.. Read all the bible chapters and listen to them when they tell you how to serve the Lord Jesus. The kingdom of God comes without observation. This is pretty dangerous because he will dance circles theologically around nearly any of the laypersons that surround him, including myself, who don't have a lot of theological knowledge and who are otherwise new to Christianity. @IsaiahSaldivar. Isaiah Saldivar preached about how revival cannot be just a one day event or a season but a lifestyle. After not going to church for several years, out of obligation Isaiah attended a church service in . Revival through the eyes of a newborn. Dont fall in love with miracles because (Mathew 24:24 For there will be false christs, and false prophets, and they will show great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the chosen ones,), (Romans 16:17 Now I beg you, brothers, look out for those who are causing the divisions and occasions of stumbling, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and turn away from them. (Ephesians 6:12 for our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the worlds of the darkness of this age and against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places). My opinion as someone who was drawn into the spiritual warfare movement and has sobered up from it. He grew up in a Christian family. This month we feature "Know the Heretics" by Justin Holcomb stanthony-hughson. This is sadly where mainstream Christianity is nowadays. 14 Adam wasnt deceived, but the woman, being deceived, has fallen into disobedience: another deception is putting your hands on the screen of television to receive healing from pastors. Suddenly law enforcement, prestige, and partying all seemed empty. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. What began as a handful of ordinary people desperate to see an extraordinary God move in power and in truth became a global revival that went from 2011 to 2019. The two have been living under the same roof since they were wedded on September 15, 2012. Here, Isaiah interprets the current world situation from a Christian perspective. exposed Furthermore, he hosts revivalists from around the country to discuss the nature of God and our calling to the gospel. It is a very strange and sick group of people at time, it is really the blind leading the blind, the sick leading the sick. My friends this is the deception of the devil to gather himself poor souls so that they can parish with him. The times are 8:15AM | 9:30AM | 11:00AM | 12:30PM. Thank you Isaiah S -deliverance is key to dominion. Jan Markell Olive Tree, Bio, Wiki, Age, Birthday, Family, Husband, Ill, Salary, and Net Worth, Stephen Roach Economist, Age, Height, Family, Wife, China, Salary, And Net Worth, Copyright 2023 | WordPress Theme by MH Themes, List of States in the US, Alphabetical list of States in the U.S., and Abbreviation of States in United States. revealing truth He got baptized in the Spirit and spoke in tongues. Isaiah is well known to be the most difficult prophet to understand, mainly because if you do not read his words by the Spirit, the text just sort of floats in one ear and out the other. Undone and deeply repentant, Isaiah encountered peace, redemption and love all for the first time on what seemed like a normal Wednesday night. How can we hope to achieve change in our nation without seeking God constantly. :19saying, Give me also this power, that whoever I lay my hands on may receive the Holly Spirit.20 But Peter said to him, May your silver parish with you, because you thought you could obtain the gift of God with money! Ten-Minute Speaker Destiny: She shares about a missions trip to the Philippines where she had an awesome experience in the presence of Jesus. Soon enough signs, wonders, and miracles began to occur effortlessly as Gods power was made perfect in Isaiah and in his small but growing prayer team. Apostate- a heretic who ignores all warnings and continues to teach false doctrines and a false gospel. Why does Isaiah have Starbucks ads? Works based gospel, This video is the eye opening testimony of a former member of Isaiahs Ministry. Since I would never presume to be the final word on any . Platforms:Facebook Instagram, Youtube Associations:Matt Cruz, Marcus Rogers, Alexander Pagani, Vlad Savchuk, Sid Roth MinistryIsaiah Saldivar.com,, CLICK HERE FOR THE VIDEO OF THE DAY ARCHIVES, We use the standard of the true gospel of Christ crucified as our benchmark. I heard you preaching so you need to be an example to your congregation. Now, Isaiah is a preacher of the Gospel. Why did somebody on this feed say A demon was manifesting while He was praying and watching Isaiahs show? Wow..Isaiah always gives and quotes scriptures. The scrolling headlines below have all the info. ISAIAH SALDIVAR AND HIS DEMONIC CREW EXPOSED - YouTube 0:00 / 43:12 ISAIAH SALDIVAR AND HIS DEMONIC CREW EXPOSED Kim Walker 4.14K subscribers Subscribe 10K views 1 year ago PEOPLE GOD IS. Justin Peters' Full Testimony. Latest Album: Broomstick City: Bronx, NYCuriosity: Brother Isaiahis originally from Sausalito, CA where he grew up surfing, free-style. God will miraculously heal anyone here who disagrees with me tell me what is broken or hurts and through my faith in him he will heal you to make you believe RIGHT NOW. He was saved by The Lord. Read More. Lay hold of the eternal life to which you were called, and you confessed the confession in the sight of many witnesses. Matt Cruz We MUST get intimate with Jesus. Isaiah Saldivar Is married and also living with his Kids. Ask Him and see what He says. deliverance Isiah Saldivar has an interesting background, he is a very smart and intelligent man, and he is very knowledgeable about theology. Show Revival Lifestyle with Isaiah Saldivar, Ep What does seated in HEAVENLY places mean!? Isaiah Saldivar is an American preacher, author, and podcaster presently hosting the Revival Lifestyle podcast. Isaiah Saldivar Isaiah Salidvar 11.15.20. 