It does not include, however, information you possess or acquire independent of your activities or status as a Primerica agent. Or person who sells for whomever pays the highest? Family had money to bury her and live on. Not everybody NEEDS life insurance. I would think that side account would be drained or at least have a sizable amount used for health care cost. Xerox sales people do not sell HP. Are you afraid that someone that does his homework can beat you any day? Could it be that Price only matters in the absence of value. And after training is done, the RVP or Regional Leader will go with them until they feel comfortable, and they do not get any part of the sale. (Over 1.5 times) Maybe you need the post again. Primerica is audited by the states to make sure its reps are licensed and are practicing good business. For a person who is just a client you seem to drink from the same kool-aid pitcher. At first it was not taxable, not included in your income tax. I am simply searching for the truth! Please, for the love of God, separate yourself from legal liability. The first 1 to 7 years of money you are putting in there is gone for fees. I am glad you got your license and went you way. Your Securities (investment) commission is HORRIBLE.. there is NO WAY you could live on it alone .. add it up. You mention volitility of Mutual funds. You want to talk opportunity. It will not be worth what they are going to try to sell it to you, so why have it.You mentioned if they have to qualify for the insurance medically. The dream of Primerica is leveraging your time. The problem for me was the mindset I was getting that every other company out in the industry was out to rip off the world and PFS was the only company doing whats right. When a man who is honestly mistaken learns the truth He will either cease being mistaken, OR cease telling the truth. I am glad you say that. It seems you and Michael/Thomas have the same affliction. I am sorry to hear about it, but he made the choice. Lets talk about price again. When reading various other message boards like Ripoff-report etc then ask yourself the following. The value I see in Primerica is the Agent, the products that he sells and the service I have gotten. Does anyone have any advice? Either in a lesser product or they are planning to make money somewhere else. . In the real world, you get success for working hard at what ever you do. Theres a difference between staying with a company because of their program and staying because someone just doesnt want to start over. old, too old to do something better. AaronI highly recommend going to and utilizing his ENDORSED LOCAL PROVIDERS search. My wife told her I had spoken with a different rep the night before and within 1 hour they were over at my house. Maybe you missed the news in the last couple months. I just do not want to sign something that I will regret. My question is what have you compared what you have found with? -. Sneaky things agents will do to cheat, lie and steal from their clients. Some goes to the company that creates the product, some to the company that maintains it, some to the company that is in charge of selling it, and some to the agents that do the actual selling. I had to say i was giving her what we (PFS) could offer. Also if you try to have conversations with peopel of limited means, they will drag you down to there level and beat you with experience being there. And this is a Christian Website. Wrong. In that situation what would be the right thing to do? They can also keep calling them since they are the company. The Primerica policy is 88.33 for the male and since it is a unisex policy it is 88.33 for the female. and if you are serving Middle American Families it is not good for them too. The two years is a major consideration. Well do you expect it to go down? I doubt it. Now if I am doing business that is financial based, most people who are giving money to you expect you to have an office. Marketing. Anyone? They feel all excited b/c they are this business owner or soon to be business owner lol. You made it about the Products. But then again, I did not expect you to know this fact along with several others. Along with not telling them their is a better way. The only thing I can see you bringing your clients are CHEAPER products. Walk on the lot, listen to how they sell. Those are great statics, but smart people know that anyone can make statics say what ever you want them too. walk out with more money and much lower insurance expenses $0. Marketing. We'd love to hear from you, please enter your comments. This isnt a dig at Primerica, its about choice. . How about when the client asked a direct question that you hem and haw at? Again this is coming from a person who did not know what you get for the $99, not the $199. If you are saying Car and Home owners insurance, again your information is dated and obsolete. Let us teach you Value 101. hence your last desparation to grab this opportunity that youll soon find has a very poor pay out. If money is taken from the cash value thats loss of use money. Since neither believes in being loyal and not slamming the company that have taught them what they know. Remember that they did not need to sell it through a brokage firm, but did it through the reps. Mostly being bought up by them. Tom give it up. Did you forget? But wait He and James are the only two I have ever heard of that saying independent is so great. My friend is very knowledgable about finances so this is why Im on the fence about this. But here are those questions that will check your honesty. We called him and he