6. She is known for being that friend in the group who hates to see her friends sad and in emotionally exhausting situations. If engaged or married (they think of it as "trapped for life" or "meal ticket for life"), they will want a dwelling with separate bedrooms, bathrooms, hobby rooms, and offices. Aquarius can be capricious and unpredictable, prone to lightning-bolt-like bursts of temper. Thanks :). Aquarius individuals are constantly extremist. And I get called a bitch for defending myself. if you go around hurting people, with your actions, what good is it to your soul journey? She may not enjoy the actuality of childbirth, so she will often leap-frog chores. As for those who get insulted by these we all have negatives and positives! 1. The world wants Aquarius to fufill that role but it won't ever happen. We are tech a Sharknado of emotions. Individuals under this sign are born between January 21st and February 19th and influenced by Uranus. Impulsive:Having the option to think rapidly enough Aquarians will in general settle on impulsive choices as well. So ive seen all of these except for Leo. This is one of the bad traits of an Aquarius. Fires will either be extinguished or inflamed. She isnt as extraordinary with guidance (since shes actually sorting everything out, as well), yet raise a questionable theme and shell have an assessment on it. aquarians don't feel the need to be taken advantage of just because someone believes we possess something worth while "to entertain". When an Aquarian goes dark -- and I don't mean a fit here or a tantrum there. Fact 01: Love intellectual people with humor sense Fact 02: Value their private space Fact 03: Enjoy discovering new things Fact 04: Loyal and faithful in love Fact 05: Not good at showing emotions Fact 06: Always say the truth I think she likes the attention from a young, pretty girl. Life isnt just work and way flawlessly. i feel a little sad about this article because it's kind of true. Another one of the super interesting facts about Aquarius women is that they have a witty sense of humour and Sarcasm is certainly their middle name. She views astrology as a powerful tool best used in developing an effective worldview that allows for maximum expression of one's creativity and free will as well as acceptance of one's unique character and destiny. Interesting Facts About Aquarius Personality 1. Shes either one of the loveliest introverts youve ever stumbled upon or the life of the party. Interesting Facts About Taurus Personality 1. I am right so much that it tickles me for someone to catch me in something! Watch popular content from the following creators: eleni(@eleni_426), notjillscott(@notjillscott), Chrysofolofugus(@chrysofolofugus), Kay(@theaquariusgrl), (@astroeleano) . Pairing Capricorn and Gemini is like pairing up Yoda with Tinker Bell. Surprised guess people never heard of the heartless Aqurius. She is a strong and unique individual, a feisty rebel. And dont even try to use money as leverage. How many facts about Aquarius woman can you relate to? 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. Aquarius is very optionated, so its occasionally better to simply let her discussion as opposed to advise her to stop. Aquarius women may come across as rebellious kind but they are one hell of a company. You are either popular or not and most of the time being popular puts you in the bracket of having a lot of friends when in all essence you just know a lot of people. how disgusting. They're free-spirited and rebellious, so they cannot stand rules or authority. I dont entirely understand where the all Aquarians are extroverted part is from again personally speaking Im an ambivert adaptable to the circumstances I am in. So, make sure to embrace their presence in your life. If things don't work in their favor or they meet an obstacle, they lose confidence. Focus on things that can be controlled. Somewhere they can assert their opinions and their creative juices to flow. So if you enjoy a company that challenges your beliefs and makes you look at life through new perspectives then you might want to add an aquarian to your group. Good point. Because they lack a personal will, the fully detached Aquarian can't sense as well as see the nature of a given situation, so they remain unaware that there is anything missing in themselves or from their picture. I used to ask my ex if we could have a "break", and he got really offended because of it, and I can understand why. Even if we pretend we can. Because we are such highly independent people, letting someone in in the first place is a major feat to us but then to find out that person was untrustworthy etc when we let down our guard seems to hit super hard and we beat ourselves up. They think that its difficult to comprehend and relate to others sentiments. Thats why were here! Unique and unconventional, they can regularly be recognized by their strange design sensibilities, uncommon side interests, and dissident temper. If the truth be told there are so many other ways to effortlessly make enemies whether your sign is aquarius or not. Aloof:Aquarian representatives need feelings and are realistic individuals, so it makes them disengaged from this present reality. Discover short videos related to facts about aquarius women on TikTok. if someone is ignorant, you can go through life happy. 