457 Likes, TikTok video from Isaiah Saldivar (@isaiahsaldivar_): "BRING THE CHURCH TO THEM! He is a podcaster, a live streamer, a public speaker, and a YouTuber. Amen. Therefore they speak of the world, and the world hears them). Understanding the book of Ephesians part 1 - Oct 14, 2022. (This is a deception and it will lead you to hell. The world! You can be on a joyful high with the Lord in your life.Many Christians were never addicts and have this joy. False prophets and pastors deceiving people. Today, he is the founder of the Isaiah Saldivar Ministries. heresy I don't think he's intentionally spreading false doctrine, but he may be misguided. Our definition will be focused on those who teach a false gospel that leads people away from the Biblical truth and those who seek to subvert the authority of God's word andsovereignty. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Corey Minor from Smart Christian Channel has a lot to say today. I thought it was crazy and fake too until I actually tried doing it! You sound like God is in a box when He made the world. ninja foodi power pitcher 1400 watts. So now we dont need faith or armor of God to protect our cars or houses. @TheAwakening209. Shes going to covert his/her friend. Some are and they can be cast out. View All Result . Today, he will continue to preach biblical holiness and reconciliation until Isaiah sees the word God gave him come to pass, in that he will,preach the gospel to every nation.. They may still profess a Christian faith but they follow and teach a false god of their own invention. God has commissioned him to impart and release believers into a life of holiness, revival, and reformation. Isaiah talks about how you don't need a good message, anointed prayers or preachers or even a worship team to get in touch with God you just need you and God. Sean Smith Turning Accidents into Awakenings Be the revival you are looking for. Boop. You are looking : what church does isaiah saldivar attend. They talk a lot about suicide, but they rarely mention resources for people to truly get help with it if they need it, they always turn to their own devices for healing, and medical assistance is a last resort. When he had given up on God of the Bible, God paid him a visit and changed his life completely. If you really look into the backgrounds of the people leading this movement, they've come from extremely narciscistic, codependent, abusive and traumatic environments, I'm not knocking that at all because I'm one of them, I'm just saying when you get sick people together, you're going to have a sick time. discernment God used all of His power to pull Jesus out of hell and then hid that power in us. :21 neither will they say, look, here! or look, there! for behold the Kingdom of God is within you) and not on tv. After mentorship and the necessary instruction, Ben asked Isaiah,What do you want to do next?Isaiah knew he had been shown a vivid vision of people praying at his house. Isaiah also uploads videos every day to his youtube channel, which currently has 475k subscribers. 191,838 talking about this. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I believe some of the things he says are of God, such as his teachings on casting out demons and apostates in the church. In this Featured Video from the recent MorningStar Youth Conference, Awake, special guest, Isaiah Saldivar, delivers a call to awaken to holiness. Unable to sleep for three nights in a row after his conversion, Isaiah was simply astonished at the thought that he had lived a lie for most of his life as an atheist. Since then, well over 12,000 people of all ages, races, and backgrounds have come and experienced a tangible encounter with God. I have heard him say several times that not all sicknesses are demonic. Isaiah has been a . Isaiah ministers the word of God through his podcast, Youtube, and books. Isaiah sees a powerful revival coming to America. He shares with his viewers all over the world the truth about the dos and donts based on the Christian life. In 2011 Isaiah Saldivar had grown up in church but continued wanting nothing to do with God or His perfect will. Saiko Woods . true gospel All of you are completely blowing my mind with unbelief. Isaiah Saldivar 6-21-12 Ten-Minute Speaker - Destiny: She shares about a mission's trip to the Philippines where she had an awesome experience in the presence of Jesus. That is why it is called the occult, it is hidden in plain sight. And this distract us to look at the things that are seen (2 Corinthians 4:18 while we dont look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not. Therefore to avoid confusion we will use the following definitions throughout this website:False teacher- a teacher of