6-33. The FSC support operations section sends a LTO to the MCS. Identifies technical training shortfalls and when necessary trains maintenance personnel to accurately diagnose/troubleshoot mechanical, electrical, pneumatic and hydraulic malfunctions accurately using the latest equipment, technical publications, and procedures available. Minimized damage and repair costs through careful management and preventative maintenance. Platoon leaders develop good relations and coordinate with sergeants to be successful. Knowing the status of equipment undergoing repairs. Coordinates for personnel with special MOSs to support slice units equipment, e.g., combat engineers, ADA, and FA. The S&T platoon provides Class I (to include food service support), II, III(P,B), IV, V, VI, and VII, to the maneuver BN/TF. 6-1. 6-17. 7-68. The MCS provides maintenance information management to the FSC support operations. Coordinating for the recovery of BN/TF equipment. No later than 1530, the Platoon of the Week was to return to the Maintenance and the early identification of problems prevent equipment down-time and the reduction of combat effectiveness. Good platoon leaders must enforce Army standards for readiness and cleanliness consistently and equitably to maintain discipline and respect and hold troops accountable. Plans and executes contingency operations as required. Requests and coordinates if required. Again, the requesting operator receives a copy of the acknowledgment message. Receives incoming personnel and assigns them to subordinate elements as needed. Wingit quietly asks himself, "What went wrong?". Assists in the planning, scheduling, and publishing of the scheduled service plan for all assigned equipment per the applicable technical manual/lubrication order. This understanding serves as a solid foundation for subordinates' service at higher levels of responsibility. A recovery team is dispatched to perform recovery operations at the breakdown site or from an intermediate coordinated location within the area of operation. If inoperable equipment is not repairable, due either to METT-TC or a lack of repair parts, the team uses recovery assets to assist the maneuver company and may as necessary recover inoperable equipment to the UMCP or designated linkup point. Even if a dedicated company-level training event is not possible, a typical FSC will be busy conducting multiple support missions in any given week. The FSCs accomplish their core functions through centralization of support. Doctrine tells us that commanders at all levels drive the operations process. 6-28. 7-71. Forward Support Company Doctrinal Template. The CRTs provide field maintenance and battle damage assessment and repair (BDAR) to the maneuver companies. 6-38. Managing the maintenance platoon stockage of combat spares. The commander is responsible for everything the FSC does or fails to do. In accordance with commander directives, he formulates unit operating procedures. 6-27. To maximize unit combat readiness, maintenance personnel must repair and return the equipment to the user as quickly as possible. It distributes prepackaged and/or prepared food. 6-22. The maintenance control supervisor is the best-qualified noncommissioned officer in the platoon, selected on the basis of leadership skills as well as technical ability. If not, the leader must work around it by prioritizing remaining equipment. Developing the maintenance services plan for BN/TF equipment. Capt. The recovery section provides recovery support to elements of the FSC. Supervised the work of 48transportation personnel. Monitors activities within BN/TF for compliance with the BN/TF service support annex. Fuel requires a twice a day delivery, all other supplies are daily or as required by METT-TC. The supply sergeant's specific responsibilities include the following: Control the company cargo truck, resupplies the water trailer, and supervise the supply clerk/armorer. 7-66. Assists and coordinates with the support operations in all critical functions. Coordinates with division/FSB support operations section for augmentation as required. Major differences between support of an armor and mechanized battalion are that the armor battalions require more fuel and the mechanized battalions require more ammunition STONS. This article was published in the January-March 2019 issue of Army Sustainment. Fund the Force. The maneuver company 1SG sends a LTO to the supporting CRT. Platoon Sergeant for Maintenance Plt 91X40 Serves as the 2nd Maintenance Plt in the 231st BSB B. Co. Corps mortuary affair teams for MA support. He coordinates the platoon's maintenance and logistical requirements and handles the personal needs of individual soldiers. 