1. Mostly because theyre afraid to hurt your feelings. Robotic:All things considered, Aquarius individuals are famous for being emotionally apart in all circumstances, even love relations. Stop saying we think we are God that bull crap, just because we express ourselves in a way that everyone else disapproves of. The tides will rage. I really don't like non-Aquarians trying to describe Aquarians, cause they usually do it from a failed friendship, or failed relationship perspective. I have found myself confiding in my one drinking buddy about serious things (and only him). Any field that allows Aquarius women to be free to be themselves is always where they thrive. They have an inclination towards spontaneity that keeps them going to always see, experience or live something new and incredible. If you miss even a minute, her mind will wander off to something else. They incline toward the personal time more often and will not stop for a second to detach themselves for no specific reasons. Even if it means putting herself in compromising situations. But if youre expecting to merely see fancy designer clothing, youll be disappointed. Aquarians get used to seeing angry people, from parents on up, so they are always on the defensive and believe any criticism is unfair. we're not very nice when we want to be, meaning we will tell you straight out the truth about things that we seem to just understand. Not for any Aquarians I know, myself included. All and all she is a crowd pleaser who knows her audience. huawei salary netherlands antique diamond wholesale. Which is sad, cause im very seriously trying to come to understand Aquarian traits. Yet sex is their weakness, their ego-booster of choice, so whatever is available or tolerable at the moment is better than nothing. People that do a job all day and don't even have another thought in their brain for 8 hours lol that's crazy..totally satisfied with life with no edge, no creativeness, no backbone to tell the truth, living scared all the time(wont try new foods, wont leave comfort level for nothing, don't trust their own minds to make decisions)mundane world with a few Aquas in it. She will do what she wants to do whether you approve of it or not. Such maverick and independent nature of the Aquarius woman seeps through her style and fashion sense. A true Aquarius and creative genius he was, my dad. Your natal chart might not have a planet situated in the house governed by Aquarius, but Aquarius is there, 100 percent sure. I walked away from a bad situation in a relationship because the be person either don't realize how much their lies hurt me or care. Aquarius woman is a visionary An Aquarius woman has a unique and unconventional approach to motherhood. We always look like we want all the attention but we like weird things its not an act for attention we just discovered something we enjoy or its something part of our personality but I know Aquarians r not as nice as they seem I've met some before. They will tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. Yes, its okay to express your own opinions- obviously. The Aquarius personality is multifaceted. Here are 15 facts about Aquarius, which will help shed light on what makes them tick! She is energetic and charismatic. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Delegates of this sign act as though they are in the nutshell and try not to impart feelings to anybody. Aquarius Man Personality Traits. Because being a sarcastic, wisecracking a-hole simply wont work. This is the TRUTH about the DARK SIDE of this sign (not Aquarians in general)..THIS IS THE TRUTH! but the important planets are not in aquarious which make the basic fabric of a personality. She may come off as being a bit goofy, but you're throwing her in with the likes of murderers and life-long drug addicts. SCARY FACTS ABOUT AQUARIUS: Those of us that are born under the Aquarius zodiac sign can here and there be viewed as mysterious and as something of a mystery with numerous others feeling like they simply don't 'get' the Aquarius character. They lean a lot aside or the other and wind up being somewhat outrageous in their considerations and ways. Although Aquarians have a callous exterior, if you hurt them, they will feel disconnected from the world till the time you will put their mind at ease. Becomes a monster! Merely bowing to the standards of society when it comes to deciding which things are acceptable and which ones are taboo. 11. But its due to the lack of interest in most men I meet. They dont have spare time for meaningless drama and they absolutely steer clear of nonsense in life. last stop: pisces. Psssst.The listed names of famous "Aquarian's" are highly on the cusp of Pisces also..Explains their shames.lol. Continue dreaming and your fantasies will work out on the off chance that you put a little exertion. I am always right. It's worth noting that she showed extraordinary loyalty to her beloved, and stayed with him at the dire end. Aquarius woman traits are all about positivity and honesty. She is always going to be the one person to look up to as she wants it that way. Let me start off by saying True Aquarians aren't really interested in "friends". They are notable for being very observant and because of that, they recognize that the world is . Looking for the Four of Swords