Slowly, I became mesmerized by him." The fairy tales of this dimension! Group members began to yell at Adams and Andreadis that they were "satanic." John was saying, 'Don't hit me, Frederick. ''Every other check was made out to Freddie von Mierers. "Pick that up right now!" Frederick told me that my deficiencies were so horrendous that I needed a stone that was at least two to three and a half carats. Frederick Von Mierers, a deeply tanned cult leader with a shocking crown of platinum blond hair, spoke to his followers through their television sets. 1913 TO TODAY. It helps that Hoyt, or John as his family calls him throughout the film, was born into such a stereotypical American existence. ". I looked at them in a loupe. "It is possible to raise the vibration of your consciousness through the. Von Mierers was still local in 1983. One night, in a fit of insomnia, von Mierers thumbed through the book of Revelations. Von Mierers called Andreadis his Jesus and allowed him to teach seminars at a Park Avenue church. I thought, This is crazy.". He lived in this awesome apartment and had all these young, intelligent and wealthy followers. Don't hit me!' "There are people like the Warburgs and the Schiffs, who are acceptable, and then there are the others, like Allen Funt." We met on a beach in Nantucket when I was 16he was drawing this cool yin and yang diagram in the sand, talking all this Eastern philosophy. You have permission to edit this article. You realize it didnt happen to me because Im especially flawed or have some defect. Within the group, the number of gems and carats possessed was treated as a sign of devoutness. When the money manager demanded a refund, he says, von Mierers at first screamed at him, then refused to take his calls. Perhaps as a way of breaking free, Andreadis and Adams married in November. My career is on the line! and 'You are a fucking, sick, evil, satanic piece of shit! Even William Scranton III, the former lieutenant governor of Pennsylvania and son of the former governor William Scranton, once bought gems. Control of diet was an important first step. Karr visited the house occasionally, until the ``no trespassing' signs went up several months ago. He chose to come back because of an urgent need to reach the young people who will be founding the new society after the shift of the earth on its axis.". And no one could control Frederick anymore. There was a big Vanity Fair expos at one point in the early 90s; I was involved with them for more than 20 years, from 1978 through1999. The speaker was emaciated, obviously very ill, but swathed in white cashmere, flawlessly groomed. A dozen of the group share apartments in von Mierers's building, at 405 East Fifty-fourth Street, where Noel Coward and Hermione Gingold once lived. . I spread them out under a lamp. .. protege of Billy Baldwin.. . Her mother next married a man who, Jacki says, was hostile to her and her sister. "No one is recruiting here! You come to realize that given the circumstances you experienced, many other humans react the very same way. by such friends and clients as Babe Paley, Averell Harriman, and Cole Porter. That is the crux of the recovery process. It bears the signature of Unified Cosmogony's then-president, New York City TV producer Fritz Diekmann, who is featured in the 14-page Vanity Fair spread. You see everything like it is. His maid did my laundry. Hoyt is a big, big money-maker.". We spoke what youd call New Age jargon. "Don't become a cock worshiper! By then he had given up modeling and taken up with Billy Baldwin, the dean of American decorators, called "Billy B." 'I am Socrates, I am Plato. Thats how twisted around you canbecome. Instead, they sent the body to Chapel Hill for autopsy by the state medical examiner. Years ago, if he said he worked ten days on a modeling job, I knew that meant he worked two days! The various uses of gems and crystals and how they work are explained. John Hoyt, another member, said, "John was a very stubborn boy. I would not recommend the path I took, but Im grateful now for the life that is mine. You are here to listen to me.' He would tell prospective buyers that he was able to get stones at a tremendous discount, which the inflated appraisal papers would confirm. Part of many life readings was a "gem prescription." In clips from these extremely 80s appearances, the former model shills mail-order cassettes and spouts new-age gibberish, his eyes getting impossibly larger and more urgent with each nonsense aphorism. When I look around, I see that, to a greater or lesser extent, we all have cultic relationships with peoplerelationships where the person we love, the person from whom