still has not returned my calls. Instead of asking the people who didnt make it big why they didnt, ask the people who ARE successful how they did it? No two year clause or 50 mile clause. being part-time I bet your present broker will through a fit, and send his lawyers after you if you tried to take them. last note, in addition to the 199 fee (which is eventually refunded)you also pay 25 dollars a month to have acces to their online data base (POL). She does sell books that cost considerably less than making mistakes by buying cash value. If you say differently, you are not being truthful. They have a mortgage program that gets you out of debt faster, and if you do not have a mortgage they can show you how to get out of debt faster. You still didnt answer why your father didnt have only Pimerica products.. As for your so possible test for the potential referrals, why would i even consider doig business with you? He said, he loves that PFS sells 20,000 policies per month, because theyre all prospecting for him! LTD is something you should get from work, and not from your neighborhood salesperson who is trying to make more money off you. And how many term insurance products do you carry. There is a way to have the required coverage and get all the premiums back when the need for coverage has ended. It is also depends on the race too. When it comes to value, I rather not have some person who is looking for a sale to contradict the competent advisers that have no interests in making a commission off me. Moreover, it is important to note that the agreement does not resolve all claims by investors who purchased auction-rate securities. You have said there are companies, show tell us which ones do? Hey but what do I know. I also was not given much info tonight from the gentleman I spoke with, it was a very informal interview, he was very interested in getting to know me I would guess. You have to sell bad products to clients to make up the difference. Isnt that what Jesus did? Now of course someone is going to say few people make it to RVP so lets take worst case scenario where you stay at Rep. level. It will be the cheapest because of your age and health, you can have guaranteed premiums, and you can have a conversion feature with no evidence of insurability from the same carrier. Now that I know what Banks do with GIC Im tolally mad at them for taking advantage of me. The only thing is that Primerica is offering them a way to leverage their time. They know in most cases no one is talking to mid income people. Just like PFS, I do not work for them as a business owner. Me being my own business owner and you called to complain to me, I do not have to take it because just like you saying I do not care about you. They should be just running out of money or run out of it. Just something to think about. 2) Overrides from all down lines I try to stay away, but they just keep calling me back.. 3. -. I represent many different carriers. As for personal attacks, they started with Michael. EVERY business recruits and trains people in order to grow. After all, you dont really want it to be good because you dont have it. Instead of listing Primericas features in comparison, he posted 2 or three messages after reading the first sentence or two, I realized he wasnt going to address facts, again. Thats where he wants to stake his claim. Slowly moving up the ladder the commissions are split between each level. For example, he said, Return of Premium Something that Both James and Michael both said are great ideas. That is great. Kinda funny how its the number 1 global equity in canada for 2008 averaged 15% return int eh past 5 years, peopels money double over the last 5 years thats a bunch of bull what you said becky, maybe their seg funds arent that good but the mutual founds in canada are killing. I was called by a Primerica Agent with a job opportunity. Like I said to Bubba, you are not in my Five. But then again If you noticed something, He chose the parameters. How do you sleep? One that does not sell cash value to middle America. And that is a month. So one office out of hundreds is caught making a mistake. Do the Coke/Pepsi test in other words, looks at the facts and figures first, THEN see which company it is. You Laugh at something that is professional. Since all these benefit the company is some way. in the best interest of your family to have Primerica products or should you get the best available product that is suitable for your family situation? It can be. Just like a good adviser, Primerica wants to make sure that the family, the beneficiaries are protected. I do not harass anyone and if some one is misleading anybody turn them in. Which would be better for my customers, one brand or many bands to choose from to meet my clients needs? The thought of reaching out to others in my situation is, likewise, appealing. Im sure the writer is a nice guy, but I would like my 5 minutes back pls. Truths about PFS IBA. I am glad you are a well-informed CLIENT. AS for what they do, let me ask you before 1980, who was going to middle America and saying you need to save money on your insurance, and invest the difference in mutual funds? If by chance you dont have the answers, consult with your agentRemember you said this is about opportunity.. Everytime you post, you prove that your village is looking for you. I mean if I had a choice at that time I would rather have the 1 million dollars in investments. And you might want to know that I did this because I worked with a Primerica agent for a long time. As, I said before, Im open midedVERY open-minded so I even sat