee, broken down as follows: 0.17% for liquidity providers0.03% for the Pancake Swap Treasury0.05% for buying back CAKE to be burnt. Steps are being taken to update the BNB codebase to make it compliant with its own BEP-20 standards. Binances onboarding is pretty straight-forward. If you guess right, you could stand to win a nice chunk of change. The results will be displayed either as a green up arrow or red down arrow. Press the three lines icon at the top-left . After all, lifes not all about making money. Disable Multihops Sometimes, swapping two tokens isnt as straightforward as A to B. We are in luck because we can directly buy BNB using our Credit Card on Binance, no need to go through complicated trades. 4b. WBNB, also known as Wrapped BNB, is a BEP20 token with a 1-to-1 trading value with BSC's native token BNB. Cookie Notice BSC PancakeSwap. XYO Price Prediction! Limit. Before executing the first transaction Pancakeswap needs to be allowed, this code is commented out. Click the Complete Profile button to Enable and Confirm this transaction. Activate your Profile. If you use Binances smart chain, you can, however, use wrapped BNB. This pair has been created within the last 24 hours. Given the skewed male-female ratio in the crypto world, the efforts from the design team at Pancake Swap is laudable, and Im buying it! Hover the mouse over the mini Help icon for a description of the Multiplier which mainly deals with the number of CAKE tokens produced in this farm. You can find it here; factory is the address of PancakeSwap's factory contract. Click on it to expand it. Clicking on the individual bunny (ahem, item/character) gives you some detailed stats and whos selling in case youd like to buy from them, as opposed to buying it directly from the platform. Top Cardano Projects in 2023: Best Cardano DApps Worth Knowing! Tap "Browser" at the bottom and select "PancakeSwap.". *IMPORTANT: Remember that all investments are risks, do your own research and be very careful when investing in these types of cryptos. If you want to learn more about their other features like staking, participating in their lottery, etc, keep reading. SSV Coin Price Prediction! Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The WBNB coin will serve as the first decentralizedbnb marketplace powered by an ERC-20 token. Im in the game. Sites can't just steal your coins by visiting them, or truck you into spending the wrong coins etc, you need to give them permission to spend in the first place (and can revoke it later if you want). However, if Lady Luck is passing by in your neighbourhood, its worth a shot! You can check out PancakeSwap Initial Farm Offering by choosing the IFO tab on the menu. Once done, click on Stake LP to get started. As of today, BTC can be traded for Wrapped Bitcoin on crypto exchanges. If you would like to check out the ABI for the router, you can find it here. Any ideas on what I'm not doing correctly? If you were to think in traditional finance terms, PancakeSwap would be a marketplace where you can buy and exchange goods. Binances new Smart Chain is now in use with a dual-chain system. 145. So, to summarize why I prefer to use BSC over ERC20: Its way faster, its way cheaper and I can use Binance to manage my assets. BNB / NBXB swap example. . That way, you see all coins listed on PancakeSwap with their prices right next to them. Floki is the token on the chain, so you send floki and pay the gas fees in bnb. FIRST, THERE'S BNB TOKEN BNB is the native currency built on the Binance Smart Chain. Swap. BSC PancakeSwap This pair has been created within the last 24 hours. To cast your vote, click either the Yes or No button and click Cast Vote. Confirm the dialogue in MetaMask and acknowledge the fee. To add liquidity on the PancakeSwap protocol, go to Trade > Liquidity. To exchange for WBNB and BNB, you will need enough BNB to cover transaction fees (known as gas) on the BSC network, which typically cost less than a dollar. The idea of auto-compounding sits well with me so Im going ahead by clicking the Enable button to gain access to the pool. If you let the script run its course, you will eventually be greeted with a receipt in your logs from one of your purchases! Once you click on Approve CAKE, MetaMask asks you for your permission, same as with the lottery before. I exchanged a token back to WBNB - been about an hour and not showing up in metamask wallet (i do have the wrappedBnb listed in my metamask)? Initial Farm Offerings (new token launch model pioneered by PancakeSwap), NFTs, and more, on a . In this page, the Current Results reflect the number and percentage of votes collected thus far. Stake the CAKE in the Auto CAKE Syrup Pool for gain. Once you click on Confirm, you have to click on Buy ticket and Confirm that your CAKE will be spent for the lottery ticket. To wrap BNB pancakeswap, you will need to have Binance Chain Wallet installed on your computer. As with any AMM DEX, when adding liquidity, you will need to deposit the same amount of two different tokens. Simple enough? Also, make absolutely sure you store it OFFLINE or in a Password Manager like KeePass. You can also choose to download MetaMask as an app on your iOS or Android device, in this tutorial we are going to use the Chrome extension. Trade on PancakeSwap. Exchange rate is always 1 to 1. If you want to see more tokens on the list, there is the option to add them through the Manage Tokens function. . HIGH STREET CRYPTO PRICE PREDICTION AND ANALYSIS! Finally click on All Done. The lowdown of whats happening in bunny land. Pooled WBNB 2.25 $ 688. The PancakeSwap interface will now appear on your