were seeking approval, is also the one who is dishing out the abuse. So says Frederick von Mierers, a self-styled leader of the New Age elite who can be found in an elaborate Manhattan apartment near Sutton Place. He had mastered enough Eastern philosophy to sound authentic. .From where do these thoughts arise? "Iam doing this for you," von Mierers is said to have replied. Jeremiah will take over your body.' It was sort of pathetic.". Montgomery's belief in von Mierers so overwhelmed him that he would read her chapters out loud again and again to his followers, as if to convince himself that they were true. As the Manhattan D.A. Who Am I? Natural Vanity with Engineered Marble Top. .. "I felt as if I were in a world apart," one said. Ask yourself, who am I? Your parents have been horrible for you. "What could I do?" . "I wanted to get married and I wanted out!" . I work for a gemologist, and I told her to bring in the stones. He told me, 'Give me $9,000 cash to paint it. Soon after that, von Mierers discovered another useful volume, a book on Hindu philosophy which related birth dates to specific stones. Purely by coincidence I met a modeling agent; the next summer I was cast in a big ad campaign for Geoffrey Banks. The group members watched me suspiciously, and, as in the faces of the Jonestown survivors in news photos, behind their blank stares was fear. I hung out with Cindy Crawford, Linda Evangelista, Christy Turlington and Naomi Campbell. Ha, that seems so simple when you say it. I first heard about von Mierers three years ago. Often he had $30,000 or $40,000 in cash in his apartment. No money changed hands; Unified Cosmogony was just a new name for Eternal Values, according to the deed. I called him in the middle of the night and he paid for a plane ticket to L.A. You can cancel at any time. Jesus, Rama, Krishna, Buddha did not come to promise you another piece of ass. One appraiser on West Forty-seventh Street routinely gave von Mierers papers which showed that his stones were worth two or three times what he was charging for them. "We are now going to help so many people," Andreadis remembers von Mierers told him. I had come in to interview Ford and Joe Hunter about von Mierers. She retreated from her friends and family, and even her booker at Ford noticed something was wrong. The message was simple: Adams and Andreadis were evil; their egos would have to be ' 'destroyed. ' Who knows? "You are so pretty-pretty-pretty-pretty, my wonderful birds," he said, kissing their beaks. ", I was staring into the face of Frederick von Mierers. Did it matter? Few wind up, as von Mierers did, a canny gem salesman who was easily able to win over a popular author named Ruth Montgomery, whose books on psychic phenomena have sold millions of copies. "Apocalyptic thinking is in the air," a University of Connecticut psychologist told Omni magazine recently. No mother, no father, no brother, no sister. Ruth Montgomery detailed von Mierers's relationship with Mrs. Williams in Aliens Among Us: "In company with his dowager godmother, Frederick traveled the high roads of Europe, meeting socially with the Queen of England and European aristocracy. "Let me tell you something! Through connections he made at Quest, von Mierers began doing astrology charts and psychic readings, presumably now strained to make ends meet. First, the mental seduction, the flattery Moonies call "love bombing." "Don't ever carry a Vuitton bag!" Solemnly, the merchandise was spread out near me. . The cult was called Eternal Values. If challenged about the Holocaust, von Mierers would repeat the most banal anti-Semitic propaganda: "The Holocaust has been exaggerated"; "Hitler was a misunderstood genius"; "Jews have to understand that their natures encourage pogroms. ' It is all very positive," the Houston lawyer Douglas Wyatt told me. ``I have no complaints about them at all,' Karr told The Asheville Citizen. ''I was told I would have to wait a year to get my cassette, maybe eighteen months," a painter named Glenna Hartwell told me, ''but all the money had to be paid in advance.". Von Mierers would invite his more attractive and richer clients to his apartment. "We were so very close." Often he would take his new clients to Doubles. They allowed you to have it and to enjoy your life here, but they did not promise you another piece of ass. And a voice said to me, 'Be calm, be calm, the transition will be easy. Only the elite will be saved. Tell her how much her book and the group have helped you!" ' One cassette was sent all over the country. Arietta 31 in. ", For years, von Mierers had a television show of his own in New York. They told me then to make two payments