Its the same as remembering that you brushed your teeth the night before. ears :::: size, shape, lobes, hair, sticking out or close in, piercings, tattoos, scars, markings, do they blush, etc. scent :::: what you smell like and how strong it smells. If you think there are requirements/rules in order for you to shift, there will be. Fall asleep and you should wake up in your DR. Close your eyes or put a blindfold on. also your immunity to blindness. Shirley B Jun 14, 2022. You can describe every room, or wherever you live, even put some pictures), Additional: (anything else you can think of and can't fit it in other points). If there is a fireplace, do you feel its heat? Close your eyes, focus on your breathing, clear your mind and count to 100 slowly. SYMPTOMS- While doing methods, you might experience symptoms such as numbness, feeling floaty, seeing a white light, or even hearing voices/feeling touch from people in your DR when youre really close to shifting. Even if your subconscious already knows what you want, writing a script allows you to concretely define in words what you want to happen in your desired reality. acting :::: this is how good your ability to act is. (Dont forget to download your shifting script template for FREE!). Traits: I am (enter -kind/honest/lazy/). feet :::: shape, size, ankles, feet, toes, nails shape, nail size, nail colors, hair, etc. every category under this can be omitted if you are not in a magical reality. if you do i reccomend you do one just for the whole closet section but you can do one for each individual category too if you want like be my guest. When you manifest, youre shifting into a reality where you have that desire. + negative personality traits (don't feel inclined to put anything here): + skills i posses (this can be repetitive with likes and hobbies, but i used it and you'll see why in my script): + are you used to seeing death/murder/blood (for those of you going to an action packed reality)? You should wake up in your DR. Place your script/a paper with affirmations that you will shift overnight under your pillow and go to sleep. technique :::: this is how well you use and display your strategies. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. I wrote it on wattpad: Here is the script outline. When working with reality shifting, you will use self-guidance and subtle details. Purchased item: notion REALITY SHIFTING HUB | digital shifting script template notion | shifting realities notion template. My clone is (enter what it should do - it has to be something within your possibilities). Continue like this with any relationships you'd have there, even crushes who don't notice you t - t). Shifting is often a hobby for people. Hi! For the first strategy, you can simply close your eyes and imagine what your desired reality looks like. energy :::: this is how good your ability to properly obtain and use overall energy is, and basic endurance of it. This idea goes for death as well. This website saves cookies to your browser in order to improve your online experience and show you personalized content. magic outfits :::: description of hair, tops, bottoms, shoes, accessories, and etc. Some people believe that their clones wont know youve shifted. sumirekanai 07/07/21. If you shift to/choose sin in your DR, then yes. Feel free to mix and match methods, or do a method that feels right to you at the moment. remember that you can do this and the universe showed you . There are awake methods, and asleep methods. Create Reality. thank you so much! (You can also do the same profile as you did for yourself. Yeah! Infinite versions of you exist across these realities, and they are all you. Press J to jump to the feed. If each failed attempt leads you to believe I just cant shift, its so hard, then thats what will manifest. example: squealing, smiling, giggling, tapping feet, etc. agility :::: this is how easily you can make small and precise moves such as sharp turns. Youre just becoming aware of the version of you in your DR. Do not worry!! taste :::: what you taste like and how strong it tastes. Scripting is the first step for many attempting a shift. twd shifting script. Explain where you were born and if you still live in that area in simple words. history :::: how and when did you get your magic? sight level :::: on a scale of zero to ten, how good is your sense of sight? How to Script for Shifting (FREE Shifting Script Template PDF). You dont have to be in a starfish position or lay completely still to successfully shift. Yeah, it wont be forcing them in my opinion, because a reality already exists where youre dating them. Empty Shifting Script. SAFEWORD- A specific word or phrase where you set the intention for it to bring you back to your CR. Affirm between each floor that you are shifting to your DR. Visualise each floor to be scenes from your DR, or other alternate realities. nickname two :::: your second nickanme and its pronunciation. This app lets me control my desired reality. 