Motivating listeners to want information Which of the following statements would be classified as being the most powerfully expressed? b. agenda setting theory. a. creativity b. tell Stephen that he should behave more professionally. b. Ellen replies, "Oh yeah, he's that gay guy from our dorm, right?" b. independence Listening between the lines A degree of anxiety is natural and helpful to speakers. The term used to describe the ways of thinking, acting, and understanding work that are shared by members of an organization and reflect an organization's distinct identity is called Because this is a written communication, I will not need to worry about "noise" entering my message and there will be no feedback. e. technology, books, and institutions. The most common spacing for two people who work together in an office but who do not know each other well is the ______ distance, Jamie was awakened by her roommate at 5:30 am on a day when she had planned to sleep in until 8:00 am. d. intradependence e. Assumed credibility. This is an example of _______. d. chronemics. The United States trade deficit first became a problem in the 1970s because of what? D. Communication always requires complete understanding. b. a. True What does this remark suggest about Hamlets madness, about his antic disposition (I.v.172)? d. radio. e. a main point. c. stereotype. Q. Barbara's behavior indicates that she is trying to ____, Math is your weakest subject. "Knowing how to create a Zombie Apocalypse Preparedness Kit could save your life one day" is an example of what? a. "You didn't call me back after our argument. a. library research Considering the differences in the way men and women communicate, Michael will most likely respond by ______. Which statement describes how the two statements compare? c. power distance d. remember that statistics are a numerical picture of how something was at a particular time. b. prejudgment. We are the only one left who is still doing this." a. e. structure. When a person makes exaggerated generalizations about a group, he or she is engaging in ethnocentrism. Empathy refers to. Today's workers will be expected to write a variety of messages using many electronic technologies. Which of the following statements about the communication process is most accurate? b. critical listening Per Lumsden & Lumsden, the ideal size for a small group seems to be d. feminine b. to make ideas more interesting b. c. collectivistic b. power distance d. masculinity. d. briefing. c. practicing empathy Written Communication DRAFT. Own your feelings and thoughts. According to research, an average person can remember 85% of information right after hearing it. e. critical audience analysis. Marshall McLuhan coined the phrase "the medium is the message", which means the way you send a message affects the way the message is perceived. The ________ model best reflects the fact that we usually send and receive messages simultaneously. Marshall McLuhan coined the phrase "the medium is the message", which means the way you send a message affects the way the message is perceived. All answer choices are communication technologies being used by companies today. e. creation of digital divide, nearly instant speed, and ease of manipulation. e. symbolic evaluation. Keeping an open mind A behavioral objective that specifies what response a speaker wants from an audience is called a d. tools, institutions, and medicine. d. a narrative. T or F True Social media communication is the type that is less personal, controlled by gatekeepers and sent by organizations to large audiences. d. Keeping an open mind. His mother calls, and during the conversation, he answers by saying, "ummm hmmm," "yeah," "sure," "ummm hmmm," all because he is really focused on the websites. e. inoculation theory, The extent to which media representations are congruent with personal experience is known as what by cultivation theorists? c. Developers of social media should use the same design principles for all audiences. True or False. The first statement is using emotive language and the second is using a fact. "Grammie you're so cute. Which theory assumes that people are active agents who deliberately choose media to gratify themselves? Most people are good listeners. Explain. a. On what type of communication did the ancient Greek, Aristotle, primarily focus? Language use can reflect a speaker's willingness to take responsibility for his or her statements. Social media is digitalized. True Kiley tells Luke, "I wish you wouldn't leave your dishes in the sink" What still needs to be answered to make the statement a behavioral description? Thus what a person actually understand and interpret from the information in the communication process changes a little or the whole on hearing. perf. a. television. Which of the following does NOT apply to persuasive speaking? What is the forth step in the communication proccess? This is an example of using c. body kinesics Context Would you like to sign my petition?" b. a cultural norm The leader of a political party says a rival political party is "irresponsible because they are hurting the livelihood of thousands of farmers with their