Annabeth joins forces with the campers and goes to New York City to save Manhattan and Mount Olympus itself from Kronos' Titan army. Alex and Annabeth watched from the dock as Percy helped Magnus dive in the sea, and applauded Percy when he demonstrated. What is the name of Jason's horse? When Grover, Annabeth, and Percy sent an Iris message to camp, Luke appears on the other side of the rainbow and Annabeth immediately tries to clean herself off. She also told Percy he was a cyclops. Tyson turn told Percy to say hi to Annabeth for him. Percy and Annabeth decide to not tell Camp Half-Blood, at least not yet. Annabeth was later filled with dread when she found out that Rachel went to Half-Blood Hill, and went to see if she was okay with Percy and Nico. In The Blood of Olympus, Annabeth and Percy's relationship remains stable, continuing their partnership and romantic relationship during the war. During the Battle of Manhattan, Silena cried when Annabeth was gravely injured and helped nurse her back to health before Percy and Will Solace arrived. She also says that he is oblivious to how people feel even when it is totally obvious. They kiss, and then fall asleep. Annabeth also reassured Frank that Leo didnt intend to be mean to him, and that he just gets nervous about Frank due to his size and powers, and that deep down, he's a good person. When Annabeth heard Piper's singing, she was amazed and told her it was incredible. Frank first learned about Annabeth in The Son of Neptune but they first formally met in The Mark of Athena. As revealed in The Mark of Athena, Annabeth was assaulted by a flood of spiders sent by Arachne at night for three days. The ship they arrive on is the Princess Andromeda. Annabeth quickly uses the kite string and plastic swords to make a rope bridge to climb down with. However, Percy creates an air bubble deep under the surface of the lake and share with Annabeth "the best underwater kiss of all time. Annabeth was cursed with blindness, from the fact that she killed Polyphemus in the Sea of Monsters, using her invisibility cap and called herself nobody. In order to avenge her, she orders Annabeth to follow the Mark of Athena and hands her a small subway token that changes into a small silver coin. How does piper find out about the eidolons? Leo and Annabeth were the only people who could operate the engine room, so the two went in there a lot, with Annabeth going to help Leo in the engine room after he returned from seeing Narcissus, and the two staying behind in Kansas to make repairs after Leo needed Annabeth's help. Rachel felt guilty, and said she messed everything up. Annabeth gave a broken laugh when Magnus told her to tell Percy he kept his butt clenched the entire trip, and she promised to tell Percy. She also notices that he is now a Praetor, which makes her heart do a gymnastics routine. Before Reyna left, Annabeth gave her the Mark of Athena coin for good luck. Although her hair was said to have a streak of grey as of The Titan's Curse due to the pressure of holding up the sky, she already lost it by The Mark of Athena. Annabeth also promised to find Leo and Frank when Hazel got worried. Annabeth helps in stopping Octavian from taking Ella the harpy, when she accidentally blurts out a prophecy, by ridiculing Octavian's idea that harpies can tell the future. The Quest for Athena Parthenos is a solo quest taken up by Greek demigod Annabeth Chase to follow the Mark of Athena in search for what it leads to. Annabeth helps her mother Athena (now in her Greek form) to slay Enceladus, after which Hades sends his body back to Tartarus. Annabeth and Butch, went to the Grand Canyon in search of Percy, who has been missing for three days. She also told Jason that he was most likely a loner who survived fighting monsters before he arrived at Camp, though she was unsure where he got the tattoos. Percy reluctantly agrees to it, but only because it's the only way to defeat Setne. Annabeth is currently the girlfriend of Percy Jackson . The campers tease Percy and Tyson, with Annabeth sitting nearby with the Athena campers when the camp is attacked by a Colchis Bull. What is Athena/Minerva wearing when Annabeth sees her at the station? She gave him her phone number and he kissed her cheek, and she called him a butt. She later meets up with Jason in Cabin One and informs him about Thalia. Athena left Annabeth's dream leaving her in a state of shock not able to comprehend what just happened. Mithras was born from rock, so Annabeth tries to claim that she has passed their trials as she entered the room through a stone entrance. On Olympus, Annabeth meets her mother for the first time. and the entire wall collapsed on him. The two also found out about her falling out with Athena/Minerva from Aphrodite/Venus. They work out what Gaea wants, the blood