meaning may not exactly be a common occurrence. They disdain being restricted and controlled, so their quick arrangements can be not generally the best ones. Slow and steady is the way to go when dating a Capricorn man. If you're looking to decipher the Aquarius then these eight oh-so Aquarius facts will give you some insight into the workings of their mind. I stick with my high school buddy and we drink and speak of religion and how we'd better society (lol). Any congratulations on work accomplished were always on the shoulders of others, and he never gave credit to anyone else unless he thought that's what his boss might want to hear. This is the zodiac sign that will dump you to go back to their ex. You may have asked around about it, or maybe even searched for the keywords dream of dog meaning. Former U.S. politician Sarah Palin (Feb. 11) quit her job as Alaska's governor in the middle of a term, and titled her book Going Rogue. I doubt shell even let this comment be posted because its not applauding her for sh*t talking. What exactly is "normal" what everyone else is doing and have no idea why they are doing it and just because you don't want to do it, is bored by it or think it is dumb you're not normal?!?!? She will embrace the unconventional as she enjoys being an open-minded person in every aspect of life. You shouldn't be allowed to do this. Indeed, even their anger is likewise beyond ones creative mind. Without Leo, Aquarius must be distant, cold, and detached. Time to get out girl! Forgive and forget a little but from time to time reminiscing! Most of those born under this sign are kind and decent folks if a bit misanthropic and prone to eccentric beliefs and attitudes. Even if its impossible to control everything around you, your Aquarius friend will encourage you to go with the punches. This woman will do as she pleases especially if she believes in it strongly. Stubborn:Aquarians are considered static and it implies that these individuals are difficult and stubborn. Although Aquarians have a callous exterior, if you hurt them, they will feel disconnected from the world till the time you will put their mind at ease. Aquarians are grumpy Aquarius turns very grumpy when something doesn't go their way. Aren't these enough to sketch the blue-print of a persons traits ?.. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". No need to stress over everything. They can be exceptionally tragic, discouraged, unsettled and additionally extremely glad to a degree. He embezzled a ton of money, but somehow got away with it even after being caught. She loves to discuss anything and everything with people, and only those who can keep up with her trail of thought, make a lasting impression on her. Unlike other signs, Aquarians really and truly are interested in others. -They are often very intelligent and can be difficult to understand. With great power comes greater ripple effects. Schedule time for rest. A good conversation can really inspire her but if she finds your intellect pseudo, she will be bored before you know it. and in the end, my argument was sadly correct. My aquarian instincts tell me you aren't and that you probably hate someone that is an aquarius. This article is spot on, Sometimes I don't think we know that we are doing things that piss others off because to us it's normal and frankly we could give a shit less, if you get mad that's your problem and you shouldn't be in our space anyway, I married young and got divorced pretty fast, never knew it at the time but I slowly dismantled the relationship not realizing it until I got older and looked back, part of the deal w Aquas having a seperate bed is due to the fact that we cannot control our minds when it comes time to sleep, kinda like the mad scientist that wakes at 3 am to work on a project, sleep is hard to get and seldom deep BC we dream nonstop. 1st Decan Aqua -Equinox on June 13, 2015: ok here's the following few neg-halfway pos about me as Aquarian: 1. She is inexplicable, intelligent, and unconventional. Take a simple thing to her and she will turn into an out of the box idea. Its usually not easy for a non-Aquarian to describe an Aquarius because its usually based on subjective feelings and experiences that they have had with people of that sign. Aqu, Neptune in Aquarius: A Deep Sense of Knowing, Individuals with Neptune in Aquarius in their birth chart have a natural freedom of expression that can be inspiring to other generations. Pisceans have very firm viewpoints. She is and never will be a conformist. He had to be plotting constantly to sabotage. She will embrace the unconventional as she enjoys being an open-minded person in every aspect of life. I was working at the upper west side in nyc as a Hair Stylist, when she sat down in my friends chair and we became friends. Hence, she tends to curb them. lol not always but damn it really really close. They disdain being restricted and controlled, so their quick arrangements can be not generally the best ones. An Aquarian man can be distant, aloof, and uncomfortable with emotions. This includes when they get angry or upset, though they don't often display anger or frustration in the same way that other signs of the zodiac might. This girl is not easily impressed by brands or price tags. A good conversation can really inspire her but if she finds your intellect pseudo, she will be bored before you know it. A dozen and more forces, described in the natal chart, drive people. Aquarian representatives need feelings and are realistic individuals, so it makes them disengaged from this present reality. We have our own planetdamn I miss home :-). If she believes she earned it, she will treat herself and will never feel guilty about it! I am psychic. For the person who is always googling astrological compatibility when they meet someone new. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. As a friend, a family, co-worker, or a lover. A living Paradox, in short. Extremist:Aquarius individuals are constantly extremist. After all, uniqueness is a defining characteristic of this fascinating sign. Aquarius and Leo may be in balance, but there are four elements that comprise the human sphere, and emphasis on two of them leaves out half of the self. While this scares off other people, it will endear you to her even more! This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. The trait Aquariuses value in others more than anything is loyalty and honesty since most people lack this virtue youll find that, that is the reason Aquariuses dont want to be bothered about most people. Second! Aquarius is one of the most interesting signs of the zodiac. Micromanaging this sign is the biggest mistake you can make. The cookie is used to calculate visitor, session, campaign data and keep track of site usage for the site's analytics report. 2023 LoveToKnow Media. 7. They believe in a very unconventional approach towards life. 4. How many facts about Aquarius woman can you relate to? Aquarius is considered a "masculine", air sign. Lesser Aquarians think ignoring rules and common sense makes them rebels and rogues. Aquarians are famously scared of relationships and negative ones frighten off others by pointing out and broadcasting everyone's mistakes and imperfections. Strictly speaking, Aquarius' dark side isn't really 'dark,' since one of the defining characteristics of the Aquarius-Leo opposition, composed of fixed fire and air, is light, plenty of it. Second, they overthink, analyzing a lover's every word and action, worrying, consulting friends and psychics and horoscopes; everything but asking, "Where is this relationship going? For me, is like nothing happened. I actually wanted a traditional marriage (open doors, pull out chairs, give up your jacket when its cold, etc). For how can you love something so confusing and totally alien to you, right? What is Divine Timing and Should You Put Your Trust in It? Capricorn Men With Cancer Women - Are They a Match? are aquarians supposed to be the saviour of the world or something if they're not born with a purpose? Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. All things considered, Aquarius individuals are famous for being emotionally apart in all circumstances, even love relations. Because she too is an opinionated and independent thinker. Optionated:Another apparently dangerous and scary attribute of this zodiac is their obstinate nature. Aquarians remind everyone that we are all self serving and that the real enemies of satisfaction in human relationships are those who feign humility and subservience. Facts 3: Capricorn can be the sweetest person until you piss them off. When at home, I needed to constantly occupied and doing something to make things more productive in a day. All rights reserved. It is not unusual for Aquarians to ignore their job, while keeping it, and use the time to work on their novel or new invention. 17. Imelda's immense gifts have helped thousands of people over the years and each and every day Imelda and the team are flooded with emails and letters thanking them for their insight and advice regarding interpretation of angel numbers, spirit animals, dream meanings etc. While theyre the overthinking queens and love to daydream about their plans, they are more bound to leave for a spontaneous 10-day trip, even with complete strangers, all to live that memorable story. Sylvia Sky (author) from USA on December 06, 2011: It will only fit you if you have enemies! Unpredictable:Always changing nature makes Aquarians inconceivably unpredictable. When this happens, as it did to talk-show host Ellen DeGeneres (Jan. 26), Aquarians believe it is because others are incapable of appreciating them as prophets and geniuses. I mostly feel bad for her wife especially since this Aquarian told her that I was obsessed and crazy and she only tried to befriend me cuz she felt bad. They are represented by the water-bearer, and are ruled by the planet Uranus. Indeed, this zodiac has its very own brain and might you venture to reveal to them their perspective is wrong. If caught in a sticky wicket, like Paris Hilton (Feb. 17) with her sex tape, Aquarians will give a speech about the violation of their rights, making everyone laugh. Try to be calm during your session, Your email address will not be published. However, you might never wanna piss her off as they are known for their temper. In previous relationships I did come off as cold sometimes and rude, but it really wasn't my intention. This is the point when they can say hurtful things and become verbally threatening. Aquarius women have a tendency to overthink, overanalyze and overstress which leads them to harm and disturb their own mental health. 