in cashone $8,000, one $3,000. Immediately! Tickle Me Kaczynski: How the Inventor of the Ultimate Elmo Toy Became a Unabomber Suspect, Real Italians Put Hot Dogs and French Fries on Their Pizza, The Other Drug War: Inside the World of Counterfeit Viagra, The $65 Million Art Heist That Put Oceans Eleven to Shame. Frederick von Mierers is one of the most complex characters I ever met. Nonnegotiable! When she came upon Aliens Among Us, she was profoundly moved by the descriptions of von Mierers and Andreadis. "It was Frederick's idea to strip us of our egos through sexual humiliation," a model told a prosecutor in the office of the Manhattan district attorney. he raged at the young man, who scurried to obey him. Released in 2015, the film has been an official selection in over fifty film festivals and has won more than forty awards, including 15 for Best Picture and 10 for BestActor. Von Mierers describes on them past lives of clients; this one was a "healer'' in Egypt, that one a "courtesan" in ancient Rome. Finally, on the night of July 3, 1999, I escaped for good. Mostly it was menial jobsdoing dishes and laundry, scrubbing toilets, doing vacuum packing. In Eternal Values, there are always so many people around, you're always listening to Frederick." ", One of the voices on the tape was that of the lawyer Douglas Wyatt. We would party, go to Studio 54 and crash at his apartment. My whole body was encompassed in a blazing white light. "Freddie used to say to me, 'With these gems, they hold you close to their heart. Its like: I was a promising kid from a good (if somewhat screwed up) family. When you wear your gems, you can't be fooled by people and things that are evil. 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Plus, I was supporting them. I am not for the masses. "Oh, you duchesses and lords!" . investigates von Mierers, MARIE BRENNER breaks the story. He often made remarks about Jews, but he had learned to couch his comments in a sneer. Frederick von Mierers almost ruined my life." Members have included well-known models from the Ford agency, such as Jacki Adams, John Hoyt, and Susan Bearden; an honors graduate of Princeton named Catherine Edelmann; a West Coast money manager; Harvard alumni; Fritz Diekmann, a TV executive; Tracey Miller, a Florida model; an officer of Marine Midland Bank; and Douglas Wyatt, a Houston lawyer whose mother, Lynn, is the famous blonde socialite married to Oscar Wyatt, the head of an oil-and-gas empire. I like who I am now. Von Mierers seems to have been aided in his gem operation by several New York jewelry appraisers, who were gifted fantasists when it came to evaluating the Eternal Values stones. There were a lot of drugs and greed in the air, but we considered ourselves people who were seeking a greater understanding of the universe. '. But don't mention that I have them here," von Mierers told me during the afternoon we spent together. "Frederick imparts information that normally you wouldn't have access to," a Princeton graduate and Ford model who is a member of Eternal Values told me. We had a mission. One tenant in the building had to stop a doorman from letting in a threateninglooking group of men on their way to 4N, von Mierers's apartment, at three A.M. "I said, 'Lock the doors! "All the people here went to Harvard, Yale, and Princeton!'' Insight is given as to the inner workings of the Universal Magnetic Field, as well as how the stones can help you tune in to higher intelligence.") More, she had been taught to dress by a fine stylist who had taken her to Chanel and Scaasi to rid her of the jeans and sneakers of her modest Florida childhood. "You will all be dead within ten years. . "Think about the white light and the violet light!" He has a lot of good traits and a lot of bad ones. The weird thing was, in this crazy screwed up way, I believed they were right to punish me. Dr. Thomas Clark, who appeared on the ``Inside Edition' report last week, confirmed von Mierers died of AIDS. He could no longer walk; a Lucite cane rested by his side. Von Mierers, like the leaders of the People's Temple, talked constantly of Satan's influence in the world, the dark forces, and viciously belittled the notion of family ties. Parrots sat on his shoulders. He would tell us, 'We are living a high spiritual life.' Basically, at this point, Ive shifted the shame to a place where I think of myself as a survivor. Von Mierers had learned what it took to glide through New York's best drawing rooms. "And you'll never be a David Bowie unless you get a better story," Bey replied. Bey told him, "You know what I really think? We are here to warn you! "We were like one entire family. Control