. 339.1 does not apply to a Noble who enters a temple under 323.11(b)(3). . . . . . . . . . r/Shriners 5 mo. . startxref . . . 1999 (2)He shall arrange for the keeping of all financial records and books of account in the principal office of Shriners International unless otherwise provided by order of the board of directors and approved by Shriners International. . 11 Offenses and Discipline of Temples . . tion, and business to be transacted by it are: (5)Assess and collect from the several lodges or temples under its jurisdiction such sums of money as may be deemed necessary to be appropriated for the benefit of the corporation and its members and benevolences. All Shriners are Freemasons . . . . . . (2)The proposal must have attached thereto, an explanation of the. . . . A temple or Noble may not vio- late Shrine law. . Arrangement. . . . ARTICLE 3 . 17 16 16 17 17 17 Annual Imperial Session. . . . . . This Statement in its self is a Scary thing to some as read! . . 200Hl2aS0q+S0?r mj!.`b E2c`~"(` 6tX endstream endobj 103 0 obj /Filter<>/PubSec<>>>/Reference[<>/Type/SigRef>>]/SubFilter/adbe.pkcs7.detached/Type/Sig>>>>/Type/Catalog>> endobj 104 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Rotate 0/Type/Page>> endobj 105 0 obj <>stream . . . . If a Representative lives outside the state in which his temple is located and nearer the place of the Imperial Session, the departure airport shall be that airport nearest his place of resi- dence which is served by a regularly scheduled airline. 44 Checks and Payment or Transfer of Funds. . . However, if more than one Representative is a candidate for an Imperial office, the board of directors shall establish a procedure in accor- dance with Iowa Code 504.708 for the Imperial officers for the ensuing year to be elected by the Representatives. . (8)Demand and receive such fees and charges for grant- ing dispensations, charters, certificates and diplomas as may be by it determined to be proper and reasonable. . 19 Per Diem. . . . 648 0 obj <>stream Bylaws of shriners international Posted by on Aug 29 2020 in Uncategorized 0 comments If the right gig game up he would jump at it however at the same. . . . . The name of the registered agent is. Amend. . 2016 (2)He shall perform any other duties assigned to him by the Imperial Potentate. . . About Us | Kazim Shriners. . . . . . Amend. . . . . . . Bylaws: Of the: South Atlantic Shrine Association : As adopted September 21, 1974: With Amendments Approved on October 18, 2010: With Amendments Approved on March 23, 2018 . . . . . . . . 2020 204.3Quorum. 0000001939 00000 n . . . . They look forward to celebrating the 150th anniversary of Shriners International and the 100th anniversary of Shriners Hospitals for Children with you. . 206.2 Elections. . . . . 1998 (11)He shall perform any other duties assigned to him by these bylaws or the board of directors. . . (5)The proposal is adopted upon the affirmative vote of two- thirds of the Representatives who returned their ballots to the Imperial Recorder. . . endstream . Before a man can become a Shriner, he must become a Freemason. . We support and develop fellow Shrine Masons, their families and communities, while serving the needs of Shriners Hospitals for . 29 Meetings of Standing Committees. . . . . . . . . . . . . You'll also find a dictionary of terms . . . . . . . . In the event the Imperial Potentate determines that a Representative knowingly misrepresented any of the information on the form, he shall forfeit all of his mileage allowance and per diem and he shall be subject to discipline for conduct unbecoming a Noble of the Order. . . . 20, 206.1 206.2 206.3 206.4 206.5 206.6 206.7 206.8 207.1 207.2 207.3 207.4 207.5 207.6 207.7 207.8 207.9 208.1 208.2 208.3 208.4 208.5 208.6 208.7 208.8 208.9, Officers. . 101.2Arrangement. . . Unfortunately, the Elf Khurafeh Shrine and the Imperial Shrine (Shriners International) in Tampa didn't agree and kept the suspended Mason as a full member of the Shrine. . /Contents 6 0 R>> . . . . . . . Having its own Imperial Officers accountable to Tampa as All Temples are! For example, the proper name for the . 38 Code of Ethics . The first order of business at each Imperial (a) Declaration. 626 23 . . The elected Treasurer of a Alzafar Shrine Temple has duties that are prescribed by the Bylaws of the Imperial Shrine as well as by his home Temple. . . . 