Instead the upgrades youll want to focus on are the heavy chainaxe, which gives you a nasty heavy hitter (basically an AP-4 power fist), and the balefire tome, which turns the unit into a PSYKER, with the ability to cast Smite and one of the first three powers in the Dark Hereticus Discipline Prescience is the best pick of those. Having the mark of Slaanesh also means they can be blessed with Delightful Agonies, giving them a 5+ feel no pain on top of 2+ save and -1 to wound. Flamers and Bloodletters love getting close to the enemy, but do note he is restricted to Warp Locus-ing units from the same God if he is anything besides Undivided. As always, a guide like this represents a time and place. Otherwise, Psyker has a 4+ invulnerable save and can only be hit on a 4+, but his real value is just being on the table. When Codex Supplement: Space Wolves is released, all of the rules within that will then replace and supersede this entire document, at which point none of the rules here can be used. Chaos Space Marines box. You can also give one a Vox-Caster for free, in which case they count as being in range of a Traitor Enforcer (see Elites) if theyre within 24, though again this isnt super important. The Secondary Objectives available to Chaos Space Marines are not particularly good. Its not the best melee fighter, but it can do mortal wounds on the flyover and its blade struts are surprisingly nasty in melee. The one exception is in Emperors Children, who have an Epic Deed stratagem to make a nearby enemy unit Fight Last. Even Space Marines need to be wary of those Damage 2 tentacles - whatever their allegiance. This transport should see your survivability improve somewhat, especially if youre using Berserkers so stuff them on board and race to the front as fast as you can. In addition, Psykers who take a mark get a free power related to the mark and those powers are pretty good. They come with 3 attacks and chainswords, plus a -1 Leadership aura. Being a part of the oldest wargaming community on the net. From a battlebox of baroque models to a blasphemous Kill Team, it's been a busy year for the Traitor Legions - and with War Zone Nachmund: Rift War on the horizon, their work is far from done.. After 10,000 years of fighting the Corpse-Emperor's minions,* you earn the right to refer to yourself as a veteran. That said, a unit of 5 noise marine with sonic blasters and a blastmaster isnt a bad unit to have for mid-range fire support in more casual environments. Of these, Rise to Glory is usually your best bet, especially if you have a Master of Executions or two to give you more than 3 characters to work with. The typical soup play is a Vanguard detachment running a Fluxmaster and three units of flamers. Blackstone Fortress Chaos Ogryn by Craig MasterSlowPoke Sniffen. This is going to get you the most play in Night Lords, where you can prevent an opponent from shrugging off your Ld debuffs by just using the strat, though they can still just roll a regular 1. On the table Cypher is not really a huge threat hes got a pair of pistols that combine for 9 shots, including 3 at S8 AP-3 2 damage, plus he can shoot after Advancing or Falling back. In addition, a Dark Apostle is an essential purchase, as they give your army access to lots of buffs and effects through their prayers which can help make your force more competitive. So, about those 2 Wound Chaos Space Marines? This is pretty solid, moreso than the +1 to hit it used to be, and it pairs very well with the Black Legions Legion Trait, which gives +1 to hit when shooting the closest eligible target. You Give Goonhammer Writers Serotonin. They have insanely low Leadership (6 with a champion), and so will likely lose models any time they take casualties. Its 5-shot melta cutter is a significant threat to anything it comes near, and its Termite Drill will absolutely shred enemy vehicles on top of its shooting. This allowed the box to contain two sets of human-style titans, with one set belonging to the traitorous forces of Horus and his heresy. Note that if youre one of the special god legions, such as World Eaters or Emperors Children, you can only take daemons aligned with your legions god.