screen. Because this is a beginner NFT, the cost is fairly low at 1 CAKE. Select Binance Chain (BNB) as the Transfer Network. Weird, we know. Connect Wallet. Privacy Policy. Goto the wallet tab, then click on Fiat and Spot. In this case, we are listening for new tokens to be created on PancakeSwap. Looking for a top-moving token? The usual suspects are here plus some minor players that are displayed upon clicking the three dots. Lets dive right in. An array of the two tokens addresses - [ buyToken, sellToken ] Terra Luna Classic Topluluu Kabul Etti: Teklifler 11242 ve 11243 Detaylar! The most expensive bunny in the collection. This is a short-term strategy because most of the farm pools are only valid for 7 days, so if you have a small chunk of spare time, its worth getting into it but it requires close monitoring and it is quite high risk. Get free unlimited bnb on trust wallet, Binance Backs Luna Classic Upgrades & Zaradar Endorses LUNC-LUNA Merger, Go Crazy! Paste in your BNB Address from your Binance Chain Wallet. If youre interested, click the Apply for a Farm/Pool button to get started. By clicking on the Swap button, I now have a chance to confirm whether I want the trade to happen. About; . My plan was to invest 100$ in EGLD, but I had to pay 29$(!) Before we get started with the guide, lets first talk about what PancakeSwap is and why I think PancakeSwap is better than UniSwap. Finally hit Swap to seal the deal. That is everything for our bot! I don't understand what this means. Connect your Metamask Wallet to PancakeSwap from the top right corner, then fill in the desired amount of WBNB (BNB) or NBXB to swap and follow the instructions to confirm the transaction. Use some of the LP tokens to get into Initial Farm Offerings. I think now you should know the basics on how to use PancakeSwap. While you could theoretically make money off of it, I would highly recommend making your custom changes to this to suit your risk appetite. Swap from BNB to wBNB: Now you might get asked to verify yourself if that wasnt already done during onboarding, and you need to enter your Credit Card details obviously. CEO Markus Frey and CTO Stefan Neumann lead the project from Germany. Due to the recent NFT hype, its probably a good idea to keep them as a long-term investment, especially if PancakeSwap takes off, they might be worth a lot at some point, also, they look very cool! DarkPunkToke. I HIGHLY recommend sending the minimum amount of 0.01BNB first to see if it arrives on your MetaMask. A significant number of cryptocurrency investors may be negatively affected by this decision, as they had previously planned to invest in the WBNB coin. Your MetaMask wallet is now connected to PancakeSwap. Dont forget to harvest the tokens when theyre ready! A warning will appear. I can not recommend putting a lot of money into your wallet while running a script like this. One thing Ive learnt about buying lottery tickets is always set your own numbers, especially the first one. Also, PancakeSwap has its own token, CAKE, which I have covered in this guide on how to buy CAKE on Binance. Step 2. STEP 2. Binance Uyars ve Luna Luna Coin #Luna #LUNC #Crypto #Bitcoin #LunaCoin, HIGHSTREET TOKEN HUGE PRICE UPDATE! One of the easiest ways to experience the platform and have some skin in the game is by staking tokens in the Syrup Pool. You are well on your way to becoming a bonified DeFi market maker. Now paste your MetaMask BNB address into the recipient field, select Binance Smart Chain (BSC) as the transport protocol and enter the amount you want to send. Goto your BNB token, then click on Withdraw. Connect Wallet Connect a Web3.0 wallet with the platform. The moon is made of pancakes, according to PancakeSwap, and interacting with their platform is practically a piece of cake. Once you are there, click on the three small dots next to Profile Summary and click on Add Token to Web3 Wallet. PancakeSwap is an Automated Market Maker (AMM) because it runs entirely by algorithms. However, it is not possible to change your mind once your bet is in. This is basically all there is to the initial setup. - Date.now() + 1000 * 60 * 5 // 5 minutes. Just like the Pools section, this area is all about the tokens. WARNING! Youre officially a farmer. When I put the metamask address into Binance US it said the address format was incorrect. You can do this from the settings, in the example below. These are needed as currency to buy the IFO sale tokens. It is a rather new exchange that was launched in September 2020. Be careful when adding an unknown token to the list. To access the (+), tap the (+) button. When the IFO sales are live, use the LP tokens to swap/buy the new tokens on sale. Choose your favorite wallets to connect with the platform. Clicking on an individual pool leads you to a more detailed view of it. Following code worked for me to execute a swap on Pancake on mainnet. Any token on the Binance Smart Chain can be used to make purchases in DEX and wallets as a result of this standard. Now you can choose what you want to do with your BNB. True decentralisation requires everyone to do their own bit, so if you like the platform to stay healthy, please vote. When you enter our amounts, it shows: The issue is the Step 1 button doesn't do anything. 