Designed to irritate people with his constant snoring. Coco, also known as Experiment 052, is an illegal genetic experiment created by Jumba Jookiba and a character in the Lilo & Stitch franchise. A purple and green tapir-like experiment with squid-like arms and cat-like ears. 7.3 (76) Rate. 0 8 (2019) Experiment #255 (Mrs. Sickly) He was built to be sent into space to explore Mars. In the morning he is amazed to find the little pink pig experiment in the container instead and deduces that 140 was not a failure after all, just slightly flawed. Designed to make you look very angry if you eat his cherry. She can control all forms of weather as rain, sleet, lighting, wind, etc. Fortunately, Jumba forgot the password. "Frapp" is short for frappucino. A small Slobber (347)-like experiment with an antenna on the top of his head instead of the back of his head designed to control the weather. Was mentioned in "Angel" when Jumba said "624 is harmless early experiment. A dark blue and black experiment shaped like a diesel motor with a square pointy torso, medium-length arms and legs, a square pointy head, thin mouth, square pointy nose, dark eyes and two antennae designed to spill diesel fuel through the handle on its hand. Barks when he hears a noise. What he got was a small cute pink pig-like experiment with no desire to destroy anything. She was used to flood the town by Gantu.She stop crying from listening Sounder's singing and dances with him. After, he dance and sing for her, it turn that she can sing beautifully and control the flood, which she use it on Gantu.She sing her song telling Sounder that how she feel about him. A spotlight experiment that was supposed to be in "Spike" but was removed. The two then attempt to rehabilitate the experiments and find a purpose for them on Earth that suits their specific abilities, referred to as the "one true place" they belong. Lilo and Stitch Experiments 35 (2019) Experiment #594 (Colm) EmilyVanSlyke. A pink and grey hairy dog experiment with yellow stripes, three red eyes and brown nose. Can also use the crystals to cut glass. Designed to destroy projectiles with laser beams she shoots out of her eyes. After Stitch bullfights with him and beats the experiment, 236 is happy and gladly stops destroying things. A dark gray experiment with a large dome-shaped head with a koala-like face, rabbit-like ears and black eyes. Disney Lilo and Stitch . Designed to crank up the tv to its maximum volume. Designed to make people think the right thing are wrong and the wrong things are right. 1. Named for the acronym SNAFU. The mistake with his number was due to Jumba's untidy database, although Jumba later corrected this mistake. Designed to put sands on the floor. Lilo and stitch finds 514 to the fat man that shown only in the episodes eating ice cream. Experiment 449 was tough, indestructible and had a lot of adaptations to stop him getting seriously hurt (Vacuum clawed feet and an anchor-like tail). Designed to pick fruit from Jumba's neighbor's tree. A blue spider-like experiment with 2 spouts on her head, 8 eyes, 989 legs and 343 arms designed to bite people and make them swollen. Designed to play practical jokes, hence his name P(ractical) J(oker). He is very evil when seduced by Eve. Designed to tear up the ground beneath his feet. A green weasel-like experiment with black hair, sad eyes, drip snout and no feet. Mr. Stenchy's one true place on Pleakley's home planet, where his stench is considered a rare and valuable, A smaller blue Mr. Stenchy (254)-like experiment with puffier antennae and smaller hair. The bigger the lie, the louder he beeps, and the brighter the pattern lights up. Is a prototype to Tripsy (473). Designed to act like a parrot and annoy people with a shrill shriek. Pop, also known as Experiment 009, is an illegal genetic experiment created by Jumba Jookiba and a character in the Lilo & Stitch franchise. A tall dog/hyena like experiment with long, floppy ears and a smaller nose designed to eat books so no knowledge is gained. Designed to make you hold a grudge against your best friend. Designed to mess-up thermometers. Enguard's number is the same as pokemon no.#493,Arceus. Designed to make you extremely itchy. A purple koala-like experiment with dog-like ears and peacock-like tail. a shaking vulture like experiment.Designed to make you very jittery and nervous. Leroy & Stitch, Disney Adventures Magazine, A green raccoon/jackal experiment with a huge blue nose and a yellow spot around his eyes and a yellow stripe on his ears and tail (in his episode the spots and stripes were originally red.). A yellow Stitch (626)-like experiment, with a Stamen (103)-like face, a Nosox (204)-like tail and a Sparky (221)-like antennae. Quickly the two realize they have feelings for each other. He is voiced by Bobcat Goldthwait. Designed to give you a perfect rash if you touch him. His one true place is providing rhythm for the band Fox Roswell and the Tall Grays . Note: Finder is called 458 in his episode, but on Disney website, and in Skip's episode, he is called 158. Designed to destroy motor boats. Although Cyber (X-000) is technically not part of this seriessince he predates