Either way, it really pays to understand both sides of this one, because you cant change minds or win arguments without understanding your oppositions POV. var oldonload = window.onload; The sovereignty of approximately 600 distinctly different cultural/language groups was never ceded. But we are ready to rectify this. Men's Journal is a rugged and refined lifestyle publication covering the coolest new gear, luxury and adventure travel, food and drink, health and fitness, and more. We hope that a constructive conversation can continue with the Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander groups so we can find an inclusive day to celebrate our Australian Day. // console.log('force ' + all_links.href); Having lived on this continent for close to 80,000 years and surviving the violence of colonisation and ongoing injustices of non-Indigenous settlement, the voices of First Peoples cannot be dismissed. Its assumed by all Australians that January 26th was the day that the First Fleet landed in the land that more than 500 indigenous groups and about 750,000 people occupied. ': Remote NT mayor questions response time for flood evacuations, Labor set a superannuation trap and Dutton immediatelytook the bait, Here's what the super tax changes will mean for you, British police find remains of baby during search for missing infant, Station master arrested, transport minister resigns after fatal train crash where fiery carriages reached 1,300C, Ukraine retreat from Bakhmut could leave the rest of Donetsk open to Russia, Australia Day protests have swelled and tens of thousands of people, The survey was conducted by Vox Pop Labs for the ABC and is one of the largest conducted in the country, one of the Australia Talks survey questions on which men and women were most divided, Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander), In a landmark legal outcome, this unusual and very beautiful evidence was crucial, 'A disservice to the game of cricket': Pitch for third Australia-India Test bagged after 14 wickets on day one, One reason Australian wages are depressed? And they are wrong for seven reasons. What is Australia Day? In 2017, national youth radio station triple j announced it was moving its annual Hottest 100 music countdown from January 26 to another date close by. There are many things we want to celebrate about Australia, but 26 January doesn't represent an inclusive day for everyone. January 26 is the legacy of the horrific past and the connection of this trauma to the present. The survey was conducted by Vox Pop Labs for the ABC and is one of the largest conducted in the country. } de 2014 . Lets focus on the ways we can dismantle the more urgent challenges, rather than focusing on the date of this one day. The number of people who agree with that sentiment has jumped by 12 percentage points since the last Australia Talks survey in 2019 one of the biggest moves in public sentiment between the two surveys. Karen Wyld is an author, living by the coast in South Australia. For white Australians, changing the date will simply mean coming together on a different day and the public holiday would still take place. } // console.log('Changed ' + all_links.href); In calling for a change to the date of Australia Day (yes, it's that time of the year again) Ester Gaia (CT, January 13) uses the emotive "British invasion and occupation" language to try to reduce the significance of the date. To many Australians, Australia Day is just another day off. Australian Ethical will also nominate a new date to acknowledge our own Australia Day in the office, celebrating what makes us proud about our nation. function external_links_in_new_windows_loop() { And, now the insensitivity is well known, its selfish not to change the date again. The unfortunate reality for the Australia Day Council, and for the rest of the nation, is that this isnt an issue that is ever going to go away. "Part of that is understanding the perspective of the other, and in this case it's about January 26, and possibly changing that date.". Changing the date is accountability, its saying that we f**ked up, real bad. The Hottest 100 wasnt created as an Australia Day celebration.. That was the day that Australias course changed forever. Write letters to your elected officials and demand change. So, how do we go about actually making this change? Trans-generational, or inherited trauma, is real meaning that the agony of colonisation is still felt by many Indigenous Australians today. But that's actually a false assumption. Its like an official slap in the face of the Aboriginal people. In 2004, a Newspoll survey that asked if the date of Australia Day should be moved to one that is not associated with European settlement found 79 per cent of respondents favoured no change, 15 . (Supplied: Australian War Memorial)January 28. The commemoration of this day has grown contentious in recent years as a result of a "change the date" campaign, in which supporters demand that Australia Day be moved from January 26 to May 9. Crescent Wealth acknowledges and pays respect to the past, present and future Traditional Custodians and Elders of this nation and the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Two-factor authentication (2FA) should also be enabled. Planning the change process and troubleshooting and reporting bugs with vendors. We need to move to a date that is inclusive of all Australians. Lets have a national day of celebration that includeseveryone. } By the 1900s the Indigenous population was estimated to have reduced by 90%. Luke Pearson is a Gamilaroi man living in NSW. In 1938, 100 Aboriginal people from across the country chose thatdate to meet to condemn "the degrading and humiliating" treatment of Indigenous communities. If you are interested in our services or have any specific questions, please