0000407601 00000 n (12)For violation of Shrine law, for good cause, or upon request of a temple to consolidate, merge or surrender its charter, he may arrest the charter and suspend the work of any temple until the conclusion of the next Imperial Session, or for a shorter time. . . A Representative entitled to a mileage allowance shall be paid within 10 days after the close of the Imperial Session by checks or electronic funds transfer prepared from the report of the Mileage and Per Diem Committee: Amend. 18 Credentials . 1991, 2016 (3)An amount not to exceed that indicated in 205.1(a) for himself, and for his spouse if she accompanied him, if he used private transportation. 1985 101.10Forms. . . ARTICLE III - OFFICERS AND DUTIES . . . . . Application for Service Collar. ztl0 hE\ c,:0f74V:?k>P StA)15>Q_=i^jp` 4ia&xX . . Every proposed amendment shall be referred to the Jurisprudence and Laws Committee, which shall consider it and report thereon to Shriners International. . . . . . . . . . . . (10)Hear and decide all charges and complaints against any officer of Shriners International, or of any subordinate lodge or tem- ple, and to inflict such punishment as may seem just and proper. Article V - MEMBERSHIP Sec. . 2017, 101.5Amendments. . A proposed amendment to these bylaws may be adopted only upon the affirmative vote of not fewer than two-thirds of those present and voting, and no fewer than 400 of the Representatives registered at that Imperial Session of Shriners International. . . . . . . . . . (3)He shall notify all Representatives of all Imperial Sessions of Shriners International; and shall notify all directors of all meetings of the board of directors. . . . Audit Report Form for Constituent Courts. . . . Amend. . . . . %PDF-1.6 % . . . 1967 203.1Generally. . . Well as visiting their apps or device may interfere with as imperial session. . . . . . The name of this corporation shall be SHRINERS INTERNATIONAL. Amend. . . . . . . . . . . . 203.5Elected Representatives. . No travel agencies, vendors, circuses or other commercial groups may be in attendance at an Imperial Session of Shriners International without a contract or agreement from the convention Session shall be the report of the Credentials Committee. . . . 147 were here. ***Official Memorandum*** OFFICE OF JEFFREY L. SOWDER, PGM IMPERIAL POTENTATE SHRINERS INTERNATIONAL MEMORANDUM TO: Shrine Leaders FROM: Jeffrey L. Sowder, Imperial Potentate DATE: March 31,. Subsections may be divided into paragraphs bearing Arabic numbers in parentheses, and then further subdivided into subparagraphs which bear lowercase Roman numerals in parentheses. . 203.2Representatives Ad Vitam . The articles are divided into sections, which are numbered; and then further subdivided into subsec- tions, which are lettered with lowercase letters in parentheses. . A proposed amendment may be modified by Shriners International while it is under consideration, but such modifica- tion must be germane to the subject matter of the proposed amendment and it may not go beyond the scope of the proposal submitted under 101.5(a). (6)As soon as practicable after the end of each fiscal year, he shall cause to be prepared from the records and books and shall submit to the board of directors: Amend. . endobj . . . . . Representatives Ad Vitam . . . . International Queen Page. . Imperial officers have the following duties and privileges: (a) Imperial Potentate. (9)He shall send annually to each temple a sufficient supply of dues cards, in a form prescribed by him and approved by the Imperial Potentate; and the cost thereof shall be paid by the temple. . . . (d) Good Standing means any person who has fulfilled the require- ments of membership and who neither has voluntarily withdrawn from membership nor has been expelled or suspended from membership after appropriate proceedings consistent with the provisions of the bylaws of such organization. . <>>><>>>] . Amend. A different . . A Representative forfeits his office if he resigns, or is suspended, or is expelled, or is convicted of a felony or of any criminal offense involving moral turpitude, or is adjudged mentally incompetent, or is physically incompetent. (3)He shall preside over Imperial Sessions of Shriners International, but he may select another Representative to preside over part or all of an Imperial Session. . . For access, try hbbd`b``3 1x4> -K 2017, 2020 204.5Credentials. . . . . . . Add. . . . . . . ARTICLE 10 Amendments 10.1Procedure. . . . . . . . . . . (a) Time, Presentation and Publication. . . . 1979 (d) Form. . . Notice of a special session shall state the business to be transacted, and no other business shall be transacted at such special session. . (1)The proposal is sent to each Representative, in writing and in the form proposed. . 2019 101.4Rules of Order. . . . ARTICLE 4 Sessions. . . . . . 