2. Facts 1: A Capricorn will never ask another person to do something they wouldn't do themselves. So . isn't there some generalising in the article ?.. She was never a friend to me but I always felt she had an angle. You cant call her out when it comes to her finances, either. 5 Reasons Aquarius Make The Best Partner Ever! The ultimate kick in the arse was when she lied to me about going away on the weekend of my wedding and instead she and all our friends declined my invite and she planned her own bridal shower for the same day/weekend!! I also am an Aquarius and although your points are well taken, the subsequent bashing explicates and peppered insults are, I think, totally unnecessary to get the point across. Or ones that really bring out her style and personality. I'm an aquarius with an aries moon and libra rising. The 15 thru 18th start the Aqurius/Piscies cusp. btw I don't buy into what anyone says about me or "my sign"they don't know me! 8. Well except the relationship part cuz ive never been in a relationship before. The Aquarius woman personality is a force that is never controlled by others. Always changing nature makes Aquarians inconceivably unpredictable. Get yourself to full potential, ask with a pure heart, give with a pure heart. 10. lmaoI've never seen an astrologer be sodirect. Agree-Full Aquarius are as so, although maturity, birth year ect differ.. Sylvia Sky (author) from USA on May 25, 2015: Ask a local astrologer to read your chart for you. This is why the Aquarius women get emotionally disappointed easily. Aquarius women have a tendency to overthink, overanalyze and overstress which leads them to harm and disturb their own mental health. Despite the fact that Aquarius is an extrovert and has no trouble in making companions in the primary gathering. Facts About Gemini Women If you see a gorgeous, artistic, intelligent, sharp, and fun-loving woman, Zodiac signs tell us a lot about a person's personality and traits. Aries actors like Sean Bean and Russell Crowe are famous for brawling both onscreen and off. An Aquarius is a fixed air sign. You see, these women are their own person. While most people find an Aquarius woman arrogant and introvert, however, there is more to her than what meets the eye. Most people only want to be heard, validated and justified for whatever qualities they lack. 3. You hit the nail on it's head! And shes yapping on and on about how her day went, and the spat she had with her boss and co-workers. To love and to be loved is one of the most beautiful emotions a person can experience. Aquarians put their heart and soul into everything. Does it make her feel good while wearing it? She isnt as extraordinary with guidance (since shes actually sorting everything out, as well), yet raise a questionable theme and shell have an assessment on it. get ready, aquas, you're in for an ocean of pain there. The reason Aquas hate work is because we are too creative to sit in a friggin cubicle and say the same thing over and over and over again like a robot. And Id do that no matter what sign I was because I have self respect and we get it. She comes Dream of Dog Meaning: What Does It Mean if You Dream About Dogs? As an intellect, she loves to read, analyze, and write down her thoughts. Aquarius is a worthy sign however there is consistently space for flawlessness. He was very two-faced and would say the nicest things about me to my face, and then I'd hear from others how many times he was throwing me under the bus. Aquarians are not simple individuals and discover a way to deal with every one of them to merit their trust and interest. Foreplay doesnt have to start and end inside the bedroom. Instead, people should be accepting who they are and working on themselves and their lives to mature and improve, not focusing on the dark side. lol I hate normal people . Amongst our sometimes cold and distant exteriors you will find some of the most loving and caring hearts and the paralytic fear of getting hurt/repeatedly hurt is real. Aquarius is a fixed sign which means that they are stubborn people, and it is often hard to change their minds about something once it is set for. Avoid attempting to copy others conduct and achievement; it is smarter to act naturally. When she notices someone is suffering, in trouble, or has a problem, she will do her best to help. I definitely dont agree with the statement about being lazy, only speaking for myself and the few other Aquarius females I know, but rebellious and stubborn yes - I dont enjoy being told what to do but at the same time understand sometimes you have to grin and bear it. I realize you're probably an Obama lover and disagree with her political views, but she doesn't belong in that list. The important planets are not simple individuals and discover a way that everyone else disapproves of of! And are realistic individuals, so it makes them disengaged from this present reality names of famous Aquarian! A-Hole simply wont work realistic individuals, so she will be bored before you know.. She may not enjoy the actuality of childbirth, so their quick arrangements can be distant,,. The punches this cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent plugin which ones are taboo interests, and uncomfortable emotions. 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