send us an enquiry. "Part of a maturing nation is the willingness to listen and learn from someone else's view and to keep a dialogue open," she said. By contrast, 74% . A protest that has never dissipated in the decades that followed. if(typeof window.DotMetricsObj != 'undefined') {DotMetricsObj.onAjaxDataUpdate();} Because, when it comes to this tradition, what exactly are we celebrating? if(all_links.href.search(/^http/) != -1 && all_links.href.search('www.pedestrian.tv') == -1 && all_links.href.search(/^#/) == -1) { First Peoples already had functioning, sophisticated social structures, law, spiritual beliefs, science and technology. I got a column called timeentered from table table_test which is stored in date format (Australia time). "It's a remembrance day for us, so we try to remember that by doing our culture, preserving our culture so people can actually see what was here on January 26, 1788," he said. What about that day says whats great about Australia and being Australia? But Australia Day ends up being a blight on this picture-perfect scene. display: none !important; Here is why. Young people overwhelmingly supported a new direction 65 per cent of Australians aged 18-24 and 71 per cent aged 25-29 were also in favour of a change. display: none !important; Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance and future returns are not guaranteed. It is the plain and simple truth of what the 26th of January represents, regardless of how you phrase it. ABN 32 144 560 172 According to the ABCs Australia Talks National Survey 2021, a whack of people now believe Australia Day should not be celebrated on January 26, given the historical significance of the date for First Nations peoples. According to the Australia Day website, it is a day where we come together as a nation to celebrate what's great about Australia and being Australian.. Crescent Think Tank. Read This If You Are Confused About Why People Wanna Change The Date Of Australia Day, I Used To Celebrate Australia Day Until I Realised What Jan 26 Meant For My People, How To Win Every Argument: A No-Filter Guide To Being Right About Everything, , No Matter Which Day the Country Chooses to Host, Its Australia Day, I Will Not Be Participating,, Why I No Longer Support #changethedate,, If Indigenous Voices Cant Even Be Heard on, Its Convenient to Say Aboriginal People Support Australia Day. For former Christian Super members, the USI is: CHR0001AU. Eugenics ( / judnks / yoo-JEN-iks; from Ancient Greek (e) 'good, well', and - (gens) 'come into being, growing') [1] [2] is a fringe set of beliefs and practices that aim to improve the genetic quality of a human population. Therefore, Australia Day should be changed to a more appropriate date that truly represents Australians at our finest. 872 Words 4 Pages Good Essays f.parentNode.insertBefore( j, f ); We are seeing the modest improvements in Indigenous rights eroded and dismantled. If Australia wants to maintain its image as an inclusive and equality-based nation, then it needs to go back to its roots and change the date thatthey celebrate Australia Day. To many Australians, Australia Day is just another day off. You could say that this was the day we finally came together as Aussies. Check out our tips for writing to your MP here. Just Another Australia Day Post Hoping To Make You Feel All The Feels. I would like to receive the IndigenousX monthly newsletter. Changing the date of our current Australia day celebrations provides an outlet for all Australians to come together and rejoice for everything good about our nation whilst being respectful and helping to break down colonially embedded stigmas around Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This is a fundraising ribbon circulated for the first Australia Day on July 30, 1915. .postid-1764461 .panel-signup { The fight for rights is not over. Crystal Andrews is a journalist, author and founder of social news platform @zee_feed. Australia has only had 21 years of holding Australia Day on the 26th of January, surely that isnt too many years to acknowledge that it was a poor choice and move it to a better day. Many companies have actually started giving their employees another day off, like January 27th, and leaving January 26th as a working day. Mr Dawson is raising his daughters to be proud of their Indigenous and Cypriotheritage. More from Letters to the Editor Barnaby is both out of touch and running out of time They had been living on this land now called Australia for more than 60,000 years and most were all gone within a bit more than a century. Wouldnt that send a better message to everyone that Australia Day is a day intended for ALL Australians to celebrate? You should obtain a copy of the relevant product disclosure statement and target market determination, before making any financial decisions in relation to these products or services. Despite generations of violence and interference from settler colonialists, First Peoples have not been defeated. We asked 60,000 Australians about their lives. Changing the date is not the outcome nor is it a magical cure to generational trauma, but it is the key in changing mindsets. Other "Australia days" were held on. They say we should keep this date but not to be celebrated, instead to "have it like ANZAC day", as a commemorative day. The Bulletin focuses on three main areas: nuclear risk, climate change, and disruptive technologies, including developments in biotechnology. Many are asking whether Australia Day should be on January 26th. if(ignore != '' && all_links.href.search(ignore) != -1) { It will always be a day of protest for as long as there are things that need to be protested against. The Indigenous communities declared it a Day of Mourning that remains recognised to this day. }. See where you fit on the issues that matter. And, the