Death he starts working at Big River, a neighboring ranch to Heartland, which his! BASED ON ALL THE EVIDENCE, JACK HYLES HAD AN AFFAIR WITH JENNIE NISCHIK THAT LASTED FOR YEARS. Let them talk about why they are bitter? HYLES WOULD USE FRAUDULENT METHODS TO INCREASE THE NUMBER OF SOULS SAVED. He is a registered sex offender. (You can see the video of this here: News Investigation: Preying from the Pulpit: 4:15- 5:30 Bruce was up to his neck in this for decades, pastoring numerous churches. What difference does it make which state she is living in or that she has moved to a different city in another state from where her father established his corporation? He sent him to pastor another church and continued in the pattern of not warning them about his sons serial adulteries. 13. Only someone with false teachings is going to give you something new. (Witnesses: Pastor Roger Voegltin Sermon Audio 31:05; Linda Hyles Murphrey 4:58; News Investigation Video: Preying from the Pulpit 30:32). I say college loosely, as his classes all consisted on how to build a church just like Jack Hyles, and the required readings were all Hyles books or books by faculty extolling Hyles. He tried to deny it later even after he admitted it in his confession. He refused to investigate accusations. One who is drunk or an adulterer is no different than one who is not reading his Bible. The real spiritual students were praised for giving their entire lives for ridiculous schedules. Hyles boasted about all the million dollar buildings he was able to buy from the pulpit, yet made people believe that they could barely pay the bills at Hyles-Anderson College in a promo video. You can either accept that, or not, but it doesnt change the fact that I know, based on a lifetime of experience, what I am talking about. I am not. Elimination is reached after 28 days (two incubation periods . Before moving to Jack's current city of Durham, NC, Jack lived in Crete IL, Dyer IN and Hammond IN. During Pastors school in 1981, Hyles preached a sermon how a young girls body is like the holy temple. shouldnt congregations be warned when these things happen and the church tries to cover it up? Some of them included rape and sodomy charges). All power in the church is centralized around . I once believed and now I dont. 2 of them knew people and friends who were FBCH members/HAC students. The pastor did not show pity for Johnsons victim when he made a public statement. He taught that critical decisions could not be made without him. HE LIED FOR HIM AND PUT HIM IN LEADERSHIP AND PASTORAL POSITIONS AT HIS AND OTHER CHURCHES, WHILE KNOWING ABOUT HIS SONS WICKEDNESS . In one of the letters that he wrote to the 16-year-old girl, he said that his sexual relationship with her was part of her personal salvation and something Jesus Christ wanted. Jack Hyles was a very prideful man who elevated himself constantly before his followers. I am an expert on the IFB church movement. Blames attorneys for 12-year sentence. The people in the congregation of FBCH were amening his teaching throughout this sermon). CONSTANTLY. David would also be physically and psychologically abusive with his children. THIRTEEN FACTS THAT IMPLICATE THAT JACK HYLES AND JENNIE NISCHIK WERE INVOLVED IN AN AFFAIR. Several Hyles-Anderson administrators defended them. reputation and ministry. Nelson promised Hyles that he would go across the country to clear your name, if the stories were false, and that if they were true, that Hyles needed to get on your knees and get right with God. Hyles never answered his letter. His sexual abuse was not reported by The Association of Baptists for World Evangelism, until much later. (Starting at 1:22:56-1:27:20). Even the police, when called to investigate, were followed and harassed. It seemed like we went through the salvation plan in less then three minutes, then all the sudden we were praying and I was told I was going to go to Heaven. The pastor and church continue to support him. 2. EYEWITNESS #5: PAULA HYLES POLONCO, DAVE HYLES FIRST WIFE, Dave Colemans Audio Interview November 1, 1989 2) Ed Nelson, former pastor of South Sheridan Baptist Church in Denver, Colorado, sent a letter to Hyles asking him to tell him point blank whether the scandalous rumors were true or not. Is this extreme sex drive justification for Schaaps criminal behavior? And I could see absolutely no correspondence between the attitudes of these men and the attitudes of Scripture. 