down with several other firms in insurance, securites, lending, franshising, network marketing and found something that was very striking. And that would mean your clients in those ROP, will never see their money. Ive purchased about $50K worth of mutual funds over the last maybe twelve years, withdrawn $20K to buy a house, and my investments are still worth north of $70K. I am curious are you ignoring the facts I post. car they just want to get rid of. SInce you have said your products are less, then it has to be the first thing. No. Well, Do they cost more for Side by side comparisons. I am having people contact me and wanting to compare what I can offer compard to what Primerica can offer them. Tom, you said, Funny you have been doing this for months now. Not Michael or Thomas and not Michael/Thomas. You build up a strong leg and give it up so you can do the same? 8. You are in denial if you think you will get rich off these products alone that have a small trail and a trail only if you are even licensed with your 6 or 63. We have the same rules that Primerica has about poaching. The difference. THE MINUTE I SAY, oh yeah and you have the opportunity to be ME and own your own shop, let me show you how to get it done.then its a scamlol. You base you decision on price, not what is best for the client. You are right. But Since it works with him, I think it will work for me. Is it a proper office by IRS standards, or just an area that has desk and a couple file cabinets. Tom keeps saying all some are concerned with is price, well to me that says the rule of 72 which is stressed isnt really that important. Well I posted that he was wrong with the Cost to get in and what it covers. Wondering if your thoughts remain as posted or if anything has changed? But most of the clients that Primerica helps are not going to be in the top 2%. Term is what it is a temporary policy. Banks are not even safe. On some if not most plans they implode. They are given a year to make a choice after 1 year. . Just remember, NBIP (nothing personal in business). Level 1 autism is the mildest form of autism, but it is still defined as needing support. These are the ones that say since you investments have not done well enough, you will need to pay 15 times what you were paying. Securities TEst and License It has gone into a direction that is not positive. The comissions are low compared to the company that I have now. Hell NO. For more info on how you can help people get more FACTS e-mail me at [emailprotected]. Who cares, this is not Romper Room. Tom you also said, Second, your attitude about this shows me you need to quit. ***Look at the cost and the difference in coverage amounts..Same cost with a $75,000 spread. I do not know if it was a game to him or it was something fun for his since he is a well-informed client and not a PFS agent. If an PFS agent is really at PFS to help people i strongly suggest you dont read message boards, because sooner or later your going to hear things and see things at trainings and you wont be able to look in the mirror. If your client does you will lose him on the first drop of price. DId you know that when an agent can be found and they post incorrect or malicious posts they can be sued? Michael, I thought you were a worthy debater. Compare side by side. -. I guess you do not tell them that do you? It is hilarious how deep and far you will go to get your point. The only thing you learn in the classes is how to sell cash value, also known as trash value. I mean why not put up or shut up. Again, that was another example of me being unprofessional, just like you are insulting me about being a crook any selling whatever to gain a buck. Ok,whoever was not willing to put who he or she was. He made a snide remark implying that she wasnt allowed or that something was wrong with her. They do not sell the FNA, they give it out to the clients for free. Example, Insurance companies giving you examples is not a good source. Cheaper. Convert to permanent every month. I havent seen the current Primerica policy, but at one time there was an admin fee for the TI. Did you shop individually The option that you are talking about is to have some extra money to takle care of them. Third, Most mutual funds do not buy these types of investments because they are volatile. you think shed give you REAL PLANNING for FREE??? You recognize that it takes a substantial period of time for Primerica Life to earn a return on its investment in new insurance policies and other products and services. Again, You do not know what you are saying. A single protein molecule may contain one or more of the protein structure types: primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structure. stake in their own commissions, it is important for Primerica to preserve its customer base and avoid unfair competition. Second point, do you not think that people should be investing in their retirement? Now I would trade 5 sales for 50 any day of the week. downline agents personally dealt on behalf of PFSHMI; (ii) the solicitation is of a customer whose purchases of the PFSHMI authorized products or services resulted in your earning commissions (which should be evident, for example, in commission records provided to you); and (iii) the solicitation is of a customer who at the time of the solicitation lives within fifty (50) miles of the location of the principal address(es) that you had during the one (1) year period before termination of this Agreement (as determined in accordance with this Agreement or any written amendment). 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