day wasn't even declared as Australia Day until around 150 years later and since that time, the date of Australia Day changed many times. This is why the date of Australia Day should be changed. News Corp reports 29% of more than 1,000 people surveyed said they would celebrate Australia Day 2021. The frontier wars did not result in victory for settler colonialists, because the fight is not over. Forms & Factsheets img#wpstats{display:none} May 9, the day of the first sitting of Federal Parliament in 1901 and the day that Parliament moved to Canberra in 1927. Now about 28 per cent of Australians want the date to be moved, according to a new survey by Nine News and Sydney Morning Herald . Not only does January 26 mark the day the dispossession of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples began, it sets up European invasion as an important source of Australian identity and. Get the latest inspiration, intelligence, events & more. There are no sound reasons why the date shouldnt be changed but there are plenty of reasons why the nation needs to change. More than half (53%) of millennials (those born between 1986 and 2002) think we should not celebrate Australia Day on January 26. if(force != '' && all_links.href.search(force) != -1) { Stop supporting Whites who claim to be victimised Blacks! if (typeof window.onload != 'function'){ It will always be Invasion Day, Survival Day, a Day of Mourning. It also marks the start of Reconciliation Week. Australia Day. Social structures implanted by the new arrivals were not beneficial for First Peoples, who were barred from economic participation and denied genuine access to education, health and justice until approximately the 1970s. And no, its not being unpatriotic. // forced AFS Licence 365260 8 Reasons Why The Date for Australia Day Should Be Changed. Consider also using January 26 as an opportunity to donate to an Indigenous organisation or charity, take in anti-racist resources, and refresh yourself on how to support BIPOC in the long term. Putting ethics at the centre of everyday life. Found a perfect sample but need a unique one? Specialising in community engagement and digital product growth Nebras has over 15 years experience in designing and delivering executable audience growth and content strategies across a range of leading industries and countries. If this article brings up any issues for you or anyone you know, or you have experienced targeted violence, please contact Lifeline (13 11 14), Kids Helpline (1800 55 1800), both of which provide trained counsellors you can talk with 24/7. A large proportion of the population 45 per cent disagree or feel neutral about the push to move Australia Day and Ms Reys said it was important to make room "for different views". change_link = false; dm.AjaxData.push({ et: et,d: d,ssid: ssid,ad: ad}); The fact that it isnt is an interesting glimpse into the chasm of systemic racism. A catalyst that will make us pause, reflect upon, and discuss what sort of country we have been, where we are today, and where we want to be in the future. Due to systemic racism, power and privilege, and social determinants, these introduced systems of justice, education and health still have entrenched access and equity barriers for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. While 49 per cent believed the date was likely to move within the next decade. A lot. Secondly, changing the date would spare indigenous Australian and islanders the painful reminder of their loss of country, family and culture. Like Christmas Day, Australia Day is a holiday where most. document.links = document.getElementsByTagName('a'); In 1888 when Henry Parkes the premier of NSW at the time was asked if there was anything plannedfor Aboriginal people on Australia Day he said: And remind them that we have robbed them?. A common argument about changing the date is questioning what it will actually achieve. In this announcement, triple j said it could no longer ignore the issue after a survey conducted by the station revealed that 60% of listeners wanted the Hottest 100 moved to a different date. Traditional low carb, high fat keto s primary goal is usually rapid weight loss keto diet philosophy weight loss motivators or a reduction of . (CrescentWealth), Blog When it comes to January 26, instead of organising a party with friends, consider attending an Invasion Day rally. } This website provides you with general information only and does not take account of your individual investment objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider seeking advice from an authorised financial adviser before making an investment decision. Additionally, former Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, wasnt interested in changing the date either, saying, Australia Day is 26 January. In fact,every year around December, the debate starts over again. Then, tune in at 8:00pm on Monday, June 21 to watch hosts Annabel Crabb and Nazeem Hussain take you through the key findings and explore the survey with some of Australia's best-loved celebrities. Turvey was walking home from school with his mates when he was allegedly called racial slurs and hit with a metal pole. var force = ''; } Keeping politics out of Australia Day Remains recognised to this Day financial situation or needs, or inherited trauma, is real that! ; } Keeping politics out of Australia Day should be changed of Australia Day be... That truly represents Australians at our finest only and does not take account of individual... Day intended for all Australians to celebrate interested in our services or have any specific questions, send! Saying that we f * * ked up, real bad, situation! This change none! important ; Here is why the change process and troubleshooting and reporting with... 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