of two demigods, one male and one female, to water the stones of Mount Olympus and wake Mother Earth. However, Annabeth got miffed at Tyson when he called Rachel Elizabeth Dare pretty. With Riptide protruding from him, he absorbs the sword's essence and learns about all of Annabeth and Percy's adventures. Annabeth started to like Luke when he gave her his knife on the streets when they traveled from monsters with Thalia. Percy gives the fleece to Clarisse and they return to Camp Half-Blood, where she places it on Thalia's tree. When Reyna spoke about Jason, Annabeth noticed that her voice sounded like broken glass. Leo also joked around with Annabeth, and could not stop grinning when she spent the night in the stables with Percy. What boat does Leo drive to go on the quest? Choose an item you would like to buy. Fire damage against a single enemy, with Splash Damage. Then, after securing Medusa's head for potential further use, Percy and Annabeth have a conversation by a motel pool the night before assaulting the replica of the Parthenon in Nashville, Tennessee. Q. Ella the harpy recites the prophecy in front of the Senate at Camp Jupiter, when Percy Jackson and his friends are trying to ward off attention of Ella's ability from people such as Octavian. Reyna didn't hold a grudge against Annabeth and actually admired her for what she did, since she never saw anyone refuse Circe's hospitality or outwit her. She suggests that she merge with Percy since mixing Egyptian and Greek powers worked earlier. In The Blood of Olympus, they were closer than ever. After removing the sheet of iron, Annabeth ran toward Luke with her hammer and almost brained him with it, thinking he was a monster. During their talk, Frank told Annabeth to "Keep it Simple" and Annabeth used that advice to help defeat Arachne, and so did the 3D model she made for Frank. Annabeth was ten years old when she heard the Great Prophecy. At one point, Annabeth takes a poisoned knife for Percy that Ethan Nakamura was using to try to stab him. In her case, she had several third-person chapters in, Annabeth is the only member of the seven to not be involved in the. In The Mark of Athena, it is mentioned that several years before Annabeth met Percy, Connor Stoll had placed a tarantula in her bunk, a prank for which she nearly killed him. Annabeth was shocked when Leo fired on Camp Jupiter, and thought that Leo would never do that and told Reyna that. Piper instructs Annabeth to contact Leo through Morse code, so the demigods could form a plan. Annabeth backed against the wall, and said she needed personal space. When Annabeth scowled, Reyna laughed, and said she is definitely a warrior and has fire in her eyes. Percy and Annabeth are just starting to talk about the subject of the fireworks on the 4th of July when three of her siblings from the Athena's Cabin jump out of the bushes and congratulate Annabeth for capturing two prisoners, Percy and Beckendorf. Annabeth has wanted a quest for a long time to prove herself to her mother and gain some . In The Son of Neptune, Percy remembers that Annabeth kissed him whenever he did something stupid. When Annabeth refused, she escaped and led Percy to a secret hideout, revealing how she met Luke and the promise that he and Thalia would be her new family. When the Argo II arrived in Charleston, Frank went to Annabeth's cabin and asked her to help him take of Chinese handcuffs, showing that Frank trusted Annabeth not to make fun of him. Sadie however, didn't know that and said she'd confront Carter later. However, she voted against Percy and sometimes cannot understand what her daughter Annabeth sees in him. Before Percy could invite Annabeth to walk around New Rome, Reyna asked to have a few words with Annabeth alone, giving her chills down her spine, reluctant to be alone and unarmed with a Roman leader. Frank comes into Annabeth's cabin asking for help as he wants to know how to get out of the Chinese Handcuffs, that he took from the Aquarium. Annabeth was also fine with Leo accompanying Jason on his quest to save Hera. When Annabeth sees Percy return (while she is burning his shroud, believing him to be dead) she hugs him fiercely, but quickly lets go when she realizes she is making a big scene in front of all the other campers. Following their victory, Annabeth's perpetual faade of calm cracked slightly when she kissed Percy on the cheek. Hazel sobbed when she saw Percy and Annabeth come out from the Doors of Death limp as corpses, and demanded that Clytius let them go, and could feel Annabeths life force wane. As a test however, Annabeth asks Arachne to make an abstract piece of art that she could show to the Olympians as a type of audition. Her eyes look calculating, like she is analyzing whoever she is looking at during a first meeting, as if "thinking of the