Jumba's numbering scheme and isn't seen in Leroy & Stitch 's experiments listhe is placed on this page for . Designed to whip you hard with its lasso-like snake tail. He was seen in pod form in "Stitch! Designed to cause constant eclipses. Designed to prevent pollination of flowers by attracting alien "bees" to himself. His one true place is with Mrs. Hasagawa as one of her "cats.". A green koala-like experiment with smaller bent Stitch-like ears. A blue porcupine/spiky cat-like experiment with long ears and large eyes. Her one true place is cutting hair at the beauty salon. A green and yellow Koala-like experiment with a slender Sparky/Stitch-like body, black eyes, Swirly-like ears, no claws on his hands, clawed feet, a Sparky-like tail and two teeth always show when his mouth is open. A big green mouthless crab-like experiment with four legs, two large claws and a window on its chest. since this experiment's DNA was switched he had the power to burn candles instead. His secondary function includes claw on the feet, exceptional hearing/smelling and a fully prehensile tail. That ice cream man keeps 514 such a years. Designed to grind meat. A dark blue and light blue toucan-like experiment with cat-like ears and a satellite dish-like tail. A cone-headed brown cat experiment with small ears and nose, tiny black eyes, a red marking that wraps around his eyes, nose and mouth and a short tail. We use cookies to enhance your experience, analyze site traffic, and for marketing purposes. He was imbued with intelligence and strength, out of the six possible attributes supposed to be given to Jumbas planned experiment 171. 0 9 (2019) Experiment #593 (Heatwaver) EmilyVanSlyke. A gray dog-like experiment with rabbit-like ears and tail. designed to give different flavors of ice cream. A tall blue Bear experiment with two antennae on his head. A tan-gray, upside-down ice cream-shaped, mouse-like experiment with an oval body, little arms and legs, a big mouth, no tail, black eyes, a round blue nose and big rabbit-like ears. A green Shortstuff (297)/Ploot (505)-like experiment with large crab-like claws at the end of his arms underneath long, squid-like tentacles with harpoon-attachments, two sharp, upturned points from his jaw and a long, scaly tail. His one true place is as an opening act for Moses's Hula gig. A small dark green-teal octopus-like experiment with a roughly reptilian face with wide mouth, small white eyes with black pupils, a small round body, little arms and legs with small hands and feet, little tail, black markings on his back, and six tentacles on his large dome head; three on each end of his head. ; Big Fun: Though shorter than most examples, he's a rotund experiment with a big butt who is a friendly soul that likes to have fun making big waves. Designed topop popcorn for Jumba's movie night. For example. Designed to sneeze money but the money is fake. A blue reptilian-like experiment with four arms. These fictional experiments, also referred to as Stitch's cousins, are genetically engineered creatures created by Dr. Jumba Jookiba in his lab at "Galaxy Defense Industries", with the assistance of Dr. Jacques von Hmsterviel who funded the . Designed to disable planets by turning adults into babies with a pink powder shaken from his tail. He looks like a male version of Millie (220) but with a different shade of green skin. Designed to be a better version of Frenchfry (062) but he only serves seafood or shrimp other than junk food. He finds Fibber (032), so he will make 290 tell the truth. Designed to wilt plants by licking them with his long tongue with plant killing saliva. A big brunette bird/bat-like experiment with a oval body, puppy like legs, a no tail, a huge head with a wide mouth, round noses, huge dark blue eyes, bat-like ears and long antennae. Designed to turn trees in to wood chips starting at the top. It was created shortly after Experiment 627. He honks his horn. Designed to cause car crashes, enter unattended vehicles, steal them and take them for joyrides ending in accidents. Tell's on everyone when they do something bad saying "He did 'etc'" or "She went and did 'ect'". A pink rabbit-like experiment with purple hair and neck and a flower on her head. Designed to turn you into an alien. She is only designed for one thing only, to be the leader. Designed to find out the enemys plans for you, but has a glitch and tells the enemy your plan. A white polar bear-like experiment. Laakso can only speak limited English and is generally harmless. Experiment 001 - Shrink. A slime-like experiment with an monster head on right side, round bubble head on left side, no tail and two tiny spouts on each head about the size of a trash can. In the. A green bat/monkey-like experiment designed to slash your car tires. Unfortunately Jumba realised he had no method of GETTING Experiment 236 over the wall and eventually created a launching experiment to provide the launch (Experiment 249 Sproing). A orange robot-like experiment with a green bumper on his body designed to bump things over. X-158: Finder See folder below When his horns are up, they cause good luck, and when they are down, they cause bad luck. His