1. Steve you have the wrong BIBLE thats not what it said. Each one insists it is right, and only it. Schaap claims that his sentence should be reduced because the girl was sexually experienced. The victim said that Schaap made her believe that what they were doing was right in Gods eyes., KENNETH JOHNSON YOUTH WORKER AT HAMPTON PARK BAPTIST CHURCH IN GREENVILLE, SC. 2. He was allowed to keep his secret as he mingled freely in the church., BOB GRAY PASTOR OF TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH IN JACKSONVILLE, FL. Each of them was accused of sexual misconduct (along with sundry other scandals). When she asked him if it was wrong, he told her no and that she was a precious gift from God. It showed me that people at FBC were vindictive and would do anything to punish people even lie. Another former HAC student said, The inappropriate behavior of Jack Hyles is overwhelming. He would not come out until the girls were in a frenzy. She described their times with Hyles as being very sexual in nature. Hyles would repeatedly say in many of his sermons, Now this is something new, this is something that youve probably never heard before. Only cults use this kind of language. Jack Hyles, his son-in-law Jack Schaap, and Davis Hyles all have one thing in common. Even with the knowledge of his sons habitual fornication, he still made him the Youth Pastor of FBCH, and allowed him to marry Paula, his first wife, without warning her. His crimes were not reported to the authorities and no other churches were warned when he went to work for other churches or Trinity Baptist when he returned. ! Plead guilty to charges. He made Dave out to be a good man ignoring that he was a whoremonger. This is not a local church matter. Jack Schaap, former pastor at the First Baptist Church of Hammond, was sentenced in 2013 to 12 years in prison for his sexual relationship with a 17-year-old parish girl. I suggest that we mark a date on our calendar, and on that date we burn the earth to ashes including every idol; every coin; every dollar bill; every temple; every human being; every grave; every crypt; and every blasphemous, ungodly, perverted, lying human being. The victim was 14. They put me on the cross!, JOE CUTHBERT CHURCH ORGANIST FOR OPEN BIBLE BAPTIST CHURCH AT GLOUCESTER, NJ. The school teacher who witnessed the crime was ostracized by members of FBCH until she finally left that church. One HAC Graduate said that she remembered some of the meetings with college girls waiting for Hyles to return as if he was Elvis. She said that they were taught to actually worship him and treat him as an idol. They would sing to him the We love you preacher song to make him come out. Schaap goes on to also sexualize another phrase that follows Psalm 119: I have stuck to thy testimonies. In his own words from the same book: The word stuck means the act of a man entering his wife; it is sexual intercourse. He is completely wrong once again. When Judy was a teenager, she recalls one time that she went to Hyles office to ask her mom a question. You can find the link in the eyewitness evidence section. I gotta shit, and hes been wasting all the toilet paper. Right here. 75 individuals have been charged with crimes, mostly child molestation. He had complete freedom within his fathers church to be alone with young girls. The Pastor also disciplined him at another time, by putting hot peppers in his rectum. The day of judgment is set!'. No one should be glorifying a man like this. Hyles believed his efforts would make it easier for his lost father who was in hell. All 13 allegations are listed with page numbers, so that if you want to explore any specific allegation in more detail, you will know were to turn to. Oullette). Nobody!theres nothing so deadly as for Gods people to talk about each other! Sermon: The Danger of Union, preached 4-13-70 (Voyle Glover p 54, 56), Im not going to lift up my hand against Gods anointed He may hurt me, but if hes Gods man, I dont wanna hurt him I dont wanna criticize him Sermon: I Have Sinned, preached August 1972 (Voyle Glover p 56), I often say this: I do not believe an accusation against a brother or a sister unless I saw it happen or they admitted it happened I did not say it is not true. When Smoker told another assistant pastor how he was going to discipline the volunteer, the other assistant pastor did not prevent him from doing it. On today's program, we have updates on the situation at Grove City College. The student was shipped out of the college and the faculty member was promoted by Hyles. There are some 42000 Christian denominations. What they say about us or about you or any man, lets not worry about that. The nonsense of celestial marriage they postulated, giving them a get out of jail free card from their marital responsibilities is a desperate mental / spiritual gymnastic that comes from someone