policies." When your parents see your grades, your mother says to you, "You're going to need to take some classes this summer." e. haptic, ______________ is the study of how communication is influenced by space and distance. c. avoid smiling, which might make you appear to lack seriousness. a. increasing communication barriers in virtual work groups a. John is a U.S. citizen. c. ethnocentrism a. people generally expect structure and they expect ideas to be orderly e. pseudolistening. True b. proxemics b. symbols evaluate. Businesses today generate a wide range of messages using a variety of media. Ray started waving enthusiastically to greet him but Darren, upon seeing Ray's gestures, thought something had gone very wrong. When communicating with a person who has a disability you should ask questions when you're unsure of what to do. The formal and informal links between members of an organization for the purpose of communication within the organization are called b. to entertain. Which statement about the effect of social media and communication technology on culture is most accurate? b. a. Sufficiency, accuracy, irrelevancy, timeliness, impartiality a. a. Which of the following characteristics are attributed to someone who has ethos? You don't know if you need to get off the bus to the next stop. c. selective listening. Why is Laura speaking to her grandma in this manner? B. Attitudes change day by day, while moods persist over time. Adriana was guilty of ______ listening. try to give something to the receiver. c. phatic communication The theory that claims that television promotes a worldview that is inaccurate but that viewers nonetheless assume reflects real life is the a. establish relational level meanings. Which of the following is a difference between delivery gestures and seeking gestures? c. comparative b. People who study communication are no less likely to communicate clearly than those who do not study it. d. communication team networks. d. Use simple English. Do you have somewhere you need to be? e. a rite of integration. Steve is having trouble interpreting the intent of this message because it lacks ____________. b. impromptu. When his wife asks him where he's going, he adopts a facial expression of frustration and says, exasperaterdly, "We have to pull extra shifts Shawn got fired." Mass media cultivate convergence, but social media do not. e. long-term/short-term orientation, Thrift, industriousness, and respect for elders/ancestors are valued in cultures with In this scenario, Melissa continued use of ______________ led to Allen's dismay. c. cultivation theory c. Life is like a box of chocolates. a. to convince listeners to do something they are not currently doing. What words or phrases best describe your response to this poem? 10 percent All of the following are examples of mass media EXCEPT Jennifer is going to give an informative speech about the parts of the Pentagon. Avoid smiling while talking with her clients because this behavior may not be a cultural norm for her clients. Is he mad? a. b. agenda setting theory a. pseudolistening. c. climate A. d. to convince listeners to stop doing something they are currently doing. d. an enhancement rite. b. perspective taking It is used by people to express their attitudes and emotions. a. body artifacts d. policies Which statement best captures the connection between self-concept and communication? b. Emblems are nonverbal behaviors that have precise meanings known to everyone within a cultural group. A willigness to learn about and practice beliefs and practices different from one's own; being open-minded and receptive to new experiences. b. content trappers. Which Barrier is this? d. ritual stories. e. informal communication. d. nonverbal communication, In a conversation, nonverbal regulators indicate who talks when and to whom. True True or False: Social media communication is the type that is less personal, controlled by gatekeepers, and sent by organizations to large audiences. b. John is native born. 34. Which statement best describes how women communicate differently than men? d. Use abstract language as often as possible. c. asking questions immediately, focusing on the speaker's face, and concentrating on the details presented in the message. Identify an accurate statement about selective listening. Kinesics is an area where nonverbal communication and culture intersect. d. an increase in social media and changing communication technologies. Jay frowns angrily as the man and boards the bus without saying a word. Identify and clearly state your goal Effective written communication has an obvious goal that you convey to the reader. Communication is ongoing and ever changing According to the text, the essential components of communication are source, message, interference, channel, receiver, feedback, environment, and context. Which of the following is a similarity between delivery and seeking gestures/. T/F? a. temporal b. e. do all of these. a. extemporaneous. c. Motivation Is he acting? All of the following are true about symbolic abilities EXCEPT Perspective taking is associated with ____________. You should practice in front of others. d. You should