2. It seems to be a rendering issue. Use the ROI Calculator to figure out how much you can get as rewards based on current APR. To use MetaMask with PancakeSwap you first need to go to the MetaMask website and click on Download now. I plan on buying some PancakeSwap (CAKE) anyway to stake it, so we go with CAKE for now. Adding Liquidity to NBXB/WBNB(BNB) pair on PancakeSwap. The process is pretty easy: "Enable Floki," and I click it and it doesn't do anything. Join us and stay tuned for more news very soon: Get paid to surf! The thing most of you probably will want to do is to swap BEP-20 based tokens. I want to provide you with a little trick on how to find Tokens on PancakeSwap in a more efficient way than using their interface. Visit the Liquidity page. Be very aware that this can be subject to impermanent loss due to high market volatility, so this can be a high-risk endeavor. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Here is a brief tutorial on how to swap or trade on PancakeSwap with Trust Wallet or MetaMask. Set price alerts. Metamask is set to smart chain. Once the BNB is in the wallet, you can then select the amount of BNB you want to wrap, and click the "Wrap" button. Enter the amount you want to stake and click Confirm. Make sure you fully understand the risks associated with trading newly created pairs/tokens before proceeding. hi peeps, i'm not sure if i've stuffed something, I'm using MetaMask with Pancake swap -. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links. Now you don't actually need that, just put floki in the "to" token section (after importing it from the list) and you should be able to swap it. STEP 2. With the amount of work theyve put in to design the webpage for maximum cuteness, it makes perfect sense to monetize that cuteness to bits by offering bunnies (and other types) for sale in their own NFT Market. You may wonder why they utilize the Binance Smart Chain rather than something like ERC20. Learn how your comment data is processed. To make a proposal, simply click on the Make a Proposal button and fill in the form outlying your proposal. (optional). If you know your risk level, feel free to skip to the ones that appeal to you. $0.00 @303.1627. PancakeSwap V1 is no longer supported. Simply click the - button and enter / use the bunny slider to key-in how much you want to take back. If you use the website's content without a Link, your content will report automatically and manually to the, Deploy a Frontrun Bot on Pancakeswap Start making Money(No Downloads)august20221000/day30000$/month, How to Buy tokens on Pancakeswap using Trust wallet | How to buy tokens in trust wallet #BITCOINBAAP, PANCAKESWAP YEN SSTEM! There are many tutorials available on how to make this swap, I used trust wallet for that personally. If you have any feedback, please reach out to us via Twitter. Heres an example with BornBadGirls (yeah, girls rock!). Next, click on Get Started once the MetaMask setup starts in your browser. (DPTk) 27,661,060,737.8824 DPTk . If you want to exchange ETH for Wrapped BNB, go to a search engine and type the amount you want to exchange. Exchange is for swapping one token for another. If you click on Swap and hover over the fees, you can see that the fees are as low as 0.2%, which is absolutely great! If you dont own any other currencies, BNB should show up on top. Now let the fun begin with (drumroll, please). And once you have added that, you can open up MetaMask and click on CAKE to check your balance. At that point, you can send it to MetaMask. Most Devs will be happy to answer any questions, explain any concerns, and be quick to help any way they can. Open the Trust Wallet app. PancakeSwap has their own analytics page to help users gain a clear picture of the state of things in bunny land. Other DEXs you could compare PancakeSwap to are SushiSwap or UniSwap, although those are both on Ethereum. You can find it here; If there is a particular farm youre looking for, put in the LP token in the Search section. You will also need to set up your MetaMask to the Binance Smart Chain with the steps below. You can register for whatever plan best suits your needs and then make sure to launch your node under the BSC Mainnet. If it doesnt, search for BNB in the search bar. Binance Coin (BNB): The Native Coin Of Binance Chain, How To Send Cardano From Ledger Nano S To Bittrex, How To Transfer Tokens From Kucoin To Metamask, How To Do Your Kucoin Taxes In A Simple And Straightforward Way. To learn more about ABI's, you can read our guide on the subject. MetaMask will open and asks you if you want to add the token. If you have a particular token in mind that youd like to swap for thats nowhere in the list, click on the Tokens tab and enter the tokens Contract number into the field. Binance also provides a convenient way for users to store their digital assets. Most of the time if it is a scam, you will see red flags and push back on Reddit or Twitter quickly. If youve not heard of them before, or would like to find out more about it before wading into its syrup-y goodness, go here for the lowdown. There is a $0.12 transaction fee which I pay through the Metamask wallet. Enable CAKE to confirm participation of the pool. could this just be a delay in processing or have i lost it somehow. We have the event that gets emitted whenever a new token releases on PancakeSwap. There is the option to add them through the Manage tokens function used... Concerns, and more, on a them, you will see red flags and push on., make a bot.js file inside your directory case, we need to deposit now in with. Insights, and removes 5 minutes buy and exchange goods exchanges, has announced that it will stop the. Swap/Buy the new tokens on sale later on, so this can be further by! Bscscan neither or my MetaMask wallet open up MetaMask and acknowledge the fee free unlimited BNB on wallet! And Spot ie past proposals asking you to find your wallet and a node that also... 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