159 TABLE OF CONTENTS OF FORMS OF SHRINERS INTERNATIONAL.. . . . 2008, 2021 (b) Mileage. . All Imperial officers are Rep resentatives at large. . . . Amend. . . . . . . . . . I look forward to a great year and challenge you to do something for your Temple, Shriners International and Shriners Hospitals for Children. These general provisions apply to all parts and throughout these bylaws. . . thus attaining 23 members. . . Amend. 9.2Amendments. . . . The powers, objects and purposes of Shriners International are those set forth in the articles of incorporation, as amended from time to time. (10)He shall arrange for the prompt taking, recording and dissemination of complete and accurate minutes of the meetings of (i) the members, (ii) the board of directors, (iii) committees of the board of directors when exercising the power(s) of the board of directors, and (iv) the Imperial divan. The Board of Trustees manages and operates Shriners Children's medical centers, clinics and hospitals, and allocates and provides for the disbursement of funds for the construction, acquisition, maintenance control and operation of the locations. . 1984, 1990. . 1983 (10)He shall have an emergency fund of $1,000 from which he, may make contributions in the name of Shriners International in cases of extraordinary distress. 0000002488 00000 n . . . find a chapter. . . . 43 Jewel. . . Notice concerning a proposed amendment must be published in such form as to show the entire section, subsection, or paragraph, as the case may be, as it will read if the proposed amend- ment is adopted, with any change in language italicized if new or brack- eted if deleted. . . . . . . 43 Yacht UniformAdornment. . 12.2 Inconsistencies. . Rules and Regulations 2018. . . Blank ballots or ballots containing any markings other than the name of a candidate nominated from the floor are not votes and are not to be considered for any purpose. The principal office and place of busi- ness of this corporation is in the city of Tampa, county of Hillsborough, state of Florida. with and good fellowship among the Past Potentates of all Shrine Temples in North America at Imperial Council Sessions, stimulate interest in all Shrine activities, establish . An association of temples may have a constitution and bylaws consistent with Shrine law; which, together with any amendments thereto, are subject to the approval of the Jurisprudence and Laws committee and the Imperial Potentate. who understands the mission statement of the fraternity and lives by the Shriners' Creed. . . . Amend. . . . . . . Within 30 days after each annual Imperial Session, the General Counsel shall prepare a revision of the articles or sections amended, deleted, or included, and appropriate annotations. Kenneth G. "Kenny" Craven of Summerville, South Carolina, is serving his ninth year as a member of the Boards of Directors for Shriners International and Shriners Children's. zT@I"DHF =tApP({ BG,H`Av$8x0iP}o0} . The parts are divided into articles, which are numbered with Arabic numerals. Amend. . . Kenneth G. Kenny Craven of Summerville, South Carolina, is serving his ninth year as a member of the Boards of Directors for Shriners International and Shriners Childrens. Appointed Representatives . 16 Seal. . . A proposed amendment to these bylaws may not be adopted by Shriners International unless it has been first sent by a Representative to the Imperial Recorder, in writing and in the form proposed, at least 60 days before the Imperial Session of Shriners International at which it is to be submitted; and every proposed amendment shall be published with the notice of the Imperial Session. 0000007569 00000 n . . . . . 9.3Sessions. With the written approval of a majority of the Imperial Chief Rabban, the Imperial Assistant Rabban, the chairman of the Jurisprudence and Laws Committee, and the chairman of the Finance and Audit Committee, he may make additional contributions out of the general funds of Shriners International in the name of Shriners International in cases of disaster. 0000000771 00000 n . . Add. . . Souvenirs or gifts of any kind may not be distrib- uted to Representatives while Shriners International is meeting in Imperial Session. . . . . . . Your attention is particularly called to that portion of the existing General Order #1 pertaining to insurance. . . . . ARTICLE 1 General Provisions 101.1Application. . . . 26 Meetings. . 26 Salaries. . . It also allows Shriners an opportunity to share ideas on how to improve Shrinedom in their areas. . 18 Commercial Activities. . 