6-45. Centralized support allows the FSB commander to cross-level between FSCs and weight the battle logistically, or surge, as required. All maneuver company ULLS-G boxes are collocated with the maintenance control section; and the MCS supervises the ULLS-G operators. The second week focuses on warrior tasks and battle drills such as the virtual convoy trainer, radio operations, troop leading procedures in operations planning, evaluation and evacuation of a casualty, and other tasks. The platoon provides supply and transportation support to the maneuver BN/TF. This section also provides Class II, III(P), IV, VII, and IX DS to the maneuver BN/TF units. *The names and logos of the companies referred to in this page are all trademarks of their respective holders. She holds a bachelor's degree in chemistry from the United States Military Academy. If the vehicle requires DS level maintenance, an organizational work order DA Form, 5990-E, is generated by ULLS-G. He is responsible for emplacing the platoon defensive sector and for training the platoon on weapons, squad and platoon tactics, and convoy defense. It ensures that subordinate elements follow the policies and procedures prescribed by the FSC commander and the FSB commander. The maintenance platoon, using unit level logistics system-ground (ULLS-G), performs all TAMMS functions, dispatching, and scheduled service operations for the maneuver BN/TF and FSC. Responsible for maintenance and accountability 2.3Battalion S-1 Personnel and Administration Officer (S1) for a training battalion in the U.S. Army reserve. Platoon leaders plan and execute force sustainment logistics operations and supervise the technical and tactical training of Soldiers to ensure their effectiveness on the battlefield or in the shop . The maintenance and service section provides habitual field maintenance for the FSC and maneuver battalion HHC. Depending on how the battalion trains are arrayed, an FSC commander could organize an orders group consisting of some combination of the following personnel: the FSC first sergeant, executive officer, headquarters platoon sergeant, field feeding team NCO-in-charge, distribution platoon leader or platoon sergeant, maintenance platoon leader or field maintenance team chiefs, S-1 and S-4 personnel, radio telephone operators within the command post, and company supply sergeants. Coordinates supplemental transportation in support of the BN/TF. The 1SG's specific duties include the following: Plan and supervise the company defense effort before, during, and after the battle. If the part is not available or has a long order ship time, the vehicle is recovered to the BSC or EAD as appropriate. Updated the database with changes in carrier status. Manage transportation assets of distribution section to include LOGPAC operations. The final week includes a comprehensive field training exercise with multiple logistics operations, such as route reconnaissance, site selection for helicopter landing zones and reverse osmosis water purification units, and sling-load and medical evacuation operations. When the CRT is unable to provide the necessary support to accomplish the task in the CFS, the 1SG forwards a CFS to the FSC support operations section. Develops subordinate leaders through an active professional development program, emphasizing coaching, counseling, and mentoring. Platoon Leaders are their heads who motivate and inspire them to complete a mission. The ULLS-G clerks operating each company box process the DA Form 5988-E completed by the operator or crew and verified by the CRT. That NBC-related collective tasks are covered in overall unit training activities. The orders group technique allows the commander to focus his time and effort on understanding the company's role in the overall fight. The FSC headquarters section, monitoring radios that had not been updated with the new communications security fill, sits listening to radio silence as the FTCP's entry control point attempts to report enemy movement to the front. Casualties are evacuated by track ambulance to the casualty collection point (CCP), consolidated, and further evacuated back to an ambulance exchange point (AXP). Maintenance advances such as the multi-capable mechanic, advances in diagnostics and prognostics maintenance capabilities, and the introduction of the forward repair system (FRS) enhances the FSC maintenance platoon's capabilities. Units wanting to improve their orders production ability dramatically should adopt a more focused training glide path. He has now delegated tasks that would otherwise consume a great amount of time. Conduct additional missions as required. Other tasks deemed pertinent by the company chain of command could also be included. Get the mentorship and answers you need from others with your experience. Conduct tactical and logistical coordination with higher, adjacent, and supported units. Samantha L. SmayFebruary 27, 2017. 6-35. Evaluates and inspects maintenance operations and develops and implements corrective action plans where necessary to comply with regulatory and statutory requirements applicable in garrison and field environments. Using FBCB2 transmit company rollup reports LOGSITREP and PERSITREP. Duties and responsibilities of the S&T platoon leader include: Provide command and control of the distribution and food service sections of the S&T platoon. The first week encompasses oral communication skills, a sustainment overview, convoy operations, ethics, and other professional topics. Wingit. The support operations duties include the following: Ensure accurate, timely tactical reports are sent to the FSC CP. This resulted in the convoy missing its specified departure time. MAINTENANCE. 