one true place is with David, lighting. In Stitch! So Lilo abandons 514 because cone already found its one true place he is truly belongs. Designed to make trash and litter appear everywhere. Designed to freeze things in ice. A light blue dinosaur-like experiment, with a huge mouth, with tiny horns above each nostril, 2 large ears, and a large body. By its breath he can turn marbles into large cones. He is a robotic ostrich-like experiment with eyebrows, green eyes, acorn-headed ostrich-like feather, blue shoulders, and alminum ostrich beak, and a brown circle with a white belly on a red beak and white line all on it who was designed to emulate the moves of a Ostrich. Since she is neutral she tends to follow her older brothers without question. About a quarter head taller than Stitch. A light brown bear/sloth-like experiment with a roundly-built body, a round face with a wide mouth, a small black nose, little pointed ears, little stubby antennae, black eyes, and a lantern chin, with a sort of swiss army knife-like gun for a right hand on a robotic arm from the elbow down, found with 149. Designed to suck up water to cause drought. A blue shark like experiment with a fin on his head, two arms and two legs designed to throw water balls. A blue Angel (624)-like experiment with an Elastico (345)-like head, Dupe (344)-like antennae, Heat (609)-like ears and a Melty (228)-like tail. If you ask what that word is. In the episode Snafu, he is shown at the Shave-Ice stall working with Experiment 344 'Dupe'. His one true place is as a traffic light. His one true place is with Mrs. Hasagawa as one of her "cats.". Pod says 6 instead of 006. Designed to give people "Melvins" (a type of wedgie). Designed to tap but not as much as 480 does. A small red experiment with a small cat-like face with large black eyes, a weasel-like body with a small chest and a feather duster-like tail. A large green slime-like experiment with cock feet, a duck-like tail and a teeth-lined, robin bird-like bill. Designed to multiply its self by 10 so it can cause 10 times as much trouble. the movie except for Stitch. His one true place is in a movie theater. A small yellow star-shaped creature with a little antenna on his head. For Experiment 552 he wanted to cause mass panic out in space. A light purple dog experiment with indigo eyes, large round ears, a small mouth, a purple nose and short tail. A round red pangollin experiment with green eyes and white belly. A small brown cow-like experiment. A brown and light orange dinosaur/armadillo-like experiment. Designed to put lots of rats inside your car. Designed to be hastily memorized. A small aqua rabbit-like experiment that resembles Houdini (604). A hylonomus-like experiment designed to burn bagels. Stitch gifted Coco to Lilo as a birthday present in the Disney Adventures comic Party Crashers. A swan-like experiment designed to make the female of any species highly attractive to the opposite gender so all the males are completely distracted and dont get any work done making society fall as the remaining women try to compete with the affected female. A pink koala-like experiment with oval blue eyes, rabbit-like ears, a round nose, a wide mouth and a fox-like tail, designed to chortle. Designed to bust things. A large fly experiment with a square head, four arms, four spines on his back and a long tail. Designed to make you speak like a caveman. 4.8 4.8 out of 5 . As 177 eats more hair, she grows larger and larger, to where she can only be tamed by shampoo and hair conditioning products. Experiment 552 is christened Astro as it is short for asteroid. A beige experiment with squirrel-like arms, body and legs, a raccoon-like tail, a koala-like face, rabbit-like ears, a small mouth, a round nose, dark eyes and little blunt teeth. When he was activated, he was called 119, and he was mistaken for experiment 611. This experiment was one of the pods in Mrs. Hasagawa's dish that was activated. A red Elastico (345)-like experiment. A brown-tan aardvark-like experiment with black patterns on his back, bat-like ears, a Wedgie (046)-like tail with a pointed tip instead of brushy fuzz, a round head and a stubby snout. possessing the blasters hanging from the ceiling to fire a series of blasts. Designed to make small icebergs only big enough to make blocks of ice. With Series 3 and a ton of psychological horrors.Twitter: His charming nature and slick words means he can literally sell everything. A red pig-like experiment with a pink stomach from the chin down, a roundly-built body with thick legs, huge arms with three small fingers on each hand, a wide mouth, a very big nose, little black eyes, little rabbit-like ears, black markings on his back and black stripes on the front of his legs. Designed to terrorize cities like godzilla from Godzilla and Reptar from the rugrats. Designed to steal picnics. Designed to make and play horror movies to scare away nosy neighbors. He only says bworp. A yellow hare/fairy-like experiment with fireworks-like tail designed to put Christmas lights to Jumbas lab on Christmas. Because of her appearance and behavior, 007 was adopted by Mertle and wasn't recognized as an experiment until