0000003862 00000 n . A Representative participating in a special session by this means is deemed to be present in person at the meeting. . . . . . . (b) Imperial Chief Rabban. . . 26 Notice. . . . . . 10 Revision. Special Sessions . In what might be a first ever, a Shriner won in a Shrine court of law Saturday morning after being unsuccessfully charged with "conduct unbecoming a Shriner." The victorious Shriner had served a year as a temple leader or "Potentate" and had grown . . IMPERIAL SHRINE HEADQUARTERS Physical Address : 2900 Rocky Point Drive Tampa, FL 33607-1460 Mailing Address : PO Box 31356 Tampa, FL 33631-3356 . The Imperial Court, is an auxiliary of female family members of Prince Hall Shriners, and was formally organized at the annual session of the Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, held in Detroit, Michigan, on August 24, 1910. . <> Our Mission. . . . . . (4)Create, establish and preserve a uniform mode of work and lectures, and to publish and issue the rituals containing such authorized work and lectures. . . . 4SjA*_:{ 7IBnK[$rG;F\4'KFZ'~ t(Aj0r3"jG$G47Wc UL0ND5\\:8(ozxR"KEN't13$}uA.MheJ|RWD# ]:@b!Z5I} GF,x(x% ;Bbm,$^8~Ao+E6\ SV `P;G{M 8tl:V354k8S7+|bqs3LG>c'YT6E . . . . . NAME. . Imperial Session 2022. . 2017 (m) Session means a meeting of the Representatives to Shriners International when used in Part II and means a meeting of a temple for ceremonial purposes when used in Part III. . Jurisdiction. . Bylaws (Iowa) (e) Imperial Treasurer. . Amend. . . 2020 204.7Commercial Activities. . . . . . . . . . . Each Representative who attends an Imperial Session of Shriners International shall be paid per diem expenses in an amount equal to the room rate for double occupancy, including applicable taxes, at the headquarters hotel, plus $20.00 for each day he attends the Imperial Session. . 0000004379 00000 n . Insurance. . . . . . . . . 0000006920 00000 n . . Shriners - Part 13. The departure airport, except as provided in subsection (c), is the airport served by a regularly scheduled airline which is nearest to his temple. . 2016 (11)For violation of Shrine law or for conduct unbecoming a Noble of the Order, he may suspend any Noble from membership or office in Shriners International or in a temple until the conclusion of the next Imperial Session, or for a shorter time. . . Bylaws (Iowa) (c) Representative. . 20 Method and Time of Payment. . ARTICLE 7 Directors 7.1. . . . . . 5 0 obj . . . Imperial Council Education and Development (I.C.E.D.) 2022 Information. . . . Amend. . . . . . "Temple" should not be used in the proper name as a group of Shriners. . . (12)Exercise such power and control, and perform such acts, as may seem proper and necessary to carry out the full purpose and intent of this corporation. . The name of this organization shall be the SOUTH CENTRAL SHRINE ASSOCIATION, thereafter referred to the Association. . Hillbilly Constitution and By laws. . 16 Memorializing of Individuals Prohibited. . Newsletters and Official Communications; 2022-23 Officers; Shrine Treasurers Association Past Officers; Current STA Bylaws; Temples of Shriners International . endobj . Amend. endobj . 43 25-Year Members Pin . . . . . . . They organized one in New York in 1872 for fraternal and charitable purposes. . . No motion which, if adopted, would have the effect of stopping debate upon a motion to amend these bylaws, shall be in order until at least 2 proponents and 2 opponents, if there be that many, have had at least 5 minutes, if they desire that much time to speak in favor of, or in opposition to, the motion to amend these bylaws. . . . . . . . (3)He shall collect and receive all revenues of Shriners International, and shall deposit them to the credit of Shriners International in the depositories approved by the board of directors. The Shrine has often been called the "playground of Freemasonry.". . . Add. You relinquish it all other news media shall be a walker, recommendations with the precious children! . . . . (g) Meeting means a meeting of a temple for business purposes when used in Part III. . . . (a) Temple Resolutions Permitted. . Elections. . 0000402665 00000 n SHRINEDOM - The realm of the Shrine fraternity, including its members, governance, programs, activities, organizational atmosphere, etc. . . . . . 11 101.10 Forms. ZEM ZEM SHRINE ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeting of Zem Zem Shrine will be held on January 19, 2019 at the Zem Zem Temple, Erie, PA. Shriner 30" Wind Resistant Auto Open Umbrella - Shriners Straight Handle. 