is subtle. In a new documentary, Welcome to the Beyond, Hoyt recalls his introduction to the cult leader who would alter the course of his life. The inner circle called itself the group. At its peak, there were about 100 active members, some at the Manhattan apartment, some in a big loft building in Brooklyn. Each apartment had immense displays of pink azaleas and tiger lilies, arranged as if for a garden show. The first time I tried to leave the group, I fled to New York. I saw him again the next summer; two years later, when I went to Princeton, I started visiting him in Manhattan. " Still, at the group dinners, Adams would hear von Mierers tell the women models, "You need to sit on a six-foot dildo in the middle of Park Avenue." Conversations on Vivekananda, the Bhagavad Gita, and the Hindu Vedas would stretch on till dawn. "John was out for position," Wyatt told me after a long pause. "I heard they got money to Frederick by Federal Express." The man's famil, Growing up in Goldsboro, Greensboro Day senior Jaydon Young averaged 25.9 points per game as a freshman at Wayne Christian. Incredibly, von Mierers was able to persuade scores of his followers to buywith cash or money orders only his very pricey jewels. "If all my models were like John Hoyt, I would have a fabulous agency. ``They've been very good neighbors they're quiet, and their landscaping is fantastic.'. Von Mierers invited him to his apartment, and Andreadis recalled, "It was Zen, it was so beautiful. We had four years of stored food and a whole lot of weapons by thispoint. Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device. "Frederick got me an apartment in the building. Frederick Von Miers Sciences Education Art Writing & UFO - Page 2. "You see how terrible your families are?" Von Mierers ordered Adams to write a letter to Ruth Montgomery. Andreadis said. Although not a member of the group, the great New York arts patron Alice Tully reportedly had a life reading, as did Sylvester Stallone, the actress Rae Dawn Chong, and the daughter of an Iranian Cabinet minister close to the Shah. He had impeccable manners, if a bit too studied to be natural, and, more, he had mastered the art of making facile remarks at dinner parties. He is making tapes for him that are anti-Semitic and anti-women! "How did Ruth Montgomery find out about you?" "Do you understand? In the light, it was obvious that the furniture was shabby, that the fabrics were second-rate. They're cheap! He became, he said, deeply depressed, "disenchanted with the world, and wanting out.". Vanity Fair magazine came out a week later with an in-depth story on von Mierers that went to press before his death. With marketing, with the news, with politics, with the military and different religions and forms of government, I see forms of mind control all the time, everywhere. "I was never paid," he said, "but I believed what Frederick said. No matter what I did, I couldnt seem to measure up. I gave them $28,000 in cash and traveler's checks. Now prosecutors in the office of the Manhattan district attorney are investigating the possibility that von Mierers was involved in a multimillion-dollar gem ring. The massive displays of azaleas that had seemed so impressive were cheap silk. one's own. They cannot raise the question . At night he held court and gave his friends cleaning chores to help them to work on their inflated egos. I knew that I had come from Arcturus. Eternal Values is unusual in that many of its young devotees have a lot of cash to spend on von Mierers's healing gems. View cart for details. It is through such negative thoughts that the dark forces work. He invented an elaborate background for himself, telling friends that his parents had been killed when he was four years old and that he was raised by his godmother, Mrs. Earle Kress Williams, an arts patron married to a nephew of Samuel Kress, of the dime-store fortune. The stones were all set in similar simple heavy gold settings. ''Cash would come in for the gems from all over the country," Andreadis told me. The gem business has always been predicated on the notion of caveat emptor; a stone is worth what the customer is willing to pay. They bought his pitchand the gems he said would make them New Age lords and duchesses. ''. . A hydrogen-light body. About this time a Ford model named Susanne Gregard attended von Mierers's regular Wednesday-night "family dinner" for the inner circle of the group. Encompassed in a big ad campaign for Geoffrey Banks another useful volume, a book on Hindu philosophy related... They allowed you to have replied Apocalyptic thinking is in the light it... 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