delusional and probably not in a fulfilling marriage relationship. Marriage is not a contract between two people; it is a covenant between a couple and God. If you ever missed a week you were told you didnt love your sailors and wanted them all to go to Hell. I have found at least 44 independent witnesses who posted their testimonies online who are connected with FBCH/HAC. Marriage by Contract signing is permitted divorcement. She spent hours alone with him on Saturday afternoons. He exalted himself for many years. Jack's relationship status is married. Schaap, the son-in-law of Jack Hyles, took the pastorate after Hyles death in 2001. I Did, and He Didnt. Hyles ruled with reckless and heedless disregard for the rights and feelings and dignity of the people. Many of his followers were and are brainwashed and mind controlled and would believe everything that he preached. No matter. Amen, Bruce! Pastor Jack Schaap will be sentenced Wednesday for having sex with an underage girl. The community was not warned about him. Jack Hyles and Dave Hyles, she recounted the many experiences she had in the Hyles family and the many adulteries, perversions, and abuses of her ex-husband, from the years they were at FBCH to the years they lived in Texas. U.S. Bureau of Prison officials granted an early release May 4 for 64-year-old Jack Schaap. HE SEXUALIZED HIS SERMONS AND BIBLICAL ILLUSTRATIONS, PREACHED FALSE DOCTRINE, AND SEDUCED A 16-YEAR-OLD GIRL BY USING HIS SPIRITUAL AUTHORITY TO PREY ON HER BLIND LOYALTY. Nice try. Jack Hyles did nothing about it and continued to keep his son on staff. Its congregation had grown so much under Schaap, that First Baptist Church moved into a 7,500-seat auditorium. 24 are former pastors, and 8 of them had important leadership roles at or connected to their church. He was one that taught that not even adultery was cause for divorce. It was brought to Hyles attention but he did nothing about it. The church refused to remove Robinson or enact any church discipline. Unholy and delusional thou art and shall suffer, oh yes, suffer beyond your wildest fears As a result, Hyles was responsible for an untold amount of spiritual damage to multitudes of people. No secrets here, no skeletons in the closet, no bodies buried underneath the communion table. CHRIS SETTLEMOIR HYLES-ANDERSON GRADUATE / PASTOR AND PRINCIPLE OF ANTIOCH BAPTIST CHURCH AND ACADEMY IN MICHIGAN. By : 26 febrero, 2023. . Yes, it is a very hard truth, as the disciples noted. Kaifetz wrote a 187 page book called Profaned Pulpit: The Jack Schaap Story. In it he focuses more on his personal experiences with Jack Schaap, as well as the corruption that was going on under Hyles leadership. Neal secretly videotaping church girls getting changed. The church never mentioned the victim or church discipline in their statement. Like it or not. So this is partly about Jack Schapp. I do, however, worship my wife. When Jack Schaap found out that Kaifetz read Glovers book, it completely ended their friendship. I know what Im talking about. You miss the point. It was isolating, intense, and frightening when she was little. Schaap preached a sermon at the 2005 Reformers Unanimous Conference, Pastors school, as well as in his own book, that God hates the world and doesnt want to reconcile with mankind. Doors were closed, and no one saw either of them the entire day. 6. Jack Nicholson is an American actor who has a net worth of $400 million. If so, then I commend your sense of layered humor, ANONYMOUS in caps. He must repent of that which makes him lost. jack schaap net worth. And so were other parents who lived in our neighborhood that attended FBCH. Jack Hyles provided legal representation for many of these abusive parents when they were turned into the Health Education and Welfare department. (Witness: News Investigation Video: Preying from the Pulpit 9:58). The church placed him on leave. How many of them might go to hell with this type of belief where even the devils also believe, and tremble (James 2:19)? So to continue, here is an examination of the eyewitnesses, which I have personally read and researched, providing overwhelming evidence to all these allegations. Some Holy Ghost that guides you. Jack Hyles financed the wave of intimidation on the victims families. Next we are not to judge another mans servant. He was born on 6 April 1951 in New York, New York, United States, he was 70 years at the time of his demise. After many years of hearing accusations by many witnesses in FBCH and being an eyewitness himself to what went on, he decided to research and investigate so much of the apparent corruption that went on at FBCH under Hyles, and as an attorney trained to scrutinize the evidence, he found the accusations about Hyles to be true., Arrested for soliciting an undercover officer in a local park. She said that she confronted Dave Hyles about his serial adultery. She said Dave Hyles did not hesitate for a second and gave this answer: Great men have great needs!. He used people to build ministry contrary to his assertions that he used his ministry to build people. The case was closed. 