6 Best Awake Shifting Methods for 2023 {How to Shift Realities While Awake}, if your a girl can you be a boy in your dr. Your clone will still be here, like you never left, so no one would really be able to tell that you shifted. I am so glad I found the website because I am planning on shifting to live and dating colby brock then going to Hogwarts after Colby. negative ticks :::: ticks that you do when sad or angry. Technically, you could put your phone with your script open under your pillow, but with overheating, this can be dangerous. This subreddit is currently restricted; please use mod-mail to become approved! and yes, i've shifted before:), #desiredreality Because of this, it is often beneficial to have a guide map or script ready to help you with your desired reality experiences. This is the first script template Ive ever seen that added ethnicity lmao none of them ever do. assertiveness :::: this is how strongly and boldly you communicate your confidence. A detailed script template for shifting realities. any wars fought were for a good reason and ended peacefully, and people of bad intentions are very rare to come by and get what they deserve in the end or learn their lesson. + name: gender, pronouns, age, birthday, how you met. Since infinite realities already exist, there is a version of you in every reality you could possibly imagine. Are you sitting or laying down? act with acquaintances :::: how you act around people you kind of know but never really hang out with. cheeks :::: size, shape, cubby level, cheekbones, hair, piercings, tattoos, scars, markings, dimples, blush, makeup, etc. act with best friends :::: how you act around best friends. A subreddit about shifting realities. ^do this for however many friends you'll have. time ratio :::: the time ratio between this dr and your wr or or. Clones can shift, you and all your clones are shifting every second anyway, so they may attempt to shift if they/you would want to. Self act: (how you act when you're alone). Describe your magic wand. After youve finished counting, say identity affirmations like My name is ___, I am in my desired ___ reality, I am __ years old, etc, until you feel yourself disconnect from your body. I wrote it on wattpad: Here is the script outline. When you feel ready, imagine the elevator stopping. arts and crafts :::: this is how good your ability to do complex arts and crafts is. While youre shifted, the version of you that you leave behind also wakes up and continues life as per normal, going to work/school, doing chores etc, (more on this later), but when you lucid dream, you can only dream while youre sleeping. Besides the parts mentioned, write a few affirmative sentences. birthday, personality. Shifting VS maladaptive daydreaming/psychosis: Any vivid daydreams/hallucinations caused by mental illnesses are out of your control, shifting is self induced and you are in full control of when you shift and when you want to come back. if you do i reccomend you do one just for the whole face but you can do one for each individual feature too if you want like be my guest. There are infinite realities where you look like every person under the sun, so there is definitely a reality where you look like your desired appearance. Read next: 15+ Easy Reality Shifting Methods to Get to your DR! Step-1. The same goes for when you shift. also your immunity to scentlessness. school outfits :::: description of hair, tops, bottoms, shoes, accessories, and etc. if you do i reccomend you do one just for the whole school section but you can do one for each individual room and category too if you want like be my guest. Repeat, I am, or I am shifting, until you feel yourself in a void state/feel some symptoms, then start counting from 0-100. And with who? also feel free to add sections for each individual person if you want to. I can, and I will go to my desired reality. One of the main reasons Ive read that writing your script on paper would be more beneficial is if you plan to use the pillow method. job :::: what does your job look like outside, inside, general aesthetic, office, bathrooms, cafeteria, commons, etc. (You can also set a username and password for it). ), What are the Symptoms of Shifting Realities? example: twirling or tossing hair, biting nails, cracking knuckles, tapping nose, etc. Just like affirmations, writing a reality shifting script is not a one-size-fits-all. stranger things shifting script. act with friends :::: how you act with friends. Ive never heard of anyone being able to physically see their clone, though. pop dancing :::: this is how good your ability to do complex pop dancing is. I made this on a google doc, it's copied and pasted so if the formatting is weird, here is the doc link:, This is your go-to shifting guide for the newbies. there is an perfect mix of these new dr things with my old or things so i have a perfect ease of access at all times. this has an empty script for shifting realities! Like im writing my birth certificate can I get all the personal questions please :skull: SAME like this gotta be detailed :sob: :sob: this is just what i needed because i didn't even know where to start. . How do your sheets feel against your skin? Every time we make a decision, blink, breathe, or move, we shift. People have shifted in class, on the bus, in the shower, with their eyes open, etc. biological gender :::: the gender you were born as. #shifting, as promised, here's the script template i use:). In this blog post, Ill go over the fundamentals of how to write a script for shifting and offer some shifting tips to get you started. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Its okay to be a little disappointed, but dont let it affect your faith that you can shift easily. 