6-56. Maintenance platoon leader 4-10, page 15 Maintenance technician 4-11, page 15 Maintenance control supervisor 4-12, page 15 Brigade support battalion field maintenance company operations 4-13, page 16 Support operation's readiness division officer in charge 4-14, page 16 The maintenance platoon sergeant is the platoon's second in command and is accountable to the platoon leader for the leadership, discipline, training, and welfare of the platoon's soldiers. His responsibilities include, but are not limited to the following: Provides input to the plans. QM and OD BOLCs have a week of Common Log TC, which introduces lieutenants to unit movement operations and culminates with a hands-on exercise at the rail yard. The platoon sergeant forwards an electronic version or gives a hard copy of the forms to the executive officer or 1SG, who reviews and verifies problems and deficiencies and requests parts needed for maintenance and repairs. This adds more stress to an already challenging environment. Reviews and recommends ASL changes to division/FSB support operations officer. . Managing, and when necessary, conducting cross training for mechanics in the FSC. Coordinates and provides technical CSS supervision to the maneuver BN/TF. The headquarters section could produce an order for the company's next physical fitness test. Coordinating field maintenance requirements with FSC SPT OPNS and FSB SPT OPNS as appropriate. However, once the FSC commander received the battalion OPORD at 0447 hours, he used nearly his entire allotted planning time (until 0710 hours) merely to issue a WARNORD to the platoons. The maneuver unit company supply sergeants and Bn/TF HHC XO are located in the TFSA. Sample planning timelines and key events that must happen within that time line should also be included. Well-versed in materials management and inventory reconciliation. Corps COMMEL assets to augment COMMEL maintenance. Requisition NBC-specific equipment and supply items. Serves as the Headquarters Platoon Sergeant in a non-divisional direct support maintenance company forward deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom; responsible for the accountability, welfare, physical fitness, administrative actions and counselings of 52 Soldiers; provides leadership, mentorship and training to all Soldiers in the Perform limited storage, receipt and issue of all supported commodities. Many factors go into creating a strong resume. Determining platoon equipment operators licensing requirements. Later that day, after waiting at the wrong logistics release point for over an hour, the LOGPAC is destroyed by an enemy special purpose forces team that recently entered the area of operations. Qualify 90% of all Soldiers on Individual and Crew Served Weapons 2. Shortcoming/deficiencies are corrected immediately unless parts are required at which time parts are placed on order through ULLS-G or SAMS-1. Every minute an FSC commander spends making copies of his graphics for his subordinates, building a terrain model kit, or looking up the weather forecast to include in paragraph one is one less minute that he could spend planning the actual concept of operation and synchronizing actions between the brigade support battalion and the supported maneuver battalion. These components can include line replaceable units (LRU), major assemblies, or other sub-components. 6-50. Prepared documents for shipment claims submissions. If the repair parts are not on hand at the MCS, they are ordered through ULLS-G (organizational parts) or SAMS (direct support parts). 6-55. They are physically fit and can perform under physical and mental pressures. The CRT sends a CFS to the MCS via FBCB2 requesting support. If the CRT exceeds its capability, it sends a can't comply (CANTCO) message to the maneuver company 1SG. 6-18. This program, codified in a company-level SOP, will help train new arrivals to understand company standards. Communicated with dispatchers, warehouses and customers regarding outgoing orders. Provide retail Class III(B) unit distribution to BN/TF maneuver units and supply point to TFSA units. 6-13. Throughout the course, the students lead rigorous physical training, including ruck marches and a culminating 12-mile event. The BSC or EAB for resupply assets to maintain the required quantity of materiel for push forward to the supported battalion. In the absence of the ULLS-G computer, a DA Form 2407 is then completed and entered into SAMS-1. By clicking build your own now, you agree to ourTerms of UseandPrivacy Policy, By clicking Build Your Own Now, you agree to ourTerms of UseandPrivacy Policy. 6-52. FSC commanders routinely fail to realize the importance of the Army's planning methodology for company and smaller units. The FSC maintenance platoon maintains limited combat spares and provides backup maintenance and recovery support. Coordinates supply and service distribution with division/FSB support operation and the maneuver BN/TF. During the 16-week course, BOLC students engage in multiple practical exercises to practice critical thinking and develop as adaptive leaders. Maintenance at the platoon and squad level comprises thorough preventive maintenance checks and services and accurate reporting of maintenance problems to the company. The maintenance control section is the management center for all maintenance actions. 6-57. The FSC company commander is responsible to the FSB commander for the discipline, combat readiness, and training of the FSC, direct support to the supported BN/TF, and for the maintenance of FSC equipment. Wingit pulls in his platoon leaders and reads them his notes from the battalion's OPORD briefing. The unit SOP should detail when maintenance is performed, to what standards, and who inspects it. Of the nearly 80 missions that this particular FSC executed during the rotation, only a handful began with a solid execution of the planning process through the use of TLPs. The headquarters section maintains situational awareness of BN/TF operations. 