practice until you have the speech memorized. b. Gestures that request agreement or clarification from a sender during a conversation are known as _________________. e. attributing. d. comparative a. gets listeners' attention, is funny, includes a story, and presents the thesis. e. All of these answers are correct. T/F? Mass communication is the correct answer. b. description. The type of speaking that involves preparation and practice resulting in a conversational and interactive manner with the audience is c. an expansion of management Identify an accurate statement about selective listening. This is an example of social media's _____, You have sensitive information that you want to remain private. Giving a patient a vaccine a. convergence, nearly instant speed, and ease of manipulation. e. kinesics, Charles likes to study in a particular spot in the library. In act II, scene ii lines 23637, Hamlet says, Why, then, tis none to you; for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. What assumptions underline Hamlets response? Technology has forever altered verbal communication, but nonverbal communication remains unaffected. d. follow up important messages in writing. c. listeners can understand and remember a speech that is well organized because they grasp the connections between ideas. T/F? Roger's participation could be viewed as respectful based on a 21 hours ago. c. Ignore diversity to the extent it is possible. The following statement is an example of which fallacy? c. Nonverbal communication is less believable than verbal communication. b. demographic audience analysis. c. Incorporate jargon and regional dialects to encourage her audience to adopt American communication styles. c. haptic While visiting her parents on a break from school, Deena doesn't pay attention to much of what they say. b. d. listening to discriminate d. personal appearance, According to anthropologist Edward T. Hall, an oral presentation would be given in what interaction zone? All of the following are ways visual aids add support to a presentation EXCEPT c. policy. ", __________ can be defined as "the complex system of values, traits, morals, and customs shared by a society, region, or country." putting yourself in the receiver's shoes to adapt the message to the receiver's needs. b. He then says to his old friends, I am but mad north-north-west: when the wind is southerly I know a hawk from a handsaw (II.ii.33031). Words are arbitrary and open to individual interpretation? d. resources d. referent behavior. b. speaking to persuade a. territoriality b. d. power An economist not affiliated with any political party cities data saying that the same ranchers "have sustained a 5% increase in taxes when purchasing feed." Save. b. d. Most individuals remember at least three quarters of what they hear. b. Which Statement about writing in today's workplace is most accurate? b. Ethnocentrism Jamie grumbled to her roommate, "Thanks for waking me up!" Scholars estimate that nonverbal communication accounts for what percentage of the total meaning in interpersonal communication? d. keeping an open mind, establishing a receptive mind-set, and listening between the lines. c. diffusion. e. indexing. Which of the following methods of reducing communication apprehension aims to reduce anxiety by guiding apprehensive speakers through imagined positive speaking experiences? It will probably get easier from here." Individuals in low-context cultures tend to be logical, analytical, and action oriented. a. ritual. d. ethnocentrism. When he spoke to her, he found that she was just catching up on her jogging and had free time after all. b. Nonverbal distraction Tom's specific purpose is to convince his audience that texting while driving should not be made illegal. c. Writing skills are important for only managers and top executives. Adriana had been on the phone for some time talking with a friend. b. the sleeper effect. c. Respect what others say about their feelings and ideas. c. cultures may contain multiple social communities within them. e. lack of leadership and excessive cohesion. b. b. fidelity By communicating pleasure, affection, and inclusion, we satisfy our ____________. a. delivery gestures d. 90 percent. b. These letters have been translated from Middle English into Modern English, but care was taken to preserve features of their original style. c. knowing your communication style. Which of the following statements about communication is most accurate? 25 percent You are being defensive listener when you turn the topic of conversation toward yourself rather than show interest in the other person. However, this type of body language may not be appropriate for business letters. a. facework. c. understand the perspective of those who have special experience with the topic. 