7. chica vendiendo flores bajo el agua california. You can add things, remove things, whatever! Yes, you will have memories of your CR, but looking at the experiences of shifters who have spent years in their DR, their CR memories started to fade after a few years. You write about your goals, yourself, the people you know, and other things. nail art :::: this is how good your ability to do complex nail art is. (Step-by-Step). Its important to select a safe word, and this word will help you return to your current reality from your desired being. hands :::: wrists, shape, size, fingers, nail shape, nail size, nail colors, hair, etc. if there's anything you think i should add, please let me know. Get out, and you should see your DR. Visualise yourself being in your DR body when you step out and you should be there. harry potter google slides script template. Thank you again so much for your time, energy, and effort! You also wish to take some time for yourself and not overwork yourself. mortality :::: are you mortal or immortal, what does it take for you to die, can you fake death, what happens after you die, etc. IMPORTANT: Methods are not crucial. You can be as specific as you want down to what happens in that reality, not because you created it, but because a reality where that specific event happens, already exists. Scripts just help you be more clear and organised. job outfits :::: description of hair, tops, bottoms, shoes, accessories, and etc. happy scripting! common smarts :::: this is how good your ability to properly obtain and use general and common knowledge is. They are literally just you, extensions of you throughout all the realities out there. Lay down, close your eyes and deliberately relax every muscle in your body. remember that you can do this and the universe showed you shifting for a reason. . Therefore, you must ignore the unwanted circumstance, AKA unsuccessful shifting attempts, that shows you that you lack your desire. Once you have your script, you can use methods to help you shift to your DR. Methods are different routines/things people do to help them shift. BASIC INFO- Your name, age, height, weight, appearance, family, friendships, housing, etc. Some people want to use bullet points, while others will write paragraphs and fill entire pages in a Google doc. nose :::: size, shape, tip, bridge, legnth, hair, piercings, tattoos, scars, markings, etc. You cant be stuck in any reality, because then youd be stuck in time. Subliminals help make shifting easier, in general. Shifting VS astral projecting: Astral projecting is an out of body experience caused by you projecting your consciousness into the astral plane of our reality. this google doc should do it. Say your affirmations and walk through the door. It feels/works just like your current reality. 2) Write it down manually, and then copy it to your web browser. physical health :::: this is how healthy are you physically. everyday outfits :::: description of hair, tops, bottoms, shoes, accessories, and etc. toilet bound hanako-san template. these dreams are basically the same as shifting and i go somewhere new, fun, and amazing every time and usually learn a valuable lesson along the way, and these dreams can last as long as I want and no matter what I always wake up at my desired time and reality. This is the template I use for shifting :) I very literally just copy-pasted my script the deleted certain portions + added descriptions to others aha . Building a script can also help you in your current reality. Some people like to use bullet points, while others like to write entire pages. You dont just spawn into a new reality, youve always been there, youre just becoming conscious of yourself in your chosen reality. cooking :::: this is how good your ability to do complex cooking is. concentration :::: how well you can focus on something and how well your train of thought flows. . Delete this but don't delete my credit at the bottom when you're done. do you usually rant to them, cry with them, be super funny with them, etc. If you place your phone with your script open under your pillow, your phone may overheat, causing a very dangerous situation. My clone is acting as me, so that noone knows it is not me. Youre just choosing to experience that specific reality where that already would happen. socibility :::: this is how good you are around other people. As long as you know where you want to go, you will get there. Get your Beautiful Mind Journal and shop printables that make your life easier! You will be called this name in your desired new reality and your nickname. Youll also need to know that shifting scripts can be written in micro detail or macro detail, and Im going to try and give you as much detail as possible to make the whole process easier. an alias is any real or fake name you go by, for example a name before you get married, adopted, or a fake name you use as a spy, celebrity, writer, etc. Its more important to feel connected to your DR. Because weve grown up believing that things like shifting are impossible or too good to be true, its so rooted in our subconscious that its not logical/possible. My thoughts are powerful and create my desired reality. {Explained! Make sure to use all your senses if possible. You cant communicate with your clone that you leave behind, in my opinion, because there isnt any way for us right here, right now, to receive any messages from other versions of ourselves in other realities. Try not to move. Do not let any failed attempts matter to you, take away that power/significance it has over you, because you are the one in control of your reality. You should only see white light. Aka unsuccessful shifting attempts, that shows you that you can focus something., write a few affirmative sentences be Here, like you never left so. You can also help you be more clear and organised clear detailed shifting script template mind and to... Wont be forcing them in my opinion, because then youd be stuck in time where that already happen... It smells shifting for a reason enter what it should do - it has to be within., the people you know where you want to use all your senses if possible also! 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