best way to take the person down in a fight". Nekhbet agrees with Setne that Percy was foolish to turn down immortality, but Percy fights back then plummeting to the ocean. What have you done with him?" Hazel calls for Arion and distracts the crowd by riding straight through it. 7 What happens in the Book Mark of Athena? Eight years later, she would come to regret her treatment of her step-daughter and has her friends tell her she has a home with them. Frederick then told her she should probably avoid strangling him, and that he is her uncle, and that he cannot explain her uncles' actions, and never could. Annabeth leads the quest into the Labyrinth, fulfilling one of her many ambitions at last. When Percy was offered immortality by the Olympians, he saw that Annabeth was very pale and suspected she was having a panic similar to the one he had when he thought she was going to join the Hunters of Artemis. They escape using Blackbeard's ship. Thalia ended up going on the quest to rescue Annabeth, even though there was a risk that she might die in the prophecy. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Annabeth often wears a ponytail, an orange Camp Half-Blood t-shirt, and though she used to often wear her magical Yankees cap during a fight, since it turned her invisible, it has since lost its magic. When they return, Annabeth and the rest of the crew are surprised when Piper returns on Blackjack with two unconscious demigods. Annabeth ended up sending a message from Tartarus to Rachel Elizabeth Dare to give to Reyna. Annabeth joked that Estelle Blofis drooled, just like Percy, when he told Magnus about Estelle. While Percy is sneaking up on Setne, he trips and falls on his butt which makes him noticeable to the magician. Nico and the girls agreed that they needed to help Percy or else hed mess things up, and they all saved him, and in return, Nico saved everyone again, including Annabeth, by making black Stone rise in front of Kronos's fortress. Her father is the mortal Frederick Chase and her mother is Athena, the goddess of wisdom, crafts, arts, and battle strategy. Shortly after, in a undisclosed year on July 12, Athena sent him their daughter, a girl named Annabeth, as a gift. Arachne agrees and makes the design perfectly. Annabeth was devastated when Silena died and wanted to honor her, after she gave her life for them. At some point around this time, Grover taught Annabeth a wilderness survival course, which while she considered "silly" at the time, would come in handy for her years later. After Annaveth heard how Frank turned into a koi, she couldn't look at him the same again without thinking of him as a koi. She appears first in the first novel of the series, The Lightning Thief. Note: The paperback edition features a new short story, The Staff of Serapis. Two weeks after that, Annabeth got an iris message from Eurytion and learned he had left his ranch and went back into the maze, making her so worried about him she was queasy. Annabeth helped weave a makeshift bed to take him home. Piper and Annabeth later took a walk, where Annabeth told Piper about camp and being a demigod. Unavoidable Physical damage against an enemy. Frank, in an attempt to let Percy and Annabeth climb the rope, changes form into a dragon. Furthermore, she has always found it hard to "read" Nico and his actions. Hazel Levesque feels that without Annabeth there to come up with ideas and without Percy there to motivate them, the crew is slowly falling apart. Annabeth heads to the Underworld with Percy and Grover, then to Mount Olympus where she sees Luke's betrayal for herself. Upon arrival in Athens, it's decided that Percy and Annabeth will sneak in with Piper while the others follow on the Argo II since the shrines dedicated to their godly parents, Poseidon and Athena, would help mask their presence. Setne summons Wadjet briefly so that he can consume her essence and take the Crown of Lower Egypt that she wears. When Thalia was revived due to the Golden Fleece, Annabeth was the first one to find her and stayed by her side in shock, but didnt celebrate the moment because she wondered what it would mean for the future. Annabeth even told Jason about Thalia and Luke, but their newfound friendship came to a halt when he said that Thalia was his sister, thinking that he was lying. Annabeth is captured along with Percy and Tyson when they find their way onto the yacht where they find out about Luke's plan to resurrect Kronos and destroy Olympus. Luke Castellan confronts Percy who tries to persuade Percy to align with him. She tells Percy that Luke had visited her before they went into the Labyrinth, explaining why Hermes was mad at her for not saving Luke when she had the chance to. Annabeth and Rachel talked about Percy for a few minutes, and how they had no news about him, and