the Word of God who does not rightly divide the Word and fails to provide sound exegetical context for secondary (non-salvific) points of doctrine or, if they are in error regarding the gospel but receives correction. This video shows an extreme distortion of what a Christian evangelism ministry should be. Allen Parr ), That money they paid to go to Israel should be used to feed the street kids or the orphans for they are children of God who can not feed themselves while people are having a lavish life to tour to Israel. Need Prayer? : 10 to whom they all listened, from the least to the greatest, saying This man is that great power of God 18 Now when Simon saw that the Holly Spirit was given through the laying on of the apostles hands , he offered them money. Today, he is the founder of the Isaiah Saldivar Ministries. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Don't IGNORE If You Need Support: Click Here To Chat With Customer Service On WhatsApp Contact Isaiah Saldivar : Look up, Isaiah Saldivar, Pastor, Greg, Locke . Therefore, Isaiah is 34 years old. Gods Invitation to You is a Christian book co-authored by Matt Cruz and Isaiah. Its true that spiritual warfare isnt taught in church. Isaiah Saldivar Revival Comes When We Realize How Much We Need Jesus: Isaiah says that we build ministries and churches and wonder why the Lord doesnt show up. He owns a youtube channel where he hosts preaches the gospel. Don't IGNORE . Isaiah preaches Jesus and what He did. scam We need the Holy Ghost and power to visit us tonight. I would think that the demon wouldn't want to leave if it were a lie. If any of you had faith the size of a mustard seed you'd easily be casting out demons, healing, and praying in tongues just the same. He will give you His discernment. Isaiah, Hebrew Yeshayahu ("God Is Salvation"), (flourished 8th century bce, Jerusalem), prophet after whom the biblical Book of Isaiah is named (only some of the first 39 chapters are attributed to him), a significant contributor to Jewish and Christian traditions. Isaiah Saldivar and Vlad Savchuk are going to be discussing his latest book and discussing the important elements of fasting. A person with faith put trust in God for protection. In an audible voice, Isaiah heard God clearly tell him,I am going to use you to preach the gospel to every nation.. (James 4:3 You ask, and dont receive, because you ask with wrong motives, so that you may spend it for your pleasures. Someone gave a testimony that he bought the dvd of (Pastor Irene) and played it in his taxi and he testified that a certain person said there is fire in the taxi just by playing dvd. con man What you believe will lead you to hell or Heaven. Isaiah Saldivar brings his unique perspective in a message titled "Church in the Wild". There isn't any unity in the movement and like I said, it is lead by sick people and eventually there will be some sort of scandal or event that brings light to the dangers of it. You can be on a joyful high with the Lord in your life.Many Christians were never addicts and have this joy. Benjamin Kalu Age , Wife , Children , Net Worth. You have very, very few practicing occultists that are practice intentionally, most practice out of ignorance. This week, Pastor Vasiliy Parkhotyuk shares a message keep pressing in, do not stop fighting. Ten-Minute Speaker: Jahn : Jahn shares how the Lord moved in a great way in his life and completely changed him. Isaiah Saldivar We have been pointlessly wasting our time on useless things such as TV and social media while only spending a couple of hours with God. If people want to do it let them. His attention for the last several years has been reaching people through social media, and right now, his ministry reaches 6-8 million people per week. This reader wishes to remain anonymous. He is currently in a happy marital relationship with his beautiful and caring wife. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This Website Is Dedicated To Carlo Acutis, SUBMIT A PRAYER REQUEST TODAY Don't IGNORE, Biography Of Hon. Pray for the Holly Spirit to guide and to give you strength and to increase your faith and knowledge. isaiah saldivar Thus the mandate was simple, Isaiah replied,We need to pray and people will gather.Next with the help of his Uncle Ben, Isaiah began to simply do as God had told him; he began to pray. Jesus died as Savior, but He arose as King. Revival comes when we realize how much we need Jesus in our communities, churches, and families. Isaiah Saldivar is an American preacher, author, and podcaster presently hosting the Revival Lifestyle podcast. Isaiah and five others began to pray at his house, as a result people began to gather, and gather, and gather. KABELO CHABALALA | Judging by his performance, Lesufi's certainly not MO AND PHINDI | Transparency, integrity are fundamental in marriage "A terrible night": At least 32 dead and 85 injured in fiery Greek train Malema calls for Ramaphosa's head, says De Ruyter is a failure, fitted your feet with [Good News of peace], shield of [faith] to quench all the fiery darts of the evil one, sword of the Spirit which is [spoken word of God]. Enforcement, prestige, and families movement and has sobered up from.... Saldivar ( @ isaiahsaldivar_ ): & quot ; BRING the church to them who was drawn the! 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