*. On the whole defilers are frustrating. The Decimator has a bunch of different weapon options but the main one that is really worth considering for competitive play is the pair of Soulburner Petards. Chaos Space Marine armies have access to a large variety of subfactions, each with their own special rules called. Maulerfiends are fast, nasty beaters in melee that benefit from the bonus to hit that a Lord Discordant can provide, but dont necessarily depend on it. 998.M41. Last update was at 2020/10/06 15:14:43, This message was edited 1 time. When you upgrade a unit, you increase its cost by 15 points and 1 PL, and it loses the CHAOS UNDIVIDED keyword and gains the relevant MARK OF CHAOS keyword, i.e. On the flip side, this unit can be incredibly annoying to remove thanks to its Accursed Horde ability, which prevents it from doing actions or being in a Transport but gets you back either 3 destroyed mutants or 1 dead Torment each command phase. Chaos Space Marine armies have long included specialty cult units like Berzerkers and their Codex has rules for including those in your army. The other fun option is giving them a pair of claws and hellflamers. When enemy units take morale tests within 6 of your warlord, they roll 2D6 and take the highest result. That model can chant one prayer that hasnt already been chanted this turn by a friendly model and it is automatically heart (do not roll). The ability to hit the closest visible enemy for mortals is a, less useful when you cant move before firing it off (though you can save your prayer for the. Lufgt Huron was not overly devoted to the Imperium, however, and, over time, began to stray from official doctrine. The boost to flame weapons is also particularly good, and is reason alone to consider adding Rubric Marines to your army, since having a unit of Warpflamers that can pop off 10d6+20 shots at AP-2 is very nasty. This relic bolt pistol has 18 range, is Pistol 2, and S5, AP-2 2 damage, plus in Wanton Massacre or Slaughter it becomes Pistol 4. The-bog standard leaders of the Chaos Space Marine army used to be relatively versatile fighters you might consider, but have gotten crowded out by all of the options in the new codex and he really, really suffers from the loss of the jump pack option. Also, the power that Slaanesh psykers pick up . Its great for Terminators and Possessed, and particularly good against elite armies like Custodes that rely on having BS/WS 2+ and re-rolls to hit. And thats good because hes perfectly capable of acting alone, walking across the table and murdering things with Drachnyen, a S9, AP-4, 3-damage blade that does an extra D3 mortals every time it rolls a 6 to wound. Still, you can run them with a trio of Ectoplasma Cannons, where having 3D3 S7 Ap-3, 3-damage shots, each with Blast can be just nasty enough to put a dent in some targets. Their hellflamers benefit from the Let The Galaxy Burn, meaning youre throwing out 4+2d6 S5 AP1 D2 autohits every turn. This costs 2 CP if the unit is TITANIC. Chaos Space Marines only have two Dedicated Transport options: The lowly Chaos Rhino and the Terrax Pattern Termite Assault Drill. The Chaos Predator also got a touch-up in Codex Chaos Space Marines, receiving a T8 chassis that vastly improves the tanks durability. Its otherwise a bit too easy for an opponent to keep away from your characters to deny you VP otherwise even though Abaddon is a beater, hes only an infantry model with a 6 move, and a clever opponent can keep away from him, or throw their model away against a non-character target if they have to. Stratagem in a pinch), so the real value here is on the extra prayer. The CSM get four different trait tables. Chaos Marines have some OK ranged units, but generally speaking they do their best work up close and in melee. units in a CSM Detachment, using their datasheet from Codex: Chaos Space Marines, in which case they can only gain a Legion Trait if every unit in their Detachment (excluding AGENTS OF CHAOS and UNALIGNED units) is from the. Things are suddenly going to get very hot for your opponents. By default, a Dark Apostle knows Dark Zealotry, which lets CORE/CULTIST/CHARACTER units within 6 re-roll hit rolls in melee. The one exception is when you really want to take an action secondary in a matchup like Abandoned Sanctuaries against Harlequins, where none of the other actions make any sense. These combine to make the annihilator a much better tank than it was, and slightly more worthy of consideration, but still not really worth taking over a Vindicator or Land Raider. Pairs very nicely with full re-rolls to hit. prayer and may know a number of others. But if you made a Defiler much better at one of those two things for cheaper, you just end up with Forgefiends and Maulerfiends. Likewise, build your army with a thought toward how it will score secondaries and which ones it will pick. This will not be a problem for you, generally speaking there are a very limited number of HQ slots for you to work with and youll rarely want to double up on these units. This power has a place in every competitive list. The Master of Possession is one of the games best psyker units, and Chaos Legionnaire units can take a psyker as well for additional versatility and the ability to toss out mortal wounds. Daemon weapons saw a large change with the new Codex; now they upgrade weapons more generally, adding cool effects. Pick one visible enemy unit within 9 of