2023 Shrine Treasurers Association Mid-Year Seminar; 2023 STA Annual Meeting; Events Listing . . SHRINERS INTERNATIONAL Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, Annotations and Official Forms, ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF SHRINERS INTERNATIONAL (As Amended and Restated) July 10, 2017 (Formerly known as The Imperial Council of the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine for North America), ARTICLE 1 Name 1.1Name. O%W5,#2,#2,^A&2c]m7e2te/GW+Yd9. (d) Modification. . Becoming a copy on the shriners imperial bylaws after your activity off facebook activity, you to the tools. . . A temple may adopt a resolution endorsing one of its own Representatives as a candidate for an Imperial office; and it may send the resolution, under seal, to all Representatives and to other temples. . . . . . (b) Time Limit. The directors of this corporation are its present directors until such time as their successors in such office shall have been duly elected in the manner and at such times as may be pro- vided in its bylaws; and their duties and responsibilities shall be desig- nated in such bylaws. . Amendments. . (c) Imperial Assistant Rabban and Imperial High Priest and Prophet Amend. . This nonprofit corporation, organized and existing under the laws of the state of Iowa, assuming all the powers and obligations granted to bodies corporate under such laws, is to exist per- petually, unless sooner dissolved in the manner provided by law or as prescribed by the bylaws of this corporation. . . . . . (5)He shall procure a sufficient number of past Imperial Potentates, Treasurers, Recorders and Chaplains jewels to be made according to the approved design, and shall have one at each annual Imperial Session for presentation to such retiring Imperial officers. . . . 205.5Method and Time of Payment. . . %%EOF . . . . . . . (2)He may grant any dispensation allowed by the bylaws, except a dispensation to form a new temple. . . . 26 21 Board of Directors. . . . 42 Emblems. ARTICLE 6 Members 6.1Members. Corporate Headquarters . 1976, 1995 203.7Forfeiture of Office. . . . . In addition to any other Representatives it may have, each temple is entitled to one elected Representative, or 2 if its membership exceeds 300, or 3 if its member- ship exceeds 600, or 4 if its membership exceeds 1,000. The first Sudan Recorder to be elevated to a position of national recognition. . . . The Cabiri has started the planning for the 149th Imperial Session, 2-6 July 2023, in Charlotte, NC. . All courtesies shown in temple headquarters should be limited to Nobles and guests accompanying them. (11)Prescribe and define the duties and powers of the several officers of Shriners International and members (representatives) and the powers and duties of the several officers of subordinate lodges or temples. (s) Temple means any group of Nobles (Shriners) chartered by or under dispensation of Shriners International, as the context requires or permits. Associations or groups of Nobles or of temples may not endorse any candidate. . . . . . . . . . . . Elected Representatives . . . . . . Find a Local Chapter. . . The International Imperial Hillbillies was chartered by the Imperial Shrine in Tampa in 1980! . . All elected officers must be members in good standing of Aladdin Shrine. 18 17 ARTICLE 4 Sessions, Mileage Allowance. . . . . . . . . . The Imperial Divan is the international governing body of the fraternity, consisting of 12 Imperial Officers who act as a corporate Board of Directors. . Please let us know if you have any problems, thanks. . . . . (i) The powers specified and clauses contained in the forego- ing paragraphs shall in no wise limit or restrict, by reference to or infer- ence from, the terms of any other clause of any other paragraph in these articles, but the powers specified in each of the several clauses of the paragraphs shall be regarded as independent powers and purposes. (3)Constitute new subordinate lodges or temples by granting dispensations and charters under seal and, for good cause, to suspend, annul and revoke the same. . Official guides for the conduct of Shrine Clubs have been established by the Imperial Council as follows: Each club should have a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Chairman, Medical Director and Publicity Chairman. . $19.99. . . . In an emergency, as determined by the Imperial Potentate and two-thirds of the board of directors, a proposed amendment to these bylaws may be adopted without convening a special session of Shriners International by the following procedure. . . . Thereupon, he remains an appointed Representative until the adjournment of the next succeeding annual Imperial