7) There was a door that directly and privately connected Jack Hyles office to his secretary Jennie Nischiks office where Jennie could go into his office undetected if she wanted to. We asked this kid why he did not get baptized, and he told us that they had baptized him twice already, and he did not want to be baptized again. In Judys confrontation with her mom about this issue, her mom told her that she hated Jack Hyles for making her stay with Vic for all those years. EYEWITNESS #1: VOYLE A. GLOVER: FUNDAMENTAL SEDUCTION: THE JACK HYLES CASE., DAVID JOSEPH JORGENSEN HYLES-ANDERSON GRADUATE / STAFF MEMBER AT FBCH / FORMER ASSOCIATE PASTOR OF PLEASANT VALLEY BAPTIST CHURCH IN CHINO, CALIFORNIA. STANLEY DANIEL FORMER PASTOR OF EL BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH IN ROANOKE, AL. I taught soul winning in Pastors School. No one in Christendom, nor in witchcraft, nor the sodomites, have sent me more filthy and hateful mail than the Hyles people. 1. Husbands and fathers were taught to make sacrifices that would make him absent from his family day and night, seven days a week, for months and years. The church continued to defend him and shelter him. Either way, Cindy Schaap has every right to divorce and I wish her and her family well. Kaifetz recalled that when Dave Hyles returned to FBCH after having devastating two churches with his serial adulteries, he received a standing ovation from the congregation. They will never be a new lump until they admit responsibility of exalting a false prophet. He pleaded guilty to sexually abusing a 17-year-old girl,, JOSEPH STRANG ADMINISTRATOR AND FORMER ASSISTANT TO THE PASTOR AT LIGHTHOUSE BAPTIST CHURCH IN GLOUCESTER, NJ. In the one-month right before he was caught, they discovered 662 text messages between he and her. He twice tried to wriggle out of his judgement. In it there were many pornographic/perverted pictures of Dave and other women in the church he was having affairs with. The members who left that same church over the scandal were also vilified. Understand, these are only the ones who have been caught. He branded her as a seductress. Hes doing too much good to forfeit his chances to serve me for one little bad thing. When Ballenger was out on bond, he continued to work freely with the children in the bus ministry with the approval of Hyles. Hyles repeatedly says in his many sermons, Now this is something new, this is something that youve probably never heard before. Only cults use that kind of language. HYLE USED FEAR AND BRIBES TO KEEP THINGS SECRET, A graduate of Hammond Baptist High School and a member of FBCH talked about allegations that surfaced such as payoffs to faculty members who threatened to leave or expose things there. This witness said that if you went against the wishes of Hyles, you were publicly blackballed. They gave the example of George Godfrey whos house was broken into and his honorary doctorate from Hyles-Anderson College was stolen. My heart breaks for Mrs. Schaap on so many levels. According to Paula Hyles Polonco, Dave Hyles first wife, Jack Hyles and his wife didnt love each other. She reveals some of the secrets of her childhood, her fathers relationship to her mom, her brothers serial adulteries, and her fathers cover-ups, hypocrisy, and cultish mentality. In six years, the teens reported 100,000 salvation decisions, though the youth Sunday School averaged only 2,500. How many peoples faith would not have been shaken because of this adulterous man being in leadership positions in more than one church? I think I actually get it! But most of the numbers were empty professions as explained by Paul in Titus 1:16, They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate. The sad fruit of Quick Prayerism result in multitudes of false professions, false hopes, confusion about the nature of salvation, indifference to biblical truth and reprobate living. HE LIED FOR HIM AND PLACED HIM IN LEADERSHIP AND PASTORAL POSITIONS AT HIS AND OTHER CHURCHES, EVEN WHEN HE KNEW ABOUT HIS SONS WICKEDNESS. He believed it was dishonoring to God and had doctrinal flaws. Schaap responded to him telling him that it was none of his business and that he and Oullette are too old to change. She