the caster. Writer, Editor, Texas Native, and Austinite for 15+ years, Adam covers all things Tabletop Gaming. The Heldrake has seen some outside play in some Iron Warriors lists but trust me when I tell you that the Heldrake is just going to break your heart. In a fun twist, this can be used to give your model a. relic, provided its replacing a weapon, so your murdermonster warlord can have two relics if one is an upgraded weapon, though note you cant use this if the model has a Daemon Weapon, limiting its effectiveness. Ah, the mighty Chaos Cultist. This message was edited 1 time. Until the next Psychic Phase, when that unit makes a melee attack, unmodified hit rolls of 6 automatically wound the target and these auto-wounds are considered to have been made by unmodified wound rolls of 6, so theyll trigger rules that rely on rolling 6s to wound. on the caster in a unit if you take two of these. In addition, Chaos Space Marines have Daemon Weapons, special Relic upgrades for weapons, most of which require a specific mark of Chaos. The unit can have a heavy weapon or special weapon for every five models, though this typically wont be worth the cost outside of the odd meltagun here and there. Word Bearers Esoterist / Diabolist Credit: RichyP. Hes always got the AGENT OF CHAOS keyword, and if your army includes any CHAOS LORD models (which includes the likes of Abaddon, Lucius, Haarken, and Huron Blackheart, he can be included in a detachment without taking up a slot. This is OK, but the number of situations where it matters are pretty small and usually you want other effects on your Warlord. This is a powerful effect on the surface, but the power is both difficult to cast and also not as good as youd think in a post-Armour of Contempt world: You really dont have the weapons to put most threats on a 6+ or worse save, making this something where youll often find that the targets 5+ armour save is just as bad as their invuln would have been. Ah the poor Helbrute. Units with this ability can be set up in blasphemous reserves instead of on the battlefield. Get +1 to your Psychic tests and each time you make a Psychic test, if you roll an unmodified 9+ to cast, the power or action cant be denied. In similar fashion to the Land Raider, the Chaos Vindicator gets an upgrade in Codex: Chaos Space Marines, gaining an extra wound and trading out its gun for one thats AP-4 and Heavy D3+3 shots, giving it a ton more consistency. Look how they massacred my boy. Blessed by all four Chaos Gods but loyal to none, he leads the reborn and remixed Sons of Horus now known as the Black Legion and incorporating parts of all traitor legions in a never-ending crusade against the Imperium. Which isnt bad, but it also doesnt deliver enough for that cost. But I dont think we need to go there to make the point Im trying to make here: Two wound Cult Marines are going to be amazing. Whether teleporting in or walking up the table, they can reliably put out some solid shots, though theyre much more effective against smaller targets where their Warp Hail firing mode (D6+9 shots) can let them casually wipe units off the table than they are when it comes to firing heavier modes, though even their focused shots throwing out D3 S9 Ap-3 4 damage shots each are nothing to sneeze at. Re-roll hit rolls for melee attacks made by friendly CORE, CULTISTS, or CHARACTER units within 6 of this priest. Ability helps nearby Traitor Guardsmen units automatically pass Combat Attrition tests, which isnt particularly valuable given they only come in units of 10. At the end of your turn, score 1 VP for each enemy unit that was destroyed by a TRAITORIS ASTARTES unit from your army this turn and was within range of an objective marker at the start of this turn. Whats more defensive than a meat shield? Look, this is really, really good. Your chaos marines can have 2 wounds, today. As I said this is not a legal issue but it is a consumer rights issue and retailers are expected to act fairly towards customers in ways that arent explicitly backed up by legislation. Each one throws out 2D3 shots and every hit generates a mortal wound on a wound roll of 2+, meaning that on average a Decimator will toss out 8 shots, score 6-8 hits depending on bonuses to hit and your Wanton, and turn those into 6ish mortal wounds. Heres the Quote from Games Workshop: And as for future codexes for other genetically engineered transhuman warriors (both of the shiny grey and spikey variety), the same will apply to them. Well talk more about these units in their respective sections. Chosen, Possessed, and Terminators can all become nightmares to shift with 3-wounds and countless durability synergies. Abaddon the Despoiler cannot be everywhere so he uses Haarken Worldclaimer as his voice and mouthpiece. If you happen to have them in an Emperors Children list, they also get the Slaanesh keyword, and become a solid target for Delightful Agonies. Chaos Space Marines have some of the games best melee threats Possessed, Abaddon, Chaos Space Marines, Lords Discordant, Masters of Executions, and Chosen are all absolutely nasty threats, and you can make most of them even better with relics, warlord traits, and upgrades. Im starting to think thats not a Tyranid wing. All TRAITORIS ASTARTES units (excluding CULTISTS, SLAVES TO DARKNESS, and AGENTS OF CHAOS) with this ability gain a Legion Trait, provided every unit in your army is from the same Legion. The Mark of Slaanesh is just really, really good. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google. and their inbuilt re-rolls to wound to wound T6-9 targets 75% of the time. is just really, really good. Black Templars vs. Night Lords. Not enough value because they become invalidated so quickly. Yeah. That said, this is typically a stronger play for Thousand Sons than it is for Chaos Space Marines, and so you tend to see fewer soup lists since the Emperors Children + Tzeentch Daemons loophole was largely closed. Use at the end of the Reinforcements step of your opponents Movement phase. The Decimator is a unit thats managed to stick around in some competitive lists despite losing its access to easy re-rolls and the ability to push out tons of extra hits with modified hit rolls. Combos well with Pact of Flesh to get back protected wounds. And also Im pretty sure Chaos is getting some NASTY new tricks. And in this upcoming codex, Chaos Space Marine Legionaries are getting rules to . 2 Wound Chaos Space Marines are FINALLY coming! * We know youve been waiting patiently, and your time is soon! Its a meaty rule that has two potentially game-changing effects. This is reason enough to take the mark of Tzeentch on some units, since it helps you cast one of your key spells. Still, 6 is a good range, and this can combo well with something like Infernal Gaze where you can use the effects to get up to 4 mortal wounds on a target that might otherwise be untargetable. No challenge to their status intended. The third walking Lord of War for Chaos Space Marines, the Brass Scorpion is a bit more of a melee threat than most, with a pair of hellcrusher claws that do flat 6 damage (2 on the sweep) and 6 attacks base. Pick a unit within 18. Eventually they managed to reform through strength of will alone, and that strength came from one of the Sons of Horus most powerful and fearsome warriors: Abaddon. That said, it may not often be what you want out of your Dark Apostle. One of those is probably a Master of Possession, and you wont be fighting with him, which leaves at most 2-4 characters to work with. Also great for getting out some of those extra god powers, or occasionally throwing out a random smite after youve cast your buff powers to help finish a target off. They get some marginal play out of being CORE, but theres nothing they offer that you cant get better from Contemptors or Decimators. Last update was at 2020/10/06 11:11:02, This message was edited 1 time. Theyre liable to start dying quickly when they get hit back, so make your first attack count. This is really, really good re-rolling wounds is great, and this gives you the built-in ability to fish for mortals on 6s. Alex McHugh Alex loves nothing more than pushing his beloved Word Bearers Chaos Space Marines around Warhammer 40k's dark future and devouring Horus Heresy novels. The actions rider is a nice addition, though most of the actions people actually do these days finish at the end of their turn, so youll seldom use the first part unless its to prevent an action from being started the following turn. Free delivery for many products. Your warlord can re-roll wound rolls in melee. Names, trademarks, and images copyright theirrespective owner. From there you have a number of options for the unit, mostly based on the kill team upgrade options. There isnt really a place for them in most armies but there have been some successful lists that run 1-2 units of them when the strategy calls for a more aggressive approach, or one thats not running Raise the Banners High. Cadia, the bastion world guarding the Eye of Terror, has fallen, and a vast storm of warp energy has ripped the galaxy in two. They make wonderful backfield objective holders if they can stay out of line of sight, they raise banners just as well as more expensive units, they make wonderful screens, and theyre garbage enough that shooting them will almost certainly be a waste of bullets for your opponent. On top of that you can give him a Techn-virus injector (do this), to give him +1 damage against VEHICLE units. How it will score secondaries and which ones it will pick, Native. 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