Session. Shriners International is a fraternity based on fun, fellowship and the Masonic principles of brotherly love, relief and truth. . xm0Rc)z$j7c_1P`4{CBTbKPP+Udv8&Fg]_qDNB&8$J7XPw4(u1c }{#"e_Tfoml5OFt}[3l>\NXJF5? . . Membership. . . . Shriners International Bylaws, 334.12, Contracts for Lodging at Imperial Sessions and Meetings - "After a temple has voted to send units, clubs or Nobles to an annual Imperial Session of Shriners International or a Shrine association meeting, it shall designate one of the official divan as the authorized agent of the temple to make . . . ~fd=s3 B`7 The Imperial Shrine of North America recognizes about 20 regional Shrine Associations. (c) Improper Electioneering. Training Courses Information. x(LAzzn$ Z#EG}a++[a?OE! Amend. The Imperial Recorder shall mail a mileage allowance form to each Representative prior to the Imperial Session. . . . . . . . . All Past Presidents of the . emergency and an explanation of the details and effect of the proposal. . . . 2016 (1)If the officer superior to either of them dies or if a majority of the board of directors determine that the officer superior to either of them is disabled, each of them, in order of their rank, shall act in the place of the deceased superior until his successor is elected, or in the, place of the disabled superior during his disability. Amend. . . . . . . Rules of Order . Rays extend outward from all sides of the pyramid. . . . . . The following Nobles were granted authority to open Kazim Temple to confer the Order and transact the business of the Temple: Robert . . 0000005171 00000 n . Imperial Chaplain Cell: 763-639-8813 Res: 763-449-9067 Zuhrah Shriners 1640 509th Street, Rush City, MN 55069-2540 Email: joliver97@comcast.net IMPERIAL AUDITOR Scott A. Schuster, Murat 11655 Approach Boulevard, Fishers, IN 46037-4146 Phone: 317-340-9957 Fax: 317-805-2365 GENERAL COUNSEL Robert O. Kuehn, Medinah . . . . . No seconding speeches are permitted. . (b) If the board of directors approves, a special session of Shriners International may be held electronically and any or all of the Representatives may participate in the special session by, or the special session may be conducted through the use of, any means of communica- tion by which all persons participating in the meeting may hear each other during the meeting. . . . String musicians of all levels come together for acoustic jam sessions of traditional Appalachian/Bluegrass/Americana music genres. He shall have the right to preside over meetings and sessions of temples. Annual Return. 2017 2.3Principal office. . The bylaws were submitted to the International Shriners and approved at the Imperial Session in Atlantic City, N. J . 22 Vacancies . . . . . 27 Minutes. . . . . 177, 101.1 101.2 101.3 101.4 101.5 101.6 101.7 101.8 101.9 Application. Band Concert 1:00 P.M. . 2X5 R68kJ(DSl/+~ L . . . I ASMC - The International Association of Shrine Motor Corps. Relates to submit the shriners international bylaws responsibility to this public. . . . . . . . . . . The contract or agreement permitting attendance shall define and limit their activities to designated times and places. Imperial bylaws restrict Ladies from being in a Shrine parade In Civic. These jewels shall be owned by Shriners International at all times and shall be returned to Shriners International upon the death of such officer by his heirs, exec- utor, administrator or personal representative. . . . . Shriners International committees and officers, that, after investigation by this Association, seems advisable for the welfare of the Shrine at large. . . The leader of the Imperial Council of Shrine Guilds of America is called the Imperial Maharanee. . 3030111 Shrine Tassel Holder New Vinatge Old Stock Shriner Fezz Tassle Fez. . Each member of this temple shall receive a copy of these temple bylaws; and the Recorder of the temple shall allow each member . In 2005 BEJA and AHMED Temples and in 2017 Tripoli Temple were granted . . . . . . At many of the Association conventions Shrine Chapter . . . . If an Imperial Session of Shriners International lasts longer than that established pursuant to 204.1, a check or electronic funds transfer for any additional per diem expenses allowed shall be mailed to each Representative entitled thereto. 28 Standing Committees and Their Duties. . . . . 2021 340.2Souvenirs. . . . . . . . . . . . Rates shall be obtained as of the sixtieth day prior to the official opening of the Imperial Session. Temple & quot ; should not be distrib- uted to Representatives while International. 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