2023, Bold Limited. Establishes and monitors Bn/TF LOGSITREP/ LOGSTAT/ LOGSPOT reports IAW SOP. FSCs should treat all of their routine support missions as opportunities to improve their full operations process. The maneuver BN/TF provides Echelon 1 medical support to their supporting FSC. The FSCs co-locate a support operations cell with the maneuver BN/TF S1/S4 at the Combat Trains Command Post (CTCP). The unit commander primarily establishes the platoon leader duties. The platoon headquarters coordinates with the FSC commander and FSC support operations officer to integrate and support BN/TF operations. Task organization of the UMCP's maintenance operation is modified based on the MCO's analysis of maintenance requirements, tactical situation, and METT-TC. One method of delegating planning tasks is through the use of orders planning groups, or "orders groups." Wingit sips on his morning coffee at the battalion's field trains command post (FTCP). 6-9. (2) Prioritize the maintenance workload to support the commander's mission based on priorities received from the support operations section's readiness division. He is concerned with providing the appropriate support at the UMCP and forward. The maintenance platoon leader listens carefully but fails to write anything down. Figure 6-1. Functional Training. The CRT responds to the LTO with one of the acknowledgment messages. Conducts training and ensures proficiency in individual and NCO skills and small-unit collective skills that support the company's mission essential task list (METL). The S&T platoon sergeant is the platoon's second in charge and is accountable to the platoon leader for the leadership, discipline, training, and welfare of the platoon's soldiers. Unfortunately, this has been the case for many lieutenants who have completed basic officer leader courses (BOLCs) at Fort Lee, Virginia. Commanders should use common templates for everything they expect subordinates to complete in order to ensure the company can rapidly produce its order. The UMCP is under the control and is workloaded by the MCS. During combat, CRTs will perform BDAR, diagnostics, and on-system replacement of LRUs. These tasks could include constructing the company terrain model kit, producing graphics and map overlays, and filling out briefing boards or other visual displays to help the commander convey the plan and convoy movement tables. The vehicle commanders conveyed that few Soldiers understood their task and purpose. Sustainment courses in the institutional domain focus more on staff work and number-crunching instead of training techniques at the company level and below. The FSC is a multi-functional unit that includes an S&T platoon and a maintenance platoon organized to provide habitual support to a maneuver Bn/TF. It directs the operations of its subordinate sections as well as the overall CSS operations in support of the BN/TF. As an option, the armorer may serve as the driver of the 1SG's vehicle to make him more accessible for weapons repair and maintenance in forward areas. The platoon performs on-system maintenance. Jun 27, 2016 - O1 - Army - Second Lieutenant in Stephenville, TX. To overcome the first assignment hurdle faced by new quartermaster (QM), ordnance (OD), and transportation (TC) lieutenants, the commanding general of the Combined Arms Support Command directed that each logistics BOLC teach the basics of all logistics branches. The operator/crew initiates maintenance requests in a CFS to the maneuver company 1SG or his designated representative. Increase unit strength from 70% to 85% 7. This message includes the vehicle location and the action requested. 7-75. Coordinates retrograde of equipment and supplies with the FSB support operations officer or FSB movements NCO. Coordinates critical parts status with division/FSB support operations officer. 6-48. Coordinating the activities of the inspectors and maintenance personnel to ensure adherence to the maintenance standard. Preserve the fighting capability of the supported BN/TF and the FSC. Organizes and allocates resources to execute the field maintenance mission in support of wheeled vehicles, tracked vehicles, ground support equipment, armament systems, small arms, fire control, and power driven chemical equipment. Second, once back in the operational domain, FSC commanders complain about not having enough time to train their formations. He must be proficient in the tactical employment of the company and its assigned and attached CSS elements. As a maneuver commander task organizes the force, all or part of a CRT goes with the company teams in order to maintain habitual support. The course caps off its functional training by testing students in a comprehensive field exercise called Operation Overland. The FSC maintenance platoon coordinates backup and pass-back maintenance requirements with the FSC support operations. The BN/TF commander is the approval authority for controlled exchange actions. Emphasis is placed on troubleshooting, diagnosing malfunctions and fixing the equipment by component replacement. Human Services Counseling Executive Leadership. Make recommendations to the commander on NBC survey and/or monitoring, decontamination, and smoke support requirements. Figure 6-1 shows a doctrinal template on how to deploy the FSC to support their maneuver BN/TF. Of note, no one in the convoy had received even a rudimentary mission briefing before crossing the line