then Annabeth introduced her to Piper. Piper comforted her by talking to her and taking her hands as she cried. After Carter gets blasted, Percy turns into his vulture avatar form, and Sadie whispers something into Annabeth's ear. When Jason is given his quest to rescue Hera from the capture of Polyphrion the giant, Annabeth refuses to accompany the quest group, partly because the prophecy states that children of Hephaestus, Jupiter/Zeus, and Aphrodite will go instead, and partly out of her own distaste for Hera. Annabeth also told her how most demigods have ADHD and dyslexia and are labeled as troublemakers. Frank was impressed when Annabeth pulled up a 3D model of Chinese handcuffs, and Annabeth explained to him how to escape them. Annabeth later pretended to tend to her Pegasus so she didn't have to say goodbye to Rachel. Annabeth is the captain for the team opposing Percy's in Capture the Flag at Camp Half-Blood. Frank almost told Annabeth about his lifeline, but the dinner bell rang. Annabeth and Tyson met in The Sea of Monsters, and she asked Percy where she found him, and was disgusted by him. When Magnus returned back to Valhalla, he called Annabeth (who was in California by the time) and told her how he was turning the Chase Mansion into a homeless shelter, and how Randolph's will was finalized. However, Annabeth agreed that Jason had a point when he wondered why his memory was taken, and helped see if she could hurt his memory back by taking him to see Clovis. The Mark of Athena. Just then, Tiberinus and his wife, Rhea Silvia, appear and tell Annabeth that they are here to take Annabeth onto the next part of her quest, as they have done for other children of Athena. Luke gave Annabeth a bronze knife, which he got from Halcyon Green, so she would be able to protect herself with something better than a hammer for monster slaying. She hardly ever shows her true feelings, often hiding worry or upsetness with raw or teasing anger. Upon finding that Annabeth was a demigod, Luke and Thalia agreed that she could run away with them and Luke promised that he wouldn't let anything hurt her and they would become a better family than her old family, a promise he would break some years later. Sadie says that they'll split up and that Annabeth could deal with the god that they couldn't remember the name of with her staff creating a forcefield around her. One of the spider webs that are attached to Arachne attach to Annabeth and Annabeth is trying to keep herself from falling. When they came back, he scowled, but he had a gleam in his eyes that showed that he was happy to see them. They also learned they could tackle problems together from two different sides. When Kekrops arrived to lead them to Gaea, Piper and Annabeth both agreed that it was a trick. Percy said Kason looks like a blonde what? Annabeth appeared on Frederick's doorstep in a golden cradle carried down from Olympus by Zephyros (or "Zephyr"), the West Wind[2]. Annabeth was upset when she found out about Nico's imprisonment, and listened to the news sadly, shaking her head, but she wasn't surprised at all by the news, and figured out he would die on the Kalends of July. According to. Annabeth once inspecting it however, informs Arachne that there is a flaw in the middle. However, Annabeth knew it couldn't have been Leo and agreed that it was most likely magic from Gaea or Octavian. Annabeth was furious when Rachel told her that Hera took over her body. Annabeth even thinks of having children in the future as she promised Iapetus and Damasen that she will tell their stories and goodwill to "our" children. Her skin was freckled with bites and cobwebs covered her eyes, mouth, and nose. While in Topeka Percy and Jason both call their steeds.. who comes in first to the call? Annabeth gets shut in a room, only to see it swarmed by tiny black spiders. Right after finishing his narration of this book, Percy reveals that after the events of The Blood of Olympus, he, Annabeth, and the rest of the Seven started the tradition of monthly Argo II reunion parties, and he is quite worried about being late to the current one. As Thalia was dying surrounded by monsters, Zeus took pity on his daughter and turned her into a pine tree so that she wouldn't die and have to be judged by Hades. However, he was determined to get to the House of Hades to save her and Percy. Later, Annabeth and Percy share their third kiss after he tries to tell her how he feels about her and tells him that she will never make things easy for him. Her by talking to her Pegasus so she did n't have to say goodbye Rachel... Learns about all of Annabeth and Percy 's in Capture the Flag at Camp Half-Blood kissed her cheek, said! Annabeth joked that Estelle Blofis drooled, just like Percy, who been! 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