Jumba saw her. On Earth 140s pod was given to Lilo as a gift from Jumba, as he thought that the little experiment was no danger. He dribbles drool downward from his mouth. A yellow Tank (586)-like experiment. Designed to tickle people who ride it. It was a beautiful day on the island of Kauai in the Hawaiian islands. A pink caterpillar experiment with a heart-like tail. A green experiment with 3 tiny Ploot-like spouts on his head. Disney Adventures Magazines, Leroy & Stitch. Designed to zap you with his ray. A small pink pig-like experiments. Named after bank robber Clyde Barrow. Designed to switch the hot and cold valves on sink faucets. Seen in pod form in, A small rough purple octopus/slug/akaname experiment with a slim body, a wide mouth, two eyes on two stocks, six spiky bomb-like tentacles and two cat legs. Designed to change your advanced keyboard to "primitive" Earth keyboard (has no effect on planet Earth). Designed to scrape up vegetation, and is also an efficient digger. Designed to heat up Jumba's leftovers. Below is a list of Stitch's known "cousins," along with their powers and abilities. A blue ball-shaped experiment designed to eat non-stop using his long tentacles inside here and will grow. His one true place is with Mrs. Hasagawa as one of her "cats." His name is often forgotten, and so he is called "Whatsisname". A baby blue blanket-shaped experiment. Loungefly Disney Lilo & Stitch Grinning Stitch with Tulips Enamel Pin - BoxLunch Exclusive. Hmsterviel escapes from prison, and the Grand Councilwoman offers Gantu his old captain job back if he can re-capture his current boss for her, while Stitch tries to find Hmsterviel first to upstage an experiment he becomes jealous of. A purple real bear-like experiment with sun glasses with green arms, designed to make racist people afraid of the color brown for 24 hours and after it they will see the error in their ways. S1, Ep3. He was the first experiment that Lilo and Stitch turned from bad to good and first appeared in Stitch! A red horse-like experiment with a fairly long, brown dog-like tail. Lilos bsta vn i Disney "Lilo & Stitch" r Experiment 626, mer knd som Stitch. Designed to give you good directions when you aren't lost. Designed to tell you "esca". A possible reference to the Harry Potter series. An experiment, that looks like a cross, between Shortstuff (297) and Ploot (505), designed to turn people into crabs. He then lived with Gantu, working for Hamsterveil going on missions which sometimes include catching his cousins. A pink and purple robot-like experiment with four blue eyes, designed to be a baby doll. Stitch, inspired by Hawaiian terminology, refers to the other experiments as his "cousins" and considers them all a part of his ohana, or "extended family". Experiment 054 was the 54th genetic experiment created by Jumba with Hmsterviel's funding. However, he had a problem with doing these tasks: he threw away anything, assuming it was trash, and tried to "sterilize" anyone, assuming they were germs. Designed to enter anybody's house and steal and eat their remotes. Designed to be a living ball that rolls anywhere nonstop. This experiment was one of the pods in Mrs. Hasagawa's dish that was activated. His one true place would be at the dump turning garbage into water so if there's a hole in the wall leading it straight into the ocean, it'll stop any pollution. Her one true place is with. This experiment was one of the pods in Mrs. Hasagawa's dish that was activated. A blue rabbit (505)-like experiment that stands on two legs with two long antennae on his head and two tiny spouts on his head. His power doesn't affect people made from a type of water like Slushy because he's kind of made out of ice & snow. Experiment 004 - Squawk. A tan krill-like experiment with 2 spikes running down his back and a no nose and markings on his forehead and limbs. Designed to make meat square. it is a amikiri-like experiment with four feet and a face. A small purple kangaroo/anteater/cat-like experiment with big ears, pointed snout and yellow eyes. Designed to annoy people with his singing. X-154: Frapp; X-155: Burger; X-156: Shopahol; X-157: Hotl This experiment's red pod was seen in the experiment profiler special feature on the Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch Has a Glitch DVD. A possible refrence to jacob on twillight. To its maximum volume a traffic light experiment with yellow stripes, three red eyes and white belly blue. Different shade of green skin to tear up the tv to its maximum.... Is christened Astro as it is short for asteroid a list of Stitch 's known `` cousins ''! Shrimp other than junk food Jumbas planned experiment 171 '' but was removed the first experiment Lilo... 'S known `` cousins, '' along with their powers and abilities keyboard! Jumba with Hmsterviel & # x27 ; s funding fireworks-like tail designed to wilt plants licking! With cat-like ears a fully prehensile tail with laser beams she shoots out of the six possible attributes supposed be. And limbs a shaking vulture like experiment.Designed to make you look very angry if you eat his cherry '' himself! 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