of departure. Logisticians often run support missions by focusing on the administrative tasks and failing to treat them as real-world tactical convoys. They assign tasks, plan patrol routes, organize and position the soldiers under their command. Provide food service support to the BN/TF. Inoperative equipment is fixed as far forward as possible. Principal staff assistant to the battalion commander. The platoon leader leads his Soldiers by personal example and is responsible for all the platoon does or fails to do, having complete authority over his subordinates. Maintain Operational Readiness Rate of 90% or higher with platoon equipment 4. FSCs training at JMRC are generally observed to be weak at executing TLPs. Advise the commander on contamination avoidance measures. To provide quick turnaround of maintenance problems, each maneuver company has a field maintenance team from the supporting FSC dedicated to support them. 7-73. 6-31. Before the implementation of BOLC Common Logistics (Common Log) at the Army Logistics University (ALU), lieutenants were not prepared for the realities that they experienced during their first four years in the Army, which is when many junior officers work outside of their basic branches. This mobility provides greater flexibility for the maneuver commander. Business Outlook. Third, because these problems are so ingrained within the tactical side of the Logistics Corps, FSC commanders struggle to find positive examples upon which to model their company orders process, which stunts self-development. The key activity of the S&T platoon is the conduct of LOGPAC operations to the BN/TF and getting replenishment sustainment stocks from division/corps units at the LRP. Learning about all of the branches prepares lieutenants for success in any logistics assignment. The platoon leader and platoon sergeant are two of the most important leaders in the U.S. Army. The department made BOLD tactics three weeks long and moved unit-specific platoon leader tasks to the lieutenants' first assigned unit. If the repair part arrives in a timely manner, the vehicle is repaired on-site or at the UMCP. The platoon consists of a headquarters section, maintenance control section (MCS), recovery section, maintenance and service section, and the combat repair teams. He has a bachelor's degree from the College of William and Mary. Monitors the CSR and supported units' UBLs. Advises the commander on requirements versus available assets. The appropriate section responds to the LTO with one of the acknowledgment messages. The MCS receives calls for support (CFS) and logistics task order (LTO) messages through FBCB2. The supply sergeant and maintenance team chief provide input to the commander so important training events get scheduled. Utilizes automated maintenance management systems to provide maintenance information to the commander and maintenance control officer. Ensure all eligible soldiers take APFT, HT/WT, and weapons QUAL6. The use of FBCB2 enables recovery vehicles to locate the exact location of the inoperable piece of equipment. The commander should use AARs after every mission to see what parts of the planning process the company needs to improve. 6-21. 6-2. Army Sustainment - Army Sustainment (ISSN 2153-5973) is a quarterly publication, prepared at the Army Logistics University and published by the Army Combined Arms Support Command, Fort Lee, Virginia, for the Department of the Army. It covers tasks previously assigned to operator/crew, organization/unit, and direct support maintenance levels. 6-53. Coordinate and supervise the issue or delivery of supplies to the platoons or sections. Monitors customer unit basic loads (UBLs) to anticipate replenishment actions. Process and disseminate information on enemy and friendly NBC capabilities and activities, including attacks. AH64D Maintenance Platoon Leader. a frustrated Capt. The Army employs the field and sustainment levels of maintenance as described in the following paragraphs. Subordinates across the formation have a sense of ownership of the final plan and will work much harder to ensure its success. 6-23. To maintain equipment reliability, scheduled services are performed on equipment. The platoon leader leads his Soldiers by personal example and is responsible for all the platoon does or fails to do, having complete authority over his subordinates.. Provide order, receipt, and issue capability for Class I, II, III(P), IV, V, and VI through supply STAMIS (either ULLS-S4 or GCSS-A). The CRTs carry limited on board combat spares to help facilitate repairs forward. Then build on those successes until company-level operations run smoothly. ULLS-G assigns an organizational work order number (ORGWON). 6-4. He is also is responsible for maintaining the health, welfare, and morale of platoon personnel. If equipment cannot be repaired forward, it is evacuated immediately or returned with a LOGPAC. Maintenance personnel use scheduled services to replace faulty items and avoid projected component failures based on analysis and engineering documentation. This mission includes DS supply, field maintenance, and the coordination of transportation and field services. The MCS then sends a task order to the recovery section to provide backup support to the CRT. Stress to an already challenging environment maintains limited combat spares to help facilitate repairs forward is responsible everything... 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