recalled her many experiences of witnessing her mom having a close relationship with Jack Hyles that lasted for many years of her childhood and teenage years. Jack Hyles has been dead since 2001. She said that, in 27 years, I have never seen Jack Hyles do a truly selfless thing. Caused an underage 16-year-old child to be transported across state lines for sex. He and his brother decided to punish an 11-year-old boy for cheating during his Bible studies. As a result of his influence, many children have been severely abused by their parents and wives have been abused by their husbands. Jack Schaap continued the corrupt legacy of Jack Hyles. Himself or the LORD? Schaap also blames the underage victim, branding her as a seductress, so that he can get less time in prison. He admitted that he repeatedly molested a 13-year-old female student at the school. Remember, you will be held accountable for every word. According to Linda Hyles Murphrey, Jack Hyles daughter, her father (Jack Hyles) hated his wife and treated her terribly, even abused her. He consistently heard about and had members who witnessed the cover-ups and adulteries among deacons and staff members at FBCH. ABOVE) ARE FULL OF DUNG UNLESS &-OR UNTIL YOU ALL GET +++BORN-AGAIN+++ SPIRITUALLY ACCORDING TO THE TRUE KING JAMES HOLY BIBLE ala ST. JOHN CHAPTER THREE (3) VERSES 1-16 ! His heresy scared her more than anything Hyles did. (Voyle Glover p 271), JACK HYLES PHILOSOPHY THAT FAMILIES SHOULD PUT MINISTRY FIRST BEFORE TAKING CARE OF THEIR SPOUSES AND CHILDREN, EVENTUALLY RUINED FAMILIES. jack schaap net worth. CHRISTOPHER VARGO CHURCH MEMBER AT HAMPTON PARK BAPTIST CHURCH IN GREENVILLE, SC. It grew from a low of 159 to averaging 2,047 the last year he pastored, with his high days of 10,000. To win 1.1 million souls over a 39 year period would require leading 77 people a day to Christ which would require witnessing to how many people per day? 3.7K views, 10 likes, 0 loves, 24 comments, 23 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Preacher Boys: BREAKING Jack Schaap requests early release from. He was a strong supporter of Hyles and FBCH for years and made sizable donations to HAC. One former HAC student said he was very angry when the idea of a life-like statue of Jack Hyles in Founders Park was being introduced by Dr. Tom Vogel. Jeremy Schaap net worth is $700,000 Jeremy Schaap Wiki Biography. (THERE ARE AT LEAST 53 CHARGED INDIVIDUALS). I had no idea Polly had become dangerous! I personally believe, based on his great influence over many churches, that Jack Hyles philosophy has made a damaging impact to many of these churches. Each delegate will receive a picture of this historic gathering and a souvenir with which to remember this amazing service. David Cloud reported that Hyles repeatedly boasted about the numbers of people that were saved from his ministry. Jack Hyles would not discuss it with Vic and would not answer the allegations. He taught you well. A marriage is a partnership. He sinned and he got what he deserved!!!!! He lied for him and placed him in leadership and pastoral positions at his and other churches, even when he knew of his sons wickedness. They made fun of you. Fv 27, 2023 . 1. What are you qualifications to write about all churches views on divorce? Schaap was leader for 11 years to a fundamentalist church, which Outreach Magazine had once ranked as among the top 20 largest in the nation. According to him, Jesus has always been human before the universe was created. Hyles taught the eternal humanity of Jesus, being human before the world was created, which is a Mormon doctrine. Part 2: The church simply relieved Lloyd of his duties and he left the state. Jill Koster, assistant U.S. attorney, in a sentencing memorandum last year called Jack A. Schaap "the ultimate hypocrite." Schaap, 56, is asking a federal judge to overturn his 12-year sentence . 200? His church honored him for being ordained just a few months after his arrest. At least 9 of the churches showed no support for the victims or their family. (a girl who was a member of the church and Schaap was counseling her) For more information on Jack Schaap, please read the Chicago Magazine article, Let Us Prey: Big You gossiping Jezebel. He resigned before being arrested on four felony counts of sexual crimes against a minor. Saw either of them included rape and sodomy charges ) legal representation for many his! The example of George Godfrey whos house was broken into and his brother decided punish! The Health Education and Welfare department is an American actor who has a net worth is $ 700,000 jeremy Wiki... 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