2. e. gaggle. Annie is listening to her teacher's lecture. Essential career attributes that include the ability to communicate, work well with others, solve problems, make ethical decisions, appreciatte diversity, and display professionalism. Nonverbal communication is better suited to expressing attitudes and feelings rather than ideas. People should be certain when interpreting nonverbal behavior for improving their nonverbal communication effectiveness. Which of the following statements about listening is most accurate? A method of audience analysis that seeks information about specific listeners and that relates directly to the speaker's topic and purpose is These are examples of what type of communication to demonstrate interest and attentiveness? Persuasive speaking is usually less controversial than informative speaking. d. symbols allow hypothetical thought. a. a. demonstration. Chris has relied on what form of nonverbal communication to personalize the new apartment? This is an example of using _______. d. Select a topic on which you and listeners agree. d. 0 times. b. a group. c. Capitalizing on lag time d. masculinity/femininity You sit down in college algebra and say "I bet I'll make a D in this class" At the end of the semester, you get a D. This result could be an example of ______. Relational listening would be the most effective listening strategy for which of the following? d. tolerance Select one: When comparing the statements, the CEO intentionally uses a vague term for "layoffs," while the department head is direct. d. increasing your individualism. |Score .7118| Jay901 |Points 8306|. A. mediums B. empathy C. channels According to anthropologist Edward T. Hall, which social interaction zone describes communication usually occurring at approximately 1.5 to 4 feet? Which of the following is an accurate statement about nonverbal communication? Laura assumes that grandma has trouble communicating because of her age. The Toulmin model d. stereotyping, A culturally diverse workforce in which employees are tolerant of differences can benefit both the organization and its employees. Some key dimensions of culture include context, individualism, power distance, communication style, and __________. The manager noticed that Stephen slammed his desk drawer right after he said that he was happy to work late. e. Highlight key material. John was exhibiting a _______ listening. a. message overload. "Adjustment shock" or "Culture shock", Masculine cultures value competiveness and independence. False. which of the following is an accurate statement about communication? a. to inform. a. editors. c. All native born Americans are U.S. citizens. Employeers often rank _______ skills among the most requested competencies. Which of the following is an example of a complete perception check? d. conformity pressures and lack of leadership. Many employees today no longer need an office; they can work anytime and anywhere. a. power to e. to describe a new procedure or policy. a. power over. a. d. Hearing disabilities. b. b. relying on mnemonics. Do you agree with what he says? a. "It's my pizza" he says to friends. Personal zone a. d. All of these are ways visuals add support to a presentation. a. Ethnocentrism e. paralanguage. b. Informative speakers should e. showed proficiency in reading nonverbal signs, _______________ encompasses all behaviors-other than spoken words-that communicates messages and have shared meaning between people. b. verbal dialectics. - If a nonnative speaker is struggling to express an idea in English, Americans should help by finishing the sentence for the speaker. c. Terminal credibility b. tools, medicine, and appliances. Which of the following is NOT a guideline for effective persuasive speeches? The three implications of digitization are True or False. Women are more likely than men to disclose vulnerabilities to others. It is a probing strategy used by listeners to extract as much information as possible from speakers. Identify the italicized verb. b. library In describing how she sees her work as a team leader, Janet says that her goal is to help members reach their goals and accomplish objectives that advance them. "I have a question" (don't use "I think" "but" or "if you don't mind"). When she came out of her room, her mom asked her what she had been doing. C) The meaning of the communication to the receiver is always what the sender intended when the sender crafts a wonderful message. c. end the meeting What is the first step in the communication proccess? Which statement about the differences or similarities between persuasive and informative speaking is accurate? d. preoccupational distraction a. paralanguage b. a decreased emphasis on ethics b. paraphrasing All of the following are ways organization increases speaker effectiveness EXCEPT Which Barrier is this? Which of the following is an accurate statement about communication? a. c. Select a topic that matters to you. c. promoting from within. e. corporate expectation. a. regulative rule. d. flow consultants. "One day I won't have to worry about money. She also had trouble listening to her manager's directions. b. convergence, mainstreaming, and resonance. e. organization enhances credibility. if it is present progressive, and past prog. Expert Answer 100% (1 rating) 1. By communicating pleasure, affection, and inclusion, we satisfy our